장음표시 사용
he vili, through the oracle declare to tithus that Ion is tithus' son. In illis belles ullius vili alce lain to Athens, where thetrulli vili be disclose to Ion an Creusa only and thus all
is tota by Creusa that his satiae iva no Xuthus, and then thathis ea sather vas Apollo. Fron iliis Oint v I 483 we austioohia ore losely. A the si rest nonaen Ion reli eved Dona theslaock os findin hin self so the secon tinae in the sanae lay,
able citiae to lai faith or lais seelings and limos inanaediately et . 316 in a viai spere dialogue os ainsul interest, urges Creusa io retrac it nil to ad 11 iit that his ather vas a naan. It is inde e niani sest that he colita not inithout contradiction to
Delpia is a an olive constantly present vitia latim, O mn insucta vortes a tiae Orestes and the Androntante, dona inant indat, omin in the ou. The selection os lais antagonist, ni tib due o his singular importance, is also explained by the specialcii Cuna stances of the time. V have it on record that thepartialityi Delphi to Sparta in the Peloponnesian warare Au lyassiste the anti-religious iovenient in thens and destroyedanaong the Atlieni an party the credit os the oracle iseis. Toan Athenian Dee-thini er liere re Delptii vas at iace thenaighties an tiae imos assai lable os his enenates anciolae poliato the pi blena presentet to Ion is lia it a ises, villa ali laepol gnanc Os atlaeti circunastance, an intellectuat an imoratquestion-pro undi ' agitat in lien, and Daricin sor his a Criti calpo in in the laistory os latina an thought.