장음표시 사용
the fungus, and at R a similar fragment os mycelium tapon thecutiele of a potato leas; it is very common to see ono culi os thecutictu thus discoloured by the corrosive mJceliam, the corroSion of the culi being eaused by the mycelium paSSing over and Uponit. Both threa is h0re Ahown cornu direct hom last year'S resting- Spores. At s is ungraved a branch of the potato fungus, Stio Ning the numero us partitions With Whieli the threatis a re at times furnishud, and at i is a typical Null-grown branch of the fungus, With a fuit grown coni diu ut at the apex ; this conidium may either
a8 at v, si Om either of Whicli a neW plant may Spring, and tu this habit tho conidium agreus Wolt Wil h the resting-spore: the branchin this figure is stlown as continuous, and though furnishod Withthe vesicular AKellings no partitions are preSent, the branches are frequently so Seen. At W is illustraled a Sinail Weali plant, givingrise to a branch, Whieli branch is devolopiug into a large and Strong plant; Such a phenomenon iS by no meanS Uncommon, and shows hoW thu fungus increasus iiseis in every p088ible Way, and may, at times, be prolis erous. I have frequently Seen this Secondaryrobust thre ad branched.