First Greek book; comprising an outline of the forms and inflections of the language, a complete analytical syntax, and an introductory Greek reader. With notes and vocabularies

발행: 1861년

분량: 307페이지


분류: 미분류


298. An modisser, hethor in the subjeci orpredicato, may beriiseis modified e g. :

predicato are essentia to the structure of very sen lance, an may theresere bo calle tho Mensia orPrinoisad Eumeniam sentences. 300. Ali modifier ars subordinatorio the subjectan predicate, an may therosore bo callo tho Su, dinate Eumenis os sentenoeS.

Παιω παίξομαι, μαανα, πό- παικα, πέπαισμαι, ἐπαίχθην,

1. Πέρσης ἔκρυφε κύπάλλα. 2. 'o Πέρσης ἔκρυμ


Πόσα ζημιώσετα ἰΠότε ταυτα πράξετε;

2 ' interrogative particles, as εἰρα μή, ου,

m πολεμήσεις ἰου πολεμήσεις; 'Αρα πολεμήσεις;

3 Without an interrogative ord. In hiscas the interrogative character of the sen- teuce is indicated a in Englisti, by tho


juncti Ve e. g. :

Tράφε ἐπιστολήν.


8. Τίνα καιρον ζητεῖτε 9. ουλευσομεν; 10 ua παῖ, σιώπα. 11. Του λούς τίμα. 12. ους ἀπαθολεπαινεῖτε. 13. Μη σε νικάτω κέρδος 14. 'ν σοφίαν ζήλωμεν.

309. In the arrangement of this Gree sontenco, the subjectissuali precedes the predicate, as in tho


brate lyri post o Thebos in Boeotia.

1. αρεῖος βασίλευσεν. 2. Κυρος στρατεύετο. 3. ειρίσοφος γοῖτο. 4. Ουτός εστιν ανδρεῖος. . Πίνδαρος Βοιωτος ην. 6. Τίς νενίκηται 7. μοι νενίκηνται. . - Θαυμάζονται; 9. μεις 3αυ- με. 10. Πεισίστρατος τελεύτησεν.

1. ou illas honored. 2. Let themae honored. 3. Lot Cyrusae hing. 4. Who was Pindari . Howas a poet. 6. ache notis Boeotiand 7 Η was a Boeotian.








REM. t Willae observed, rom in above examples that theattribute os in subjec is expresse somelimes is an adjective, and mmotimes by R Oun.

personi ining e. g. :


317. ho Gree language allo sarea Deedom in the arrangementis Words, consultin emphasis and euphon rather han arbitrar laWs. Some generaldirections however, may be of service to the begim

318. In the arrangementis the paris os a complex subjeci,1 ris Artiolo precedes ita substantiVe e. g. : ο βασιλεύς. Theting. Maho Adjectivo procedes o sollows ita substantive accordin ascit not emphatic, Q. g. :Ἀγαθος βασιλεύς. Βασιλεύς ἀγαθος.



1. Στρατηγοὶ ἐβουλεύσαντο. 2. οἱ στρατηγοὶ εβουλεύσαντο. 3. ι των Ἐλλήνων στρατηποὶ βουλεύσαντο. . M βασιλέως γυνὴ κει. 5. G της βασιλέως γυναικος δελφος κει. ., Φωκίωνος γυροετιμήλ. 7. οι ευεργέτα των Θρώπων τιμῶνται. 8. των Κοριοίων στραππος ἐνικηλ. 9. καστος των Θεῶν τέχνην τινα εχει. 10 G AI μων μαντεύεται. 11. 'A- πιος ἰαται.



Si is redicate. 322. ho Prodicat os a sentenco consist os imo paris, an attribute of the subjeci, an a copula bywhicli that attributo is prodicatoror asserto of tho subjeci. 323. ne attributo an copula, hicli sorm thopredicate, ometimes appea separalely, a When husorme is expressed by a nouimor adjective and tho lat- te by the ver εἰμί, and ometimes united in one WOrd, in hicli case the musti expresseda a verb. 324. ho prodicate os a simple sentence V, theresore, beah verb, e. g. :