장음표시 사용
Median raphel bres passin to faciat Nucleus o sanie side
Photograph os draging rom Romano 's apse representin fibros passing rom hedegeneratod pyramid to tho facta nucleus of the opposito an os ille sanae Side.
Secolidar Degeneration following nihil erit Lusion et c. 329
Photograph of ira inicillustra fing Ο eleus o opposite side
Flibres represente a passin from essene-Fio . i. rate pyrremid o sociat nucleus os opposite siste
Secondary Degeneration soli Osuinis: Uni laterui Lusion olo. 331
Descripti0n or figures o the lates XVI, XVII.
Fig. . . . Medulla oblongat of at through 0W0st par of pyramida decussation, hori in homolatera an heterolatera fibres l diam. Fig. . . . Spina cord of at through tin cervical segment, howing bres enisering a se of posterior horia froni right erosse pyramida tract lori id in fig. , and suo dogenerretion in adjaceni re matter. - 10
Sam section, 60 direm. T. S. Medulla oblongata through idolo os inferior olive os monkey, Sh0 in fibres passing rom est egonera ted pyramid o formatio reticularis of Opposite an fame Sides. diam. Fig. 2. T. S. Medulla oblongat o monk0y through uppe par of pyramidat decussation l diam. Fig. 3. . . Medulla oblongat o monkey through 0wor par of pyramida decusantion Observo homolatera fibres at this sev0l es diam. Fig.
334 S. Simpson Secondar Degeneration Ollo in Unilatera Lesion etc. Fig. 4. T. S. Spina cord of monke through tb cervical segment howingerosse an direct latera pyramida tracis illi a se fibres passin intobasse of posterior horia on right fide. Fig. 5. T. S. Spina cor os monke - tu dorsa segment. Shows homolaterat an heterolatera pyramida fibres. Fig. 16. . . Spina eor os monke - tb lumbar segment. Shows a sewfibros rom degenerate erosse pyramida tract a Ssing OWard greymatior at a se of postorior horn. Homolatera fibres are stili seen. Fig. 17. T. S. Spina cor os monke through tb Sacrat segment. Shows ros- sed ani diroci pyramida tracis stili present.