M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes et epistolae selectae = Selected orations and letters of Cicero / with historical introduction, an outline of the Roman constitution, notes, excursuses, vocabulary and index by Harold W. Johnston

발행: 1906년

분량: 863페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



Omitted Sest. O. 25; 3. 21; Tq. 36; implied in a phrase, Ull. 1. 7 Ep. III. 2. 34 Ep. XVI. V.

25 3T; Suli. 21. 13 43 14 62.5 B2.48 Ep. XV. 2.24. tantuA, sellipse os correlative clause, II. 19. 12 III. 17. 24; Sest. T. 5; hic tantus, hic tammaunus I. 11. 10 , III. 17. 22. and 29 22 25, 29. Tarquinius, L. Sull. 22. 25.

tempori causa, a sui thetimes V Mur. 62. 15.

locum i t. citr8um ad locum, Ep. XI. l. locum capere

Sest. 114. 21. TENSES: Indicative presenti vivid for future Mur. 3 13 Conative, P. V. q. 57; illi tum dilat, etc. I. 12 31; est. 13. 34. imperfecti conative, I. 13. 34;Sull. 9. 25 epistolary, P. III. 1B. 214 Ep. XIII. 3. 37 Ep. XIV. 3. 19; future after imperative in rotasis, Mur. B. 23; alter eto, ut in rotasis, Sull.

past-perfecto illi simul atque, etc. I. 16 11 for hi St. PreS. vitti utim, While, ' p. ΙΙΙ. 2.29 epistolary for reSent, P. XIV. 3. 18; pluperfecti epistOlary, p. XII. l. 1 Oi an aetiori in indes past time, est 6B. 24 126 19; future porseet alter Si, tibi, etc. I S. 25 in both protas is and apodosis, IV. 11. 1 Suli. 2 P. 28 O. ., Ep. XIX. 1. 1l; in apodosis Ialy Suli. O. 17. Subjunctive present Commando des per Son, P. XIV. 3. 24; imperfeci os continuodaei in protas is os ast condition, I. 29. 3 Mil. ΦS. 9 fortast time in dubitative sentences Sull. 45. 2, 4, and See Dubitat ire under SUBJUNCTIVE; persecti sor pasti imo in dubitative SenteneeS,Mur. 21. 31, 32 and Se Dubitatine as bove; pluperfecti epistolary, p. XIV. S. 45 in . . , for fiat pers indici, est 39 1'i; 55 14 111. 16 129. 13. SP que ne in result lauSes, Sull. 32. 3, 4; ast in genera truth, III.


1NDEX.11. 30 IV. B. 11 secondary

1. 5.

Infiniti se present for ast

Ι. 9. 25 supplied passive by

i ers. PASS. Partici, Sud. T. T. Purticipio se I ARTICIPI, E. -teon, Greela tormination onLatin ord, p. III. 13. 93. Terentia, Ep. XIV. Sal. terra marique, I 29. 23. Teutone and i libri, Sud. 23 32. THHEATEN IN G, Verbs of II.

1. 3.

1 1ΜΕ. Psore and niter Ep. XIII. 1. 3 Sost. B. 19; abi. os apparent duration, Sud. 1 P. 44, and se est, latine, under CASES.

G. S. TorquatuS, L. Man χι8, Sud. 2. 17. tot for tatu multi, est. B.

totuA Without prep. in X PreS- Sion of laee, Sud 42 6 EP. XXIII. T. 73. tranRACtum EAt V ali is ver, I p. XIV. 3. 24. TRANSITIO to ne poliat et quoniam III. 13. 4. Sed quoniam, III. P. 1; ian vero II. . t Nunc vero II. B. 26. TRIBES ille our in the ity, Sest. 114. 28.

t militares, est T. 25. trilauere, illi dativo strid quod clause, p. IX. l. , . triolinium sternere, Mur. S.

11. 13; peti to consul and praetor only, Mur. 15. 13. triumphare audere, P.

III. g. 51. TROY Ep. IV. 3. 49. Tullia, Ep. XIV. Sal.

tenoe, Mur. B. 22 t. dent Que, Sud SB. 34 t. vero in climax. IV. 16 39.


tumultus and bellum Mur. 22.6 Stili. 33. 21. tuni Ca, II. 22. 23. tuto, in pred. illi esse, I. 19.

Ep. XIV. G. 43; repented alter interveniti Nortis, III. g. 23; Sull. 1. 16 Ep. X. l. 7 Sest. 29. 10 it aiunt in pro VerbS I. 15 33 Sest. 9. 29; dependingon compotand dea, Sull. s. 4, and se FINAL; in apposition vitti nolin , Sull. 2. 45; pro-

e88e Mur. BT. 23 . utrum . . . an Separated by Sente nee Sull. 57 18. vactemonium, II S. 6. ValeriuR, L. I. g. 6. VargunteiuS, L. I. 9. 23 P.



victolicol. I. 19. 12 Suli. 21.5 39. 42. victere, 'o have insight, ' p. III. g. 52.

VOCATIVE, Se unde CASUS. Vo Cula I P. V. 1. .

volitare, ad Sense, II S. 9; Sest. q. S.

Volo, Se velle.

voluntaS, politica Sense Sull. 1O. 34 Ep. V. 2. 12.

12 40 conspiratio, V. 22 41; facinus, Sull. B. 19; fums, IV. 12 40 fortuna, est. 9. 11; uratium referre, Sull. 7. 31; tempesta8, p. XIV. S. 6 valetudo, p. XIV. G. 54. WEEPING, est 26. 20 13O.

balance, Se SYMMETRY.


b inconsistent rei th, disse froni, b disinclineu OG e free from.





crimina charge , indici, b ari

ci et Ser.



produce in , sit inith, iustici pon,
