A first Greek reader; with notes and vocabulary

발행: 1900년

분량: 207페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


TH ain os lais book is o naalce vallabi sor class-roona Semore of lae ex of Lusias than is nox t be laad in urschoo editions. Tlae oration selected are On the acredolive, Against Erratost laenes, o Mantitheus On the Propertyo Eraton, n lae Propert of Aristophanes, Against the Grain Dealers, Against Pancleon, Foroiae Cripple, Against Diogeiton, and the ration delivere at Olynapia. The ex is supplied vitii brie notes, Containing referenCecto the standar literatur on the hil e Cis of hi Ch Lenirent. The Appendix containsciust nough descriptioni Atheniancolaris and legalii Ced iure tota alce plain to the student the settingo the severa SpeeCheS.

Parallel Dercise Basere o Lysias.

THIS vori stipplies sor translation materiat based on theo rations o Lysias Par of ach exemis is uia de ii os connecte paragi aptis, While another par contain delached Sentences, naan O Whichis ire interrogative.


Selections fron Herodotus and hucydides.


TU IS edition enlers speciali into ille critica an giana imatica explanation of the Phaedo, an cloe no professo exhaust the plailosoplaical thoughit os lie Kock leas of al to collectili docti ne an tenet os later pliilosophers and thinicer ontiae subjecis realed by Plato. Resere iaces to the latest editions I 892 of the gramnaars of Good vin and Hadley-Allen, an to ood win's Greel Mood and Tenses, ah the place of the Englist authorities in ornier edi

Plato's poloqt of Socrates, an Crito.

Xenophon ' se morab Hia o Socrates.

l this edition lae ex is separate into Convenient divisionglb En listi sun)naaries, xviii Ch talce lae place of lae Custonaaryarguinient prefixe to ille Chapters, and ut a logica analysis fila texi Iuthere it anno mcape the attentio of the student. The notes are designedi conapaci, et re belleve to Containali that is practi catly usem to the student. The editor has en-deavor est sh ply brie siletches of verylla in o biographical, historical, o philosoplaical interest; and for ne Convenien Ceos eacliers, liere laave been adde Complete CrOSS-referen CeSto the ther voric o Xenophon, as vellis to Plato an AristophaneS.