
발행: 1891년

분량: 110페이지


분류: 미분류



τραγωδίti h nox practi Cali nothing of the etails of this transformation, althou h the a1nes of Choerilus and ratinas, bothi contemporarie of Aeschylus an Sophocles, a re mentionedin Connection vitia it. Anyhoxv, Aeschylu an Sophocles and Achaeus and Euripides xv know o have vritte Satyri plays, and a se vetitie and fragments remain though the Cyclopiis theoni complete Specinaen Thus we have hi Λυκουργος and the Διονύσου ροφοί, to renaindis of the Dionysiae ora in and character of this foran o dram the Σφίγξ an Φορκίδες toucti the Sanie note a the Cyclops itself, viti thei elementis legen and wonder- vo rhing. The Coarse ibal dry of the Se dramas may besee frona the fragments of the Aeschylean στολογοι, an a sex verses in a Simila vein vili be Dund in the Ἀχαιων Σύλλογος of Sophocles It has Sometinae been urge ctiat the Alcestis of Euripides is to be regarde a a satyri or Pro-Satyri drRDan, Parti beCau Se in the argument of the pie Ceras containe in the Vatican S. xve are old ilia Euripides ran seconda Sophocles vittat he Κρῆσσαι, Ἀλκμαίων ὁ δια φω*χος, Ἱλεφος, and Ἀλκηστις,

when cecit is inserre that this alter playcis to be regarde a a Satyri drama coimpleting the tetralogypandiartly because of the


farci Cal lenient of Heracles these vord hieing adde by the

plaras in Cyclops l. 6). It is interest in to fini in Aristo

tiae lis lat o our in oderia arces that S a JOCOS essu Sion expressi designe Pio reli eve lae vel gli and the pathos of three ConSecutivo tra edies IIut the were retaine in the bestiays of the Atheni an sta e a types of the true an Cient τρυγωξίii theuintage-Song and again si bid. note), hemia intain that thoughSatyri dralma nan have aster vard Serve for annuSeIment, et theyxveremo originali designed sor illi end. Horace ei apsiliis lit the lainiectis a vit negiso the opposite te v A. P. 22Osqq. Carini ne qui tragico vilena Certavit ob hircurri, Mox etiana agrestes Satyros nudavit et asper Incolumi gravitate ioc tuntentavit eo, quod IlleCebri erat et grata novitate a orandus Spectator functusque Sacris et potus et exlex. Iodern Criti-CiSΠ1 ho veVer, Wouae appear o be Justifiei in SuppoSing that, in iis essenCe an motive, the satyri pla repreSente theCOnServative element in the drarna, and that in realit the Spectator, Soria frona aving pectorine his religious uti es attiae conclusion of the trito , va only the in a position to

III. IIS, amicterasi s. The satyric dranaa, fili Cyclops ben Chara. Ctem Sti Specinaen oscit, hold a distinc position o iis


Quuna eniti non in eo Versaretur poeSi Satyri Ca, Ut TRVCSpersonas Sui et Contemptui Xponeret, Sed ut Servata earuna dignitate satyrorum petulanSIB SCivia hilaritatem XCitaret, On-Sentaneum erat, ut Sermo in universum dena esset qui in tra oedia, Sed adimitterentur etiana vecta loquendique formae ex quotidiano Su petitae, numerique VerSuun aliquid de Severitate legulo quae tragoedii propriae sunt renaitterent.' an word Sand fornis of this hin occur throughout the play, and are referred


1 THE SATYRIC DRAMA.s ostening the harshnes of the metre. A ain, in the Cyclops, xv finci a re u se of the anapaest, and that nolint in properna meS. Ven the tra edians emplo it a totae einning of a VerSe a Ver Common position in the Cyclops ll. 25, I, C. . sorneliine the oo Consist of rd S, as in in later tragedy ll. 83, 229, 23O, 443 59O). Sornelii ne it is Mund in themiddie of a verse, in the a se of a prope nanae, a incit. 77, 273, 58I, 582, 59O. At these are licen se tolerate even in tragedy, and are a Cordingi mund in the speeches of Odysseus no es than in illos of the Satyr and the Cyclops Those


Here is nother foran of the Story talcen hi Grimn frona a I atin thook alsed mistoria Septem Sapientum, by the Monic

farnous eader os a band of robber goes vitii his Cornradesto Stea theoreagures of a giant. The find the iant absenthona honae but he oon retunas vitii in others, an CatChestiae robber at their vorti They divide the captive anaongiliem, in Captain and ni ne of his Cornrades fallin to the hareo the iant vlao ivns the liouge. He boli an eat me inemen, reser in the captain ill the last be cause te is to thin. The iant Suffer Dorn wealc yes, and the captain, havin his perini SSion to attemplo a Cure, Seellae together Sulphur, pitCla, Sali, an arsenic, and our inem, vite metted into the grant's



inat in mediand of Euripides in Cyclops loges noming of his Scepticis m. Somestin o sophisti subitet is adde to the oldriade blasplaei ny ut is Strange to laea in stupid giant expoundat lenuli his bruta logi :