장음표시 사용
Doeberi, Monurnenta Germaniae Selecta M. G. S.Jmineano, Liber Ponti alis. Huillar&Brchollas, maioria Diplomatica Frederici II. Η.-B.J. Jallec, Bibliotheea Rerum Germanicarum DBib. Rer Ger.J. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum Reges Pontii.J. Migno Patrologi Latine Patro Lat.J. Porta Monumenta Germanis Historica M. G. Η.J, Scriptores SS.J,
tho result os condition inat ros in earlier times. The Womenvs mere concerne chien mit invest, ture Frederich I. With the generat question es imperialprerogative; hilo rederio II., in sociar as his masnodia questionis irascibi opponent an in fulcimentos hast promises, mas amept into in conflictisve ther his and obligations os a Vassia. tria true, of courae, that in politico-ecclesiastica is no the ni histo es theae ears theso issues mero complicate by the purei politica struggies of the times, thos of the Popes mith in Roma , of the Emperora mith rebellio nobies and tho Italia cities. ut tho opes and peror played in great roles in the Continentia drama,
an it is possibie, and indeed, customary, O centre attentio Dominem. His collection aim simplrat iring such documenta a shali illustrate these atrumles It ca claimmo completenem, ut it is hope that in selections mill botound toto latri representativo of the times homi*
2 PREFACE.- instances also, alter has Men adde that spe-oialty illustrates in literar method of the period While, o in other Mnd, it has notiseemed necessar to giVeial the donations and oath of the Emperora, o ali repetitions os excommunication in the casei Frederio II. Whilominermis oesy thoso eaces an treaties have been electe that close an important strumle ormarhed a decided advance in the relations botmeen the Popes and Emperora the Peace of Constanc has Menadde in an appendix ecause of ita great importaneo in in histor o in Italia cities. In generat, homeVer, ni such selections have been admitte a illustrato in causea and romth of the three main issues. In addition to the works mentione in the ex and in tho lis bolom, Ricliter' Annale de deutachen, e-aohiofiterim Minelalter, and the Various Jahrbi2oher of themistorical Commission, have been os species service. I in stud of these selections hould a ahen hodesim for a Miter acquaintanc mith in Annalista fine Middis Ages, in schoo editio of the monumenta,
in Seriptore Rerum Germanicarum, is recommended
It willa seen that mos of the selections are homine Monumenta sermaniae Historioa, Jam's Bibliotheea Rerum Sermaniearum, Huill d-Breholles Historia Diplomattea Frederio Π. The textis least theretore, is morin es confidence.
me compile is greatly indebis to Μr Norma L. Bamoti forael in reading proos.
book in Machin of histor in America collegos and universities has mado, hod advince long the lines Morigina rosearch. For in disciplino hic lis in such Work, there is probabi no period Whic cana studio toborier alvantago than in indris Ages. The tox criticismo the so ces is practicali complete, in range of so cesis distinct in porto itfelicia interestin an is vitia foran knoMedge of the devolopinent of European history. It is trus that underoaluato or ca soldomae carrie so
sis into in fundamenta problema of hirae criticiam. The queations os in authorshi and the time of Writim of so cerare someWhatrio complicated for clas instruction. There is, hoWoe in element of criticism Whic iam abloo oring the esse an cautio so indispensabie to tho hi torian, and that is in elimination from a Aource of ita personaliquation. ut os even more importancoris it that tho historicia studentishould get into in lito an spirit os anam throuo ita oWn literatum Hero ineruas of the originallanmage is Mirat importa o It is trus that a translationis perhaps as Valu te in some Way a the original; ut forstudinis Who have studied Latin fordo i more years, ines
o of the origines murces in mediasva histor ahould pro- sentis in ono handino dissiculty, and on in other certain decide a antages Tho Ver crudit of the Latin style, a mollisa in occasionia rident imitation o classicia riters hic appear in the ources, are in hemsolvos data es great valuerior appreciatin the civiligationis insperiossi There is, too the Mantage of underatandiu ino Latin terminolog of in time a Wollisa in ecclosiasticia spirit that reaines throuo in lingua . G addition of urso, inero is that spirit an lira hic alWay belonito in originia miner inaesto in translation. In using thia collectio os mediaevia documenta, it is ovident that a textinoo clas Thalcher an SchwitPs Europe in the Midine Age, To a The Empire and the Pa cy, Emerion's Medioemia Europe, Will e indispensabio Ues in te herhimself locturos fuit Mon in subject Although this vobum is no intende to e the solo basis pon hic tobuit in histor of the times, it icto M used notierelyas illustration, ut a the materiai ut o Whic to minospectat sindron important mattera The student inouldio disciplinod in sindying these documenta in the fame vina hocis tauret observe V in natura acience. Perhapsina good a planis annis to assim eeri researchi era, in Whichiach member of the lasa hali state omeWhat fori mali in facta an implicationso discovers in one or more documenta. et theae apera e rea an criticisod in lasa. In case in repor is no to e made in Wriling, tho Macher Will si mod resulta is a caresul analysis of tho content of the documenta, or is a translation hic is madotho basis of a running comment upon in significanos of tho facta discovered. In an case herahouldio caresul toraho.