Euripidou Iphigeneia i en Aulidi kai i en Taurois

발행: 1822년

분량: 346페이지


분류: 미분류


a reacter os oritia tary sagamty, vvlio perinses it altanti vely in uioveo best edition, Will Mi dly bo abio to sitit ten sitim together in Milesi ine received texi is persecuy intelli Me and satisfacto . Such, Ieast, is the in pression wissi viliata v o, whose trade itis in hunt aster compuptions and obscurities in ste writinv of tho


M bicli suo suto,in. v Quu in Elimpidis aliquam sabulana in publicis meis scholis ii terpretari constillussona, neque inVeiurena Pestioneni,' quae et exl-mio Pretio parabilis es sol, nec textiani haboret a criticis aut ni mis, nut ninus, quain par mileretur, mutatilin; ipse alii in uiu ad-aeci ad edendaui aliquam liuius poetae tragoediana. Praetuti aiselena aliis Herculein surontein, tuin quod haec scit illa iii ilioliorit, ira est, tuin quod non ost ex his, quae in carni inibus antistroplitas nillil propriuin liabeiit, tum deniquo quod dissicilitates, quila Iaborat, maxiniam partem vilici posse Videtantur. v Tlae last ivomis os ibis extraci appear to Promise a more Co Tect texi, arul a imore elaborate conati aeniary, llian ino editor lio



alio poets bavo been torn and ninnued by tha critica os sie pre

mih antistrophizing the στάσιμα μέλη, or regular chorai odes, thani odern schoes ta resolved that no minois of one of the Persona


os sio drama, no IΠic dialowe betvreen divo persons, Or o person and lite chorias, no stioit interjectionat song os si e cli riis, expiaessive os limes, liope, reuor, or 3οy, shali remala ira ita ancient state os monostroplaicitu. To antistroplilae tho laniel istion os ille chorus over the late os Ilei cules's clii ldren, Milesi curs in illo Hercules Furens, and the sithsequent dialoguo b tween llio chorias alid Ani Pliitryon, Would liave beentio easy tash, as Ioial: as the strophes and antista opties vero Oxpected lo bo os a certain I enm, and to bo arranged in a certain order. But it isnow discovered, stat a single verse, or even a sin e word, is capable os Diining a complete strophe or antistrophe, and that tho Corresponding portions os tho Iuliole ode need not be itisposed iuany perceptibio orderi For ille benest os ouryoui 'er recideri, we will briossy describo the Gemitati process os antistrophiκation, cor ling to iste most recent improvei nenis. Tine a page os Plato, I euaostheitcs, or any other prose Grueli author. Find ns ni

os illo long and aliovi syliabies. Suppose, sor instanee, that antiit reseniblanco subsista betvvem the lauriti line and sto four loenin, illo sint, and the ninth, the sevenili and the divenlysouirili, the lentii and tho et evenili, and so ori. In provo the r seniblanda by altering si e lexi viui out scimple. Ison intillo ibo


ted ei ster bat editora or lay revie vers os editiona. Our acquaintanee with his ci iti I vri iti 1ags uvas so exceed ingly aliot. that hen uio present occasion compellea ua to examine his notes onthe Herculea Furens v ith considerable attention, the peculiar lies es his manner anade a more lively impression on Our minita, uianwin readi ly be underatood by uioso scholara, to lom long ana intimate acquaintanco haa rendered bis stile os criticiam sanii liar. On Ioo cing over die retriacta ori particular passages Os this tua-gedy, vestita me ara abolit to submit to tha consideration os oliroajora, and whieli Vera mostly Μ inen bosora these proliminarypages, ura observa that in more inan one instance vre have alitiost insonsiliiv deviateil honi our natura eourae, and have inserted observati a 'votis vrouid Did a more proper place in a revierat orMr. IV ssielii'a Trago amon De rus, uian in the present arm


is . not expected in compositions os this Lin x xve have not thou tit necessaΠ to expunge our animadversions on Mr. Wahesold, of Whoin are not lihely lo have a more convenient opportunitat

Sili plices is no v lac soro us, and inay possibIy maho the subjectos ait article in sonia sutura Duiliber os the Classical Iournat. Besides his o vn numeratiori os sie verses, Im. Hemann ovi hibiis si e numbers os Bariles and Musgrave at si e top of ex eo pago. Vs solio W uis nutrieratiori os Barnes, Whicli ti e nanorityos our readera vvili find more convenient inan any oster.


vocem metrann respuit: et nihil terti m est. Vera igitur restat conjectura nostra. Here the Paragraph ends, and the sollio vingvrords utine a neW oiae: Asri rinio ex BeeIio didici Betili natioque sisnilito' statuisse: nam RAskii libraιm in meis non habeo.hisisad os inis intolemissile verbiam, I . Heranaim is contentea


V. 44. 'Eγω δὲ, λείπει γάρ με τοῖσδ' ἐν δώμασι Ποτὸν τέ

Leniere tentatis Deraus 58. Mutata rat constractio , quod in mente habebat, ην μήποτε λαχοι. HERMANN. There is aio occasion toros orl to this mode of explanation, or to the eniendations Pros' sed uio ouier cornruentatora. The accusative riuio, do Di siligod by Cooste