A Greek Grammar for Schools and Colleges

발행: 1866년

분량: 404페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


813. NEUTER REII-x. In orno cases of omnis ante dent, inoneuter relativo has adreo constractio Mili in sorim fari orato r

Wit a genitive. For specialisos os senisnces Irnion egi Wit neuter relatives see 823.

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824. no a uestion expresso by an intereo rativo sentenoctnia relate eunera torino raminc os an actis stato denoted by the verbos in sentence orb. to sornething connected minatia actis state acus Um

or indefinito relatives, is icis iudirect 6823.


isithout interrogativo vomis


For in iis of in modo in indiroci queations seo et 35 For in aula tolano indirect queation dra vesint in principia sentenco prolemis, Me 25.


836. operulent sentences in in oratio obliqua talis ilio sana neg livearinat inersvould navo in in reeta: εἶπέν μι υδὲν αὐτῆ μέλω του ἡμετέρου Θορύβου direct - μοι μέλει λε


ino, orbi ino, densing o riny, andrino live, the infinitio usuallytaseam4, in expromane negative reauit nisu at in ine actionis the vero r

843. IVhen a negative is follo Ved by a communa negativosfilio sanis Hud, e negation is repeate and strengi laene l.