... Anabasis: seven books

발행: 1921년

분량: 602페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Τo iis, histor furnistaea no parallel. t pa a Wondersu triumpho heroisin fertile-minde ineas, uοyanc os spirit, and good disciplinε. So long a men have ulmiratio for the brave, syni path so thos inmissortune, an applauso so the victorious, the stor of this expedition vili not lach roadera alio interest it eliciis is manisold. 2. PolarioH. - Ono reada here an impressivo esson o the valueos politica educatio an ilis sup0riora os popular institutions This irest arm has been pu compare to vin common voalth. 'amarchin I domocracy deliberatin and actino, figlitin and voting an



eonum Ichoro presente bet*veen the laves of despotiani audatis citigens of this Deo soli os resco l

Anaerican student of nailitar science has put on recor the opinion thisa 'tho soldior os malestis to iis preceding Alexander vas unquestionablyXenophon. . . . t is lae Iulio has lao vn the worbi vhat liould bo lis tactica os retroat, hos to command a sar guard. more tactical originaliu





other result Aeenas posait te Iuliere there is, in strici,nes os speech, nonationa lise, no Osi ila os intellect no spirit os persona independenco in tho in lividitat cuigen. societ of rudo and ardy varietor baude itogother unde a Daries lμade nius crusti the subdecis of a despotis hocan look bachini to the conquest os his foresather a a plodge so thocontinuance of his prosperity but his infusion o no v Nood brings uni it no change in te essentia condition o things o longos ille dominion fine irresponsjNe uter ineret gives a. to that os a. nothor.' The Greelus and the Persiam, Cox, h. i.)21. Artaxomo I. - Aster his retiam in disgrace, Xerxes ave timself up to tho leasiares in corruptionis his coliri, an bella naueseredii 465, was succoede by his hir son, Artaxe es L, callei Lionyharad. V houola in amiarae prince lae alio e luti force of character, an his rei in is memorabie hi est so tho suppression of the secondrovolt os gypt by egabygus, atra os Syria, and the recognitiono tho indopondeiaco os tho Groel colonies of Asia inor, diis fift years


mandera o generat' usuali ilis satraps of the provincos. Tho corpsam division commari lora vero appotnto by tho ring tho thera bystisi immediato superiora.