Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae

발행: 1845년

분량: 380페이지


분류: 미분류



Codex chartaceus in solio, r. 418 See XVii.

Proce0dings in ecclesiasticat courti Vol. v. I. Depositions and various, moranda relatinito thotriat, osor tho archbp. os antei bury, os Thomas alson, p. os t. David s, sprived sor sim Ony 1696-17Oo. The memoranda re in tho and writin os si Joh Cooke D. C. L.

tion sol. 2 8. V. posech os archbishopoenison o pronouncingsentence, With notes an alterations, ome

Codex chartacuus, in folio, L 287 Secc. X vii et xviii.

l. 5.


37. Application on the partis tho parishi oner os Wan-stead Essex sor a facult to altor and enlargo thocliui elici no dated. r. 283-4.38. Sentenes in confirmationis tho will datod et March,

Cod ex chartaceus, in solio, T O5 Sece. Vii.,

et .

os Marsion Oro taliae, Bedes. 726-173O. r. 2579.


13. Citation, c. in a sui sor nullit os marriagobrought y ad Arabolla Oxondo against ir


25 Allegations depositions.&c in a sui os actitationos marriago botwoon Louis Anton domorais and Phoebo arrison, alias Orais. 7O5. r. 438


Codex chartacuus, in folio, T. 685 Seec. vii., xviii.

London, and widening the Street. 7O6. r. I-I5. a. Record of tho consocration os a burial-ground or

allegations numerou depositions planis the peWs and genera arrangement in tho hureli, and names of tho principat occupier of seats 17 II. . 26-

6. Allogations and deposition in a suit etWeen certain trustos and impropriator in the corporationos Psolo, Dorset, and tho inhabitanis,ho contribute to tho clivi Oh, rospecting the patronage of the perpetua curacy. 7O . . 224-285. 7. Letters opinion os counset, an articles rotatin to claim os xemption rom archidiacona an episcopa visitations on tho par of tho aristi os Et stow Bodsordshire. 72. . . 286-292.8. otition os Catharino can wido os capi RobertDean sor a tacuit to romovo tho odios of the hvsbani and son froin tho hurch os Alversiolio, Hampshiro, to that os Hackney, Middiesex. 17O2. l. 293 9. Lutto to tho bisho os incoln Do Jolin Symon, insormin him os scandalous angvago sod withrogar to im in tho pulpit by illiam Hyde



Codex chartaceus in solio, T. 67, sec. Xvii.

kingdomo: also a summari relacon concerning


Codo chartaeous in folio, T. 28 I, Sec. XVii. Collectionis paper rotatinito tho accounts of the corporation os tho cit os London in tho Oars

Cod ex chartaceus in folio, T. 96, sec. XVii ineuntis Olim in catalogo venali bibliothecae Tho. Selator Bacon Lond. 737, p. 485 Π0 2Ι73.

collectionis various acts os partiament, charters,claim os ranchisos and righis, and Dundationd00ds rotatinito tho abbo and cit os Wostmin-stor und tho hape os t. Stephen, rom thoissignos Hon VII. to that os ameses: illi various granis during the samo period, of the custod ostiis Flosit prison and tho id palae os est-minster, and inquisitiona post mortem V respect-


Codo chartaceus, in folio majori, T 414 Sec.



Codo chartaesus, in folio majori, fr. 384 Sec. XVii. Registor os ali ho paymonis ad by si Christ. Wren on account os tho obuildin os si sty

Codo chartaceus in folio majori T. I 3I, See XVii. Rogistor os hs bilis and chargos sor uil ling tho

taburnaclos V of tho it oliui chos, illi thepulpita, uadinidestis, and communion abies; O-g0thor,ith th accounts of the vari bus sum paldb sir C. Wr0 so tho amo, and the genera accounts of miscellaneou payment S.

389 B.

389 C.


Code chartaeseus, in v O, T. 73, Sec. XVi. Xeunti S. Terri0r os tho paristi os Burriliam Sutton, orsolli. 'Torrarium totius campi de Burialiam Suttonii coni. Norff., ibidem per inhabitantes factum, anno regni dominae nostrae ligabothae nunc Anglis reginae, α, triceSimo octavo, annoque Domini 1596.V

Codo chartaceus in to T. 52 sec. XVii ineunti S.

Olim intor odi eos Caroli comitis de Halifax,

Edin. II. ontilled: - Copia d nominibus villarum se dominorum earundem, coni. Orss. in custodia Remem Thos. 0 Scaceario reman. Super breve domini regis Ed-

respective possessions. Ol. 62.



tis Olim liberi Powle, et postea inter codd. comitis domati sax, 286.

Historica colloctions chios rotatin to orsolli, writto in tho imo os . Eligaboth byaraneis





P. I.


Ι. The monuments inscription an arm in ali thocollegos in Hur hali and in St. ar hall, an inali tho paristi churelius in Oxsord, in the year 659.

A notorio Dr Rawl inson, hanti inihim so tholoan os this narrativo, is prefixed, Signe IV. B.


I. omina eorum qui in matriculam univorsitatis Oxoni sensis sunt relati, o quo inaedellum sup0ri ,romburis civilis id quod accidit Januarii 9'. A D. 17 a. sui luctus ' usque ad mens Aprilis odomanno, cum eodis pro matriculati no solutis manu Thouitum carne. r. -87.

400 A.

F. 29.

400 B.

and Thame.

An alphabotica lis os the namus occurring inthus las opitaphs is addod.


400 D.


l. I.

Parisii notes sor Oxsord shire, containing brios noticos

400 G.

Codo chartaeseus, in to, T. 2I, sec. xvii. Olim poeulium S. Blackwell, S. T. B., o Bram pion, in comitatu Ortham pl.

alio histor os Alleliosior nuaro Bircoster in Oxsord-shiro, illi sucii thor occurronis as are contiguoUS an appendante to the sanie.



40 l.

Codo membranaceus in to T. II, See. XV. Acta capituli generalis canonicorum regularium Sancti Augustini apud sun0y celebrati, in quin- dona Trinitatis anno Domini M. CCCC. XLIII. Inost ad fol. b. sorma capituli V ab hoc capitulo praescripta, ut otiam sol. 8 b. mulcta in abbatos o prioros varios imposita se quod scholaros ad studium non misserunt et in alios sol. 9.)0 quod non in capitulo comparuerunt.

402 A.


Cod ex chartaceus in to K. O See XVii. Oratio habita in comitiis ulli di 1 in theatro Sholdoniano Xon a magistro Joh hirley,

coli. Trin. sunt Oro Terrae-filio 1678. V Do hac oration videsis vitam Ant. a ood a SQ conscriptum, sub anno Ι673, ubi otiam in nota excerptum breve invenitur.


sol. I.

transcript rom ood S. F. 28. Writtonastor 1614 a tho author alludus to tho executoros his rothor, Dr Rich. hornion who die in that year. 3. orionis carnion in monachos, descriptum ad fidem vetustiss. cod. IIS. V sol. 12. Pranscriptum e cod. OOd. F. 34. Ol. 33. Adduntur otiam versus, ex eodem codice, de simonia in celosia loronto, qui sic incipiunt: - Petro, nimis tardas, nam Simon ad ardua tentat. 4. ccount os a Britisti orianisti campis Charieton in tho paristi os Ν0wbottio, orthanis sol. 7. Transcribed by Dr. Rawl inson rom ood S. F. 32, Ol. 22.5. an adeo in os thoclis os thoisonorabi F. Augustin

August, A. DOm. 6 I aetatis suae 63.V sol. 18.