Dio Chrysostom, with an English translation by J.W. Cohoon

발행: 1932년

분량: 535페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



Against the Philosophers contra sted vitia Ecclesiasticus uri Louleutim s

ti Heracles 1 395, 3 Sl7, ad inonished hi Heracles

Dionysia, annua festival

Dionysi iis . futue paredi, Syraeus 4 23 relations vitii Leptines 5 195, 1 Dionysi his II sed to Corintli4 2l 5 I. relations villi Philistus I95 an n.



Dionysus, chil of Eglaining an illumier, filis votaries Mith re 2 49 f. harinos V froni the gotis 423, identi fled villi poli and Helius 3 17 statue in orchestra at Athens 127, Bacchanis 399. attrit lutes given statues of Dionysius and II 4 23 progenitoro Nicaeans 103, abii Sed by Alexamler 5 3 Dion 'si is, Sobri luetis Mithridates Eupator si Dioscuri, Son o TyndareuSando eda 1 479, invaded Athens, re overe Helen, capture Theseiis' notherit,id. depi ted on laesi fCypselus 479 L. 49 l. id notiori Troy 50 I, pilois' num for Fortii ne S l. scoriae hv Alexander S,

Dracontides, Atheni an politician, attache Pericles I99 n. 1



Dryas, quapilli, sit perior 'o Aganaeninon an Achilles 4 419, unanioned Nestor

5 409

Phrygiaris 3 175

2 331



Eleans, preside Over Olyinpie Games 1 385 2 27, pent

Corinth an Athens 1 255

Eleutherae, horde to vn of Attica horiae of Oeneus '

Elpinice, sister of Ciuion,

Inarrie Callias 5 201 Elpis Hope). a phase of Fortune 5 51

Elysian Fieliis received Menelaus 1 551. Homer's naui for Egypt itid. Eimpedocles, philosopher fAgrigentili n. lupi o Pythagoras 4 381

in insiten e 4 5. aveolii gens his in Ronae and

vitii religion and wa 1 89, perfornied by Meriones ibid. Entlaroneinent, rite o 2 35 L

philosopher in polities

for height an beaut 2391 Ephors, Spartan officials



1 377

Polydora 1 71

Euplaranor Corinthi uia seulptor, Statile of Hephaestiis


Eupolis, poetis id Coine ly, quoto 3 177

Philip 331

Eurybates, lupe of raseatity

Spondent of Di 5 357

4 249





Gelon, tyrant f Syracuse,

Spared by Syra ius 4 23

Heracles 1 395 5 39Getae calle Alysians hyHonier 2 2l visited by Dio

Sardis 4 407



mitte sui ei de in Bithynia itid. Hanno, uid in spirit ofCarthage 2 33l

Haranodiris, Athenian byrannicide, honoured by Athenians 1 559 descend-nni exenapi froni liturgies 3 IS L. Statii in Persia

0 2 457



Courted by nobi est Greelcs 1l, sister of Castor and Polydeuces 1 and . , chos Asia in referenceto Greec ibid. pani Pered by Menelaus 1 and n. 5 Helenus, Trojan see 1 489. loe anae cingis OloSStans an easterii Epirii 551,

of Deiphobus 555. ablest prophe anaong Phrygians

4 443

Hesiod 's in piratio by the Miise 4 381 Helius identi fled vitii Apollo and Dionysiis 3 7, ehit dron 97 father of Pasiphae