
발행: 1872년

분량: 216페이지


분류: 미분류


considered as sporos at all. In pressen ce of a Sporific organ suehas the illoca, tho devololymont of Whieli talius place in particular concepta cles, and the maturi ty of Whieli is posterior to the maximum os developulent Os the spurmogonia, it Was natural to

semate organ; the corpuScles, Whicli do nos germinate, accordingto M. Tvlasne, being the male organs, physiologicalty analogeia Sto gratiis of pollen. But tho reciprocat action of thuso tWo sortes of organs, the manner in Whicli they produce the secundation, and the preciso instant at Whieli it talius placu, stili rematris doli bisul.

En regume, the Spermatia have been considereii aq Somo malo

Organs, because of their Very mueli reducod diuisensious, of their considerable number, and , above ali, the impossibility of mal ingthem germinate. M. Pringsheim also dW0lt upon the absunce os germination oscorta in agile bodios d0velopeii upon the Sapro legiὶice, considering them as male organs, lilio the antherogotiis. In a special Work upon the secundation os the Sapro legnes, Ili avo fhown that this Way of looking at it is inexael; the suppos edanthe rogotiis of the Sapro legnia dioica and of the Ach Da dioicaare Π0t by any means the productions of the plant Which b0ars them, but reatly Some parasites. Among the Ascomycete8, in many ea SeS, the Same objection cannot be made, and the organs inquestion belong in reality to the plant on Whiel, they are encoun- tered. The foregoing considerations havse causod me to look sortho cause of the Want of success obtained by M. Tvlasne, and maintain that the organs os fecundation are more e Xactly linoWnamong the thecasporous Fungi. It is necessary to renounce theidea of tho spermatia b0ing male organs; is these are, therelare, Spores, they ought to germinate like other Spores.

At the fame timo as the spermatia, and With more SucceSs at si St, Some Stylospores and endothecous Sporus os different species os Pyrenomycetes Mere piat in germination. This allo ved me to malle, a great number of times, tWo observations, Whicli, Without being neW, had a great influonee iapon the final result. The spores obtain sed by means of cuts With a ragor, and separa ted With noedies, Were disposed in a drop Os Water Upon amicros copic Alide; they rema ined open to the air, Or Were, nee Ording to the casu, covered With a very thin platu os glass. The preparation Was test in a humili atmosphero in ordor to invitedes Sication; One could then suo that tho spores required, in ordor to germinate, the influence of fresti air. In a preparationcovered With a thin glass, tho germinations only 0xhibitet them selves at a very Shori distance at fit si, becoming less and tess


active, in a me asiare, as Ono removed surther a Way. At the centro


dines, introducing themsolves by the fides of the preparation ; the



Whieli stoppod tho dos sidation os tho di Op of Water. In ordor to avoid tho introduction of strange spores by the nutritive liquid, anil, above nil, ille developinent Os bauteria, One Spot8, by mahing os ali fragmonis, as M. Baulin did in his cultures of Aspergilius niger, a liquid, by the alii os chemicat substanees pure and eXempi from geruis. The liquid, containing 1 of


too rectilinuar. He has obtainod tho germination by 80Wing in Water; ho has observed also this singular sW0lling out of the Spore S, Whicli is, in the figure, relatively f00blu, although in this species the Spore can attain up to ten times iis primitive diameter. I havo not been ablo to obta in any devolos ment of the spores inpure Mater. Has M. Tulastio maintained in the Water a transverSe

stylospores hom the Spermatia.

deformed filuments ; but oneo the nourishment of the drop is eX- hauSted, the germination stops. The ex aetness of this vi0w of themattur is clearly evident by the laci that, When these Spores are accumulated in too great numbers in the fame nourishing liquid,

no developulent talios place, even in the Open uir. SOme very clear and conclusive resulis Wore also obtained Withthe Spermatia os an AScomycete, very common at Chaville, Upou the poplar, the Valsa nivea. The Spermogonia offer somo labyrinthi form cavilius, hom Whichesea pe an innumerable quantity of very Smali, very Stender Spermatia, and they are curved in an are. SoWn in the nutritive

they have ali eady acquired an ovat or irregular form. They beeomeelongated at the end of somo days, and imitatu the spermatia os the Diplodia acerina, but thuy present a litile more conSiderablegroWth. The plasma has entii ely changed in appearanee; it PreSentS SOme recogniSable prolongation8, in place of being denseand thielc, as it Was primitively in the interior of the Spermatia. At the end of ni ne days, Whilst there are some veritable germ fila ments in the nutritivo liquid, the spernantia, placed comparatively in



Pietospora Desmagieri, Molat.), Whicli are only the Styl0Spores of tho Massaria Platani. These Spermogonia a re grOuped

cepta eius and pyenidia os the Massaria Platoni. It is this speciesto vhieli I say they belong. M. Tulasti se has not signati sed any

0ach one of them is borno by a very shori and almost invisibio Sterigmate; the celi Whieli produces a Spurmatium is elongate diaturalty at tho 0Xturior of tho immedia toly superior celi, and forvis a debui os ramification. This prolongation is sW0llud out ali ille, then separated by a partition. The Spermatis a re ovat, os a longitudinat diametor equat to



one Side.

osten in prolongation os one of the fides of the partition. Still, ait the sporos Whiel, ono mouid includo in the spornastia of





Wisu linear and recurved en arc.