장음표시 사용
Ex s. Karsi. Fung. Fenn. 835. On leaves of Eriophorum augusti folium. April. Cups 300-500 μ bro ad. The bairs of the cup are colourless, straight, 40-50 long, and ab0ut 4 μ br0ad, obtuse, Simple, and granular Within. Near Abordeon t April 28, 1887. Prosessor das. R. H. Trail. No. 26.
Cups h to 1 line broad : the variable Di in os the sporidia is
BY M. C. COOKR. SphaeroIIa Laestalia) PaIustris, Fr. in Dub Bos. Sall. 710. Hypophylla, sparsa. Peritheciis innatis, epidermide tectis, punctisormibus, nigris, nitidis, conveXis, centro prominulo. ASciScylindraceis sporidiis suballantoideis, hyalinis, l0 κ 2 μ. Desin. Eaes. No. 365. On leaves os Cattha palustris. France.
Perithecia Scottered, subglobosse, blach, rather prominent, With a mamillato ostiolum, suased on the decayed leaves, and Soon becomingsubsuperficiat. Asci clavato, sporidia cylindrical, slightly curved atone or both eniis, uniseptate then probably tri septate , hyaline, colouri ess, 40-b0 κ 8 μ. On dead Sphagnum. Maine, U. S.
octosporis. Sporadiis allantoideis, minutissimis, 3-4 Μ 1 vel minoribus, hyalinis. In cortice Ailanthi. Stat0n Isiand Mrs. Britton)Pustules much more numero iis than in Val8a glanduloεa and Sporidia Sin alter. Moreo ver, the elongated beatis a re distinctly sulcato. It dissors oratii oly in habit hom Lut ella ventriosa, C. &E., and Glypella allanthi, Sacc., aS Weli as in the very minute sporidia. Supui sciatly it resembles Ualsa ceratophora, Tul.
GRE VILLEA NOTICE.- Unsortunately a large proportion os thestock os bach numbers has been dam aged by sire and Water, so thatit is advisable to complete Seis at Once, a S certain numbei S Will
PEZIZA AURI FLAVA, Coo e.-Τhis very distinet species of the section Eumaria has been Dund by Mr. E. Peari, on clay soli at Hel ston in Cornwall. For the first time in Britain. INTRODUCTION TO FREsΗ WATER ALGAE. - Ο ne of the volumes of
tho Internationat Scientific Library in progress on this subjeci, by M. C. Coohe, Will be published shortly. It Will include descriptionsos ali tho Britisti genera and species, Willi figur0s of ali the genera, on I 3 plates. The publi Silers a re Messrs. Κ0gan Paul, Trench, Trubner and CO., and the price is sive stilliings.
P. Scirpicola, D. C., Sacc. Syll. 3799 ; H dbh. 2650. On Scirpus, Typha, and Careae, Sp. Common. P. juneiginea, Che.
On culms os species of Iuncus. N. Wootton.
Caloglossa Leprieurii, As.. 60 Chrebsella andropogoniS, C . .. 10 Cerobella paspali, C. st M. . 10 Chromosporium isabellinum . . 60 Cooke, M. C., British Fungi .
20, 26, 51, 73Fungi of Australia . . . .