Internationale Monatsschrift für Anatomie und Physiologie

발행: 1887년

분량: 466페이지


분류: 해부학


Description or lates. Lis of eferene leuers opitula re sed ont for saris of theserityn huti system.

notocli Ord. Opergulum Stapes). Para Sphenoid. pars basilariS. posterior vertica semicircular

a. c

R. F. Pforamen perilymphisicum Uro-

fissura et Oti R. S. Ph. chorigonia semicircular anni.

med innor at o auditory RPSule.

vostibuli foramen Vale). ut


Fig. l. Transverse Section throiigh auditor capsul os adultoriton taeniatus, in rogion o foramen perilymphati iam. The uetus perilymphalidus is seon passin through the foramen ioci in th spatium meninguale S. M). 25. Fig. 2. 0elion lightly lposterior to the last, howing the recessus senestrae vostibuli R. V . The 0ginning of the luctus is seen passin into hebon latera canal 25. Fig. 3. Moro ighly magnifiest te of the ventral region of the capsule in assection jus posterior to the last. The ductus is leti ving the recessus iis Wali is considerabi thi k0110d 50. Fig. 4 5. Transverse sections o Triton a seni retus at 31 m. Fig. 4 illustratus ih pushing ut of the 0mbran of tho senestra vestibuli by the 0- 0ssus L. V). Fig. 5 is ligliti furthor back, 0hindoli postorior margin of the fenestra, and sho soli par of the recessus lying oulside in capsulo. This figure also illustrates the convoluted 0urse of the ductus perilymphaticus D. P) P0. Fig. 6 11. y A series of transverse sections through par of the auditor capsule of ouit Siredon pisciformis. Figs. 6 and 7 ho the recessus partis

Fig. 12. Transverse section o auditor capsule of the sani specimen a lusi Sections, ut noli Opposite fide. The ver large emps space Withintho capsul on the right is parti spatium a eulare, ut is uiso due inpar to the effect os ea genis 25. Fig. 3. Sogiton through pars neglecta os adult Triton taeninius, o ho illinii oss