Handbook of Latin writing

발행: 1884년

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throuo neglectis the etymologica meaning of mordaltho redundare.

πIII. In ali languages, besides the baro formit thostatement of thought some expressionis color is ut

into the ords, an differenti in different languages. In Englis it is apirio e sprea about amonidisserent morda, adjectives being especialty favored Whilo in Latini is concentrutedisponine particular potat, mos frequently perhus, the Verb. xj. arilliant instance of the Roman sondnes sortii simple is the se of ea ratio, etc., illi aucti mani-

going onielmeon the Sabines an Romans' in Latin, Inter Sabino Romanoaque bellum erat. xvI. Void doubi term to express single ideas, asis dono in Englis by a seeling of shame,'' a sense of duin' etc. In Latin the ingle orta, pudor, ossesum,are generali suffcient. xvu. Whero in Englis one par of a commundide is made to depeti upo the ther, speciali asan adjectis or genitive, in Romansi a disserent habitos thought osten combined tW noulis on an even OOting. The Latin constructio is calle Hendiadys, an an e ample is religio metusque sor superstitious fear.V


SPECIAL ΡΟΙΝΤ Ο ΟRDER. I. Lot that claus in the sentenco come fimi Whichoontain the rs action; sor instance, ut the pur- pose besore iis miniment tho cause besore ita effeci. M. The relative clauseris p to come besore the s callei antecedent clause, an to contain the antecedentilaeli, speciali When his is in apposition it tho

m. o tW Word seming one combine idea theemphaticine precedes Therefore, adjective and wpositiVes generali come uter thei substantises, hileth place of the genitive aries. IV. 1 more than tW Word are thus connected putine losest connecte farinest pari, and the thera betmeen them. V. AdVerbs and negative regulari come elare the Us hic the modisy, but mord like quidem come immediatet after the wor the emphasige. Ne . . . quidem tahes the emphatio ordis Word be-een iis


VI. Remember that it direct quotations inquit

comes after , o three morda. For instance, Atia aar Minime vero,' inquit, hoc probo.' CONNECTIVES. I. The simple o ordinate connectis is et men, Word or expression are to e more closely comnected queris sed an is attache to the seconi mordor to the fidit,ord of the second expression connected. Atque or ac the lalter sed ni besore consonant throw espectat emphasis Mon the second thing.


CONNECTIVES. 15 an a series of perfecti cinordinate morda orphrases, ut the connectiVe et en ac ino, or omitit altogother. Write coordingly, arma et Publitia et Quintus, or arma, Mitius, Quintus. The alter casemay be varie by attaching que to the last member of

the series, as urbs magna, valida diveaque.

III. Some co-ordinate clauses Which in Englis usuallyhave a connectiso, in Latin regulari omit in conne live, ita placeaeing supplied by the arrangement of the Worta; as, ah mis man meeta deat cataly but ins&ol inodem atrit,' aequo animo mortem oppetit sapie Ni inplena eam reformidat. his is calle Asyndeton. IV. Distinguis be-een ed the common or soropposition Englis but V ainem, hic is a milder formis transition and at the abrupi oppositive, Whichoste introduces the supposed objection o an oppin


V. r,' in simple phraseam statomenis, is aut orvel in do te questions is an in conditionat clausea is sine or aeu. Distinguis caretuli bet eo aut an vet. Aut is used Whore in opposition is be-een the iningsthemselves vel Where there is a choice dependent Monthe person concernod. Cf. ita derivation rom uolo, - Ι --.' VI many sentences hos connection in Englis istes to tho imaginatio have reatly Various relations os subordination to ac other, hic are expresse in

Latiui deinde autem, quidem vero, igitur, etc. m. Remember that quidem autem vero enim, igitur, and generalty tamen, domos standiret in the sentence. m. and not,' a mellisa irino V in clausea ofp pose or hortator clauses, is neve.


16 PRONOU . . The Romana ha a generat tendeno to combinotho negative in a sentenc Wit the connective, an so

Wmie neo, ne umquam, etc. mine than et non, et numquam, etc.

I. iocis sed to refer backWard ille formard Whilo Ensisti usos this V to reser sorWard. For instance, to introduce a quotation rom Viro tho Romana ould

ra rite refers to the eoondismon orno the subjecto discussion in dialogues, his to the fidit person, and ille to tho hird. III. Idem is osten se Where Englisti se phrasea like ad the samo,' at once,' again,' an ipse sor very,' ino factis' etc. IV observe that ipse almos alWays agres With the subjeci, Ven hen the emphasis seem to e o tho

V. Remember that ae an suu as a res refer to the

grammatical subject of the claus in hic the stand; but i in rea subjectis thought is different hom thogrammatica subjeci, the regulari refer o it in caseno ambiguit can arise. I the stan in a dependent sentence, hos subject is insignificant comparo Withtho subjectis the principes sentence, the referri thelatior. thermis the Word sor seli,' o-,' referringi a subordinate sentenceri in subject of the principalsentence, is ipse In tW closely connecte co-ordinate


PRONOUNS. 17sentences ipse is similari used as, Caesar a absent,

but his om lioutenant ted the line,' Caesar aberat aedipsius legat a aciem durit. VI. The Latin frequently uses the persona pronouno in firs person in the plura nos for the singularesso, ut neve the secon plura vos for the singulartu a Myou V is sed in Englis instoad of thou.'- of the do locioris of the genitivo pluralis the personat pronouns therior in tim is partitive, the form

allithers,' the est.' Alteris is hoWeVer, generalty used sor tho genitive os aliua. m. Sora no confuse uterque, iaci V of tWo, With quisque, lach,' eVery,' o more than t . Omnia is somelimes sed in the singular early in the sense of quisque but is more indefinite. m. The distinctio jus mentione in regar to thenumber referre to olds et een the interrogativestiter and quia. xx of the indefinite pronouns, quidam is most definite, nonnullaa, nonnemo, nonnihil nexi, then quia-piam, and aliquis the me est. Remember that the somquis is sed for aliquis, after ac nisi, ne num. Quivis an quilibet me universias, and the secon partis thesecompound may be affecte by indirect disco se Imstead of non quisquam, non ullu8, non quidquam, non uterius respectiVel nemo, nullua, nihil, neuter. Compareamong Verba nesso se dico . . . non.


18 THE RELATIVE.πα Nemo an quisquam re substantiVe pronouns;

nudius and iarua the correspondin adjectiVe pronouns; but instea of the genitives of nemo an quisquam, nullius an Militia are sed Quisquam an ulis areused in negatiVe sentences, o Sentences impbin a negative, here in positiVe sentences agiquis, quispiam,

πω. The mortis os indefinite number run hom se to many in about the fosso in order perpauci, ausi, aliquot, nonnulli plurea, multi, plurimi, plerique. ΤΗΕ RELATIVE. The Latin relativo stand a the eonning of ita clause, Wit in antecedent a near it a possibie, helareor aster.

u. o no forget the se of the relative sexto comneci ita sentence Wit the preceding, here Englishises a personal or demonstrative pronoun With a conjunction. m. The relative cannotae omitted in Latin ascit canin Englisti, in phrases line 'th book ou are reading. 6. repositio an adver phrasos, like thesistandnea by,' an mos Englis participies sed substantively, are expressed in Latin is relative clausea. See, hoWeVer III. unde Participies.

V. Wo relative clauses referring to the fame antecedent omelimes have, as in English, the relative repeated Mith or Without a conjunction; ometimestahe a demonstrative pronou instea of the secondrelative; as, Brutus hom Caesar had par ne andasterWardit ate as a son,' Brutua otii Caesar ignoverat et eum postea pro lio haluerag.



This distinctio hept constantisin min Will clear aWaymost of the so that hoversis ut the practica uso otino subjunctiVe. u. Conjunctions have o inbor predilectio sorindicatis o subjunctive ' mos o them an sed With elther inood, and the choice must e regulate istho principies of the oregoin section. An exceptionseem to occur in the classica use t viamquam and quamvis for although,' of Whic the forme inhos thoindicativo, the alter the subjunctive. Quamvis in indicatis sentences modisse som particula adjectiveor adverb, an has the foro os in Englis homever,' used os degres Compare also oram belo . m. it conjunctions like dum, donec antequam, priusquam, in determining Whether o se in indio tis o subjunctive, kee your min&steadfasti Mon the consideration hether our statemen is toto pudias a facti as a notion tam, sor practicali poses, alWaystahes in Subjunctive When used With secondarnienses. TU. The subjunctive canno do doubie duini casea here ambiguit Would aris theretrom. In suci cases, mos of Whic ars occasioned by the sequence of tenses in Indirect Disco se, some periphrasia must e m-ployed For instance, the two sentences, Si Romaefuit, Caesarem vidit an Si Romae fuisset Caesarem vidisset,


would both utor dimit o Dirit si Romae fuisset se

Caesarem vidisse. To-Void this ambiguit the Romans Wroterior in contra inodaci condition Diaei a Romae Diaget se Caesarem taurum uigae. Soci a sentence

he ould have alien the toWn,' non dubitavit quin Caesar si adfuisset oppidum capturus fuerit must beWritten, here the perfeci is by a common idio preferred in the result clauserio the luperfeci. Oppidum

ino tom. INDIRECT DISCO SE. I. Word like svium' ashing,V urong,' etc., .hioli in Englisti osten introduce the indirect disco se,are omitted in Latin. ratories, howeVer Whicli in Englishaeon abruptly, in Latin re introduce by ome phras like ferunt,aecidit, adde quod.m Remember that direct question quoto disserhom indirect questions and beta principat Verbs, reput in the infinitive; as, ho stadJ What could theydo γ' quid cere' IV Do no be ahaid os questions originali in thea junctive because When quote the do no changeas much as ou expect. The naturali cannot changethei mood, but simpl change thei tense i neceSSary, accordinito the regula res for the sequence of tenses.

For instance, in rhetorica questio Quid Deiam be- comes Quid a rem ii the psalier is telliu his omexperience, Quid faceret is apeahing of another's.



PARTICIPLES. Avoid in prosent participi in Latin untii mutannianage it so skilfuit a nodit be throWn. se gene ali instea oscit clauses it dum, cum and the like, o the infinitive. u. Guard speciali against using the persect passise participio foruli Englis perfeci acti V participle, .e., domo translate hining comerio Rome V by Romam aiventua Latin Verbs, excepi deponenis, haringio persectaclive participle, must suppinthe deficieno by temporalclause or ablatives absolute. In using this ablativo absolutea particulari caresul about in Volce. m. it a se exception line pruden8, viam, aman8, poten8, tutu8, doctua, eaepeditus, Latin participiesare notissedis adjectives, and the idea expresse bysuc participies in Englisti must eisive in Latin by

Various other constructions accordinito circumstances.

TU. The perfeci participi o deponent Verbs is solavorite a formis expression that in many verba it eventae in place of the present participio regulari So,

CERTAI SPECIAL SUGGESTIONS. Iativo AhaoIuto. - Regar closely the meaning of the word absolute V in the construction calle lablatis absolute, and do notruserit of that whicli occursin the sentenc itfel a subjectis objectis in an con


22 PECIA SUGGESTIONS. m. Amn ano Moana. - Distinguisti caresully betwoon the voluntar agent ablatiVe it ab ab ine involuntur agent, person reate a means accusative illipeo, and the means ablatiVerulone). TU Ampuva, in isto. - Ampliu8, ωδ, intra, retreate a adverbs, meret modiWing the numera assi jective ad is ometimes o reated, Ometimes as a prepositio goVerning the numerat. v. an Chango in hi ota Remember that With, o more Verbs t in objecta in different cases, pronoun mustae sed to reserit ali the objecta excepttherarat as, Caesar pardone Brutus and sentinim to Sicily,' Caesar Bruto ignovit atque eum in Sisiliam migit. V Commancta, Elo. CommandR in the secondiersonare expressed by the imperatiVe prohibition to a pariticula person by noli mitti the infinitive, by an witha subjunctive, ori ne illi the perfeci subjunctive.

U. Comparison Iaua a lin Quam Clauses of comparison after quam mant e the fame construction