장음표시 사용
am able o mahe his hir contribution to the histor of the humanistic astoral. The nam o Faustus Andrelinus is es familia than thato either P good old Mantuan V or annaZaro he neve en-joyed the fame and the influence of the me, he neVer P
proache the high poetic plane of the other. Anil et in hiso via da an generation he was a very important Personage.
One of the Italian scholars ho helpe to sprea the NewLearning in France, professor for many years in the Universit os aris, the intimate frien o Erasmus, the specialprotege of the in and Queen-diu regnavit Lutetiae.
His Eclogues are always readabie, ecause the containa certain amount of autobiography, and reflec many of hisown experiences in Ital an France. The are intereStingbecause of thei morat tone, illi occasiona bit os proverbial isdom an frequent Choes of the rea Roman
Satirisis. An the hol an important place in the traditiono the astoral, e ause of thei frequent imitation o Cal
My ex is based on a comparison of the Paris editiono 1506 illi a rotograph op of the ex published by J. Oporinus, Basel 1546. In acie passage I have adopted the read in o Josentius Iosa' edition, Lyons, 530 The
8 KEFACEThe Appendices re ad ted o give a par of the historical bachground of the Eclogues. I have moderniged the pell- in an punctuation of these documenis, ut I have been
careful noto interfere With anyone' diction, Synt AX Ormean ing. It is mere hance, o desigia, that in edition
vill helprio mari the fourth centenar of the poet' death. The four ather rosaic Eclogues of Ioanne Arnolletusare reali adde a a sori os appendiX. They ho v that Andrelinus ad at least ne clos imitator An the Stio viliat, like Andrelinus, thei author as a careful Student of Calpurnius and emesianus. The teX is based on roto
PUBLIUS FAUSTUS ANDRELINUS a bor at Forti, bout l462. He studie a Bologna, unde Filelfo an a Rome, unde Pomponio Leto. About 1483 he was crowned by the Roman Academy, for his Amores, o Livia- etsi nondum Secundum et vigesimum annum agebat. V At Rome hemade the acquaintance of Odovico Gongaga, Bisho os Mantua, and he enjoyed his patronage Or Our earS 1484-l488). Toward the close of 488 he wen to France, carrying ith him letters of introduction to his patron' Antece, Chiara Gongaga, an to her usi and Gilbert de MOnipensier, Ompte-dauphin of Auvergne. On September 5, 489, he was admitte to lecture publici a the Universit of aris V ad lectiones publicas in arte humanitatis legendas. V In the autumn of 49 he wen to leachsor Some monilis at oulouse an he also trie his fortuneat Oitiers. ut he oon returne to aris, and aught here
His position at aris a precarious a first, and in Particular, he had to defen himself against the ealous attachsO another Italian scholar, Hieronymus Balbus. But hesoon on the friendshi of the distinguished churchman and diplomat Robert Gaguin, and of the brother Charies anu
Iacobus Volaterranus, in uratori, Rer Ital Scripl. xxiii. 85
them Andrelinus is calle laureato poeta facundissimo et Oratore disertissimo. Τ
ε See Ecl. xi, me Fuga Balbi', an Appendix A. Gaguin, writin to Erasmus bout 493 says O Andrelinus. veterem iam amicum habeo V Roberti aguini Epistole et rationes, ed. L. Thuasne ii Paris I904 .
12 IN PRODUCTIONJean Fernand And e professes o have enjoyed the
and ean de anay, o Thomas ard ambassa lor of the K in o England and terremo ardy or Courthard regius advocatus V. 486 primus Franciae praeses V, 497 d. 805). Through the influence of Cohardy, he was granted a roya pension about 496. On January 7. 502, he wa granted letters of naturaligation by ouis XII. Inl505 he was appotnted canon o BayeuX. His mos distinguis e frieni a Paris as Erasmus.7 In Erasmus catalogiae of his o via ritings e mentions a Poem hicli a published oon after his Oin to aris c. 498 se ad Faustum Andrelinurn, quicum mihi tum
recens coierat Sodalitas. V On May 2, 499. e Could rite se cum Fausti mihi . . . summa familiaritas V and thestatemen is orne ut by the letters riti en about that time. In 800 Andrelinus rote a Commendatory letterfor the firs edition of the A agis. In a later edition of the Adagia c. Si 8 Erasmus calis him se vetus congerro meus V and in mentionin his eath he speah of him as
Another early frien a Paris ho aster variis ecam distinguishe was Guillaum Bude. In I 496 Andrelinus addresse to ima hori poem Ouerela Parrhisiensis Pavimenti, the tone of hichimplies a certain degre os intimac with the recipient. It is quoted by Ludwi Geiger Publio Fausto Andrelini us Forti , in Vier H-jahrs. f. ultur und Lili. d. Kenaissance, i. I 886 433. For example, the letter of the fame ea in hicli e urges Andrelinus ocioin him in England and telis him of the preti Eng listi oris and of the leasan Englisti custom of issing on ali occasions Letters of Erasmus. d. P. S. Allen. i. 38 OXford, I9O6). sentence in his letter has been solemni offere as ne of the
sotarces of the legend of r. Faust, the amous magician and char-lat an os the 6th century Quamquam si Britanniae dotes satis pernosSeS, FauSte, nae tu latis pedibus huc accurreres et si podagra tua non sineret, Daedalum te fieri optares V o Herma Gri this a the earlies trace of the wide-spread belle in Fausi' abili tyto through the air Prouss. Jahrb. xlvii. 456). See also Alien'seditiora, . , a I, 234, 233, 236, 297, 3II.
IN PRODUCTION 3one ho deser edo live forever immortalitate dignus. It was ni in the folio vin year that he ventured to ritea very un favorabie repor of his id frienil' character an l
In an edition of the Adagia published abo ut Sl8 Andre linus is mentioned a V poeta non solum laureatus Verum etiam regius atque etiam. Si diis placet, regineus V 68, Cent. 2, Chili ad 2). Some scholars have seen in his a merejest on the par o Erasmus, and no an actuat ille Butthe poet is actuali calle V poeta laureatus regiusque Cregineus V in an undate editioni his laegloga moralissima an in an undate edition of his Hecatodistichon. Andhe apparently ad sonae right to the fuit ille. In dedicatin to him an edition o some of the comedi est Plautus, Simon Carpentarius mentions the lecturae tum regiae tum regineae qua non Sine optima mercede perficis V. δ' Thequeen in question a doubiles Queen Anne Even in theeighteenth centur his unusual ille hau no been orgo iten. Baille introduces him a V Poete Couronne Poete duinoi et de la Reine, si 'on eui ire ave Erasme)V. δὲ nil de la Jonnoye has his comment in the Menagiana iii. 83 Paris
Poeta egius, en on Francois, signifie e so de inoi te poete Remier e Satirique a dii, sat es 4. V. ies foux son au echeis es plus proelies des Ois.' ce conte Faustus Andrelinus qui prenoit out ensemble a qualito de Poeta egitis et de Regineus, tot te fou uino et de a Reine.
His popularity and his influence a a teacher are ostenmentionen; diu regnavit Lutetiae V, as Erasmus a id. δ'
λ' agguchelli. p. cit. i. Is Cp. Corydon's' state1nent, Ecl. xii. 0o, here aster spe at in of the ing' bounty pulchra fetas sub imagine vaccas V, he adds atque alias Augusta boves dedit
uxor'. ii tigemens de Savans, Pari ed. I722, U. 29. ar Ab extremis Franciae et Germaniae oris auditores confluxerunt ut reconditarum facultatum Praecepta audirent et in uas regiones
certatim deferrent V Marchesi, Vitae Virorum Illustrium Foroliviensium, Forti, 726 quo ted by R. Renter, p. cit. p. 87). Someo his pupil in Paris ere Claudius Budinus Carnotensis, Matthias
14 INTRODUCTIONIn the rs editionis his ista Paris, Oct. l l 90 there
is a complimentar letter froni se Frater Iohannes Cordi gerAlemanus Sacrae theologiae professor V addresse to the Universit of aris
Nostris quoque temporibus merito gloriari potest vestra Universitas Parisiensis, quod Faustum Andrelinum Foroliviensem nacta St. Is enim, cum omnium disciplinarum studiosissimus sit, solus fuit ut aliorum pace dixerim qui Galliam ex ei una saturam, ex incultater Sam, ex Sicca viridem, e barbara Latinam fecit; quandoquidem non Solum oratoriam et poeticam facultatem, sed etiam Sphaericam ipsam tanta omnium admiratione professus est, ut quid dicant alii profecto habeant nihil et artem ac leporem carminis hoc in Regno antea prorsus incogniti ita patefecit ut omnes solum Faustum in quovis carminis genere imitari studeant, et integras illius sententias a VerSU Saepenumero pro suis accipiant. Nec id profecto iniuria factum est, cum Faustus talis sit poeta, ut ab eo ceu fonte perenni
vatum Pieriis ' ut de Homero scribit Ovidius ora rigentur aquis ' a 4
One of his pupiis. Claudius Bullinus Carnotensis, could Sa of him:
Ille est qui Latium Musis spoliavit amoenis, Ut coleret Gallas clarus Apollo domos; Ille est qui primus cis Alpes carmina vexit, Quo duce iam Francos nulla Camena latet.
Laurea serta gerens Musisque excultus amoenis Gymnasium Faustus Parisiense polit.' λβ
In the dedication o an edition o Persius Lyons Jan. 27 1499 Iodocus Badius Ascensius has, se Faustum praecipuum
Galliarum specimen ac litteraturae praesidium, regium dico illum musicum ac vatem clarissimum, Parrhisio tot anno Serudientem. Beatus Rhenanus, look in bac on his own
Rinmania, Sebastia Murrho the Votinger, Othina Naclitigal Beatus Arnonidus, and Beatus Rhenanus. Se G. C. nod Aus er Bibliothel des Boatus Rhenanus, p. 37-43 Schletistadi, 889).λ Leiter os ut 26, 3I8 Opera omnia iii 403 Leyden, 7O3 . Quo ted by aget uchelli, p. cit . . IS. Cp. Ovid, m. iii 0, 23. . Fro his poem Faustina', in Poematia aliquot insignia illustrium Poetarum recentiorum, Basileae, per Robertum inter, I 344. The ast istich here quote is sed as a motio in three Paris editions of the Buccolica Fausti, 406 Θ), 3OI, 5O6. δ' Ph. Renouard Bibliographie de osse Badius Ascensius, iii. 47