[H kain diathk]; The New Testament; with English notes, critical, philological, and explanatory

발행: 1931년

분량: 439페이지

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Rom. i. 7. 1 Cor. i. 2. iv. 17. 2 Cor. i. I. Ol. i. 2. Intia vi. 21. io Gal. i. 3. it. i. 4.

20-24. Michaelis gelsci id os ille dissiculi1



3 Eυλογητος ο Θεος καὶ Πατηρ του Κυρίου ημῶν Ιη σου

εν αυτω προ καταβολης κόσμου, εἶναι μας αγίους καὶ ἀμωμους κατενωπιον αυτου ' εν ἀγάπη ' Προορίσας μας ει υἱοθεσίαν διὰ Ιη σου ριστο εἰς υτον, κατὰ την εὐδυ-

2 Cor. i. 3. I et . i. 3. Infra vi I 2. da ulceri. 5. Ro in visi. 29. 30. Infra H. 10. v. 27 Col. i. 22. ali ess si 13. 2 ina. i. 9. Infra H. 10. v. 27. it. H. 12.Jam. H. 5. 1 et i 2 20 si . . morti viii. 15. 29. 30. Infra ver II 2 Cor. vi. 18.Gal. iv. 5. 1 Jola iti. I. Lulce xii. 32.

. . αριστῆ, cith ullis siritu 1 blessing in heaventi places in trist Oroatlier, in heaven ibi liings, as Jol incisi. 12. i. e. vvitii heavent hopes and ternat rexv arils Thespirituat lessing areoli sanctibin and savin graces os the Cliristia lise, stach as Justification by grace, ita adoption os chil-dren, and the illuminations os in Spicit, vitateve ina conduce to the happines of

known to ille Ephesians the ni3ster of his , ill in tho lossing of the Gospei. Hereth Apostle reser to the αγίοι and πιστοῖs Gentiles, wlton God ad determined, romthe Dundation os the ruoi id in his xvngood time, to eleet, or aciniit to ali heblessings os hs Gospei. It was the opinionos the Ieius that God in fraining ille vortilia lis particula regard for theni an iliat the worid vas made so thear alces, and thatth Messiahaeing createn belare the vorta, God entere into ovenant xviii hi in thath si1 ouae rodeem the worid, and thenaespecialibi, Escl. H. 55 59. The posites therelare t inice rom them ali cause of boastin against the Gentiles apon that account, declares the sntiles vere lius electe in Christ Jesus, even elare thesoundations os hse eoiles i. e. that hedesignec then to choos them to b his Ch urcii an die ople, i. e. an boly peopte io

Jesus Christ omniself, eeording to thegood pleusure of his tolli. Ἐνὰ γάπη os ver. 4. 1 bet ter connected vitii προὐρίσας ημαs. It was through God' Iove, and of his mero good pleas ure that God even then purpo sedio en large his Lingdom unde the Ospei, an io alco the Gentiles iii to the state os sons timor adoption ει υἱοθεσίαν. orie- foro the contingis the Messiali, ita elongedonia to the Iesus see o iii ix. 4. Aster


τος αυτου 'Hς περίσσευσεν εἰς μας, εν πάση σοφία

καὶ φρονησει Tνωρίσας ημῖν, μυστηριον του θελημα - τος αυτο κατὰ τη ευδοκίαν αυτου ην προέθετο εν αὐτο ' Εἰ οικονομίαν του πληρωματος των καιρων, ἀνακεψα - 0λαιώσασθαι τὰ πάντα εν τυ Ἀριστω τὰ εν τοῖς ουρανοῖς

8 9. 's ἐπερίσσευσεν εἰ ημα . . . IV herein e ut abolin dei totTardius . . .

τos in the precediniverse and περισσεύειν used in an active sense, as 2 Cor. ix. S. vliere se note Ἐν πάση σοφίc καὶ φρον h- σει are connected viti γνωρίσας, haning made lenown uni us in ali Oisdom and

prudeno the mysters of his sit . . . See

the dispensatio of the ulnes of tinies heni hi gather together in ne ali hiugs in Christ, both chie ure in heaven, and whiesi

σασθαι reserito an is ovente by εὐδοκίαν αὐτου in the precedin verse. It pro perly signifes to recapitulate, to Sum p DO in κεφάλαιον, caput also it signis es paueis

compi'ehendere, a Itona. Titi. 9. vliere foenote . Here it is, plures unius imperio et Moluntati subjieere, κεφαλὸν osten in the

Nos Testamen bein is penes quem se summun imperatινn et dorminhum and Clirysostom lias renderexit μίαν κεφαλε απασιν ἐπέθηκε. t ilia be therelare rendere ut omnes Oinnino in nun corpus redigeret, et ad unum caput, nempe Christum, evocaretuas Col. i. 20. ποκαταλλάξαι τα πάντα εἰς αυτόν : i. e. O liath no v by the Gospol, accomplislied the Secret purpos of his xvill,

an iliis dispensation athered unde Honeliead vig. Clirist the head of the Clitarch, at thingion em th, i. e. Jexus and Gentiles an ullo hings in heaven Christ belli illeliead oves anget an principalities olieybsin ali ministerin spirit to sint Thesam sense a Col. i. 16 visibi an invisi-ble, and thrones, principalutes nil powers. Se also and compare belox in 15. Col. i. 20. Pliii. H. 9. Both anget an men,


προορισθεντες - ατα πρόθε ν του τα πάντα νεργουντος

ημα εἰς παινον της όξης αυτου, τους προηλπικότας εγ13 φ uττω 'Eu es, καὶ μεῖς ἀκούσαντες του λόγον της ἀληθείας το ευαγγελιον της σωτηρίας μῆνὰ εν καὶ πιστευσαντες σφραγίσθητε τω Πνευματι της επαγ' id γελία τω αγιω, ' 'o εστιν ἀρραβων της κληρονομίας υμῶ εἰς πολυτρωσιν της περιποιησεως, εἰς παινον της δόξης αυτου.

Acts xx. 32. xxvi. J8. Rom. viii. 17. Col. i. I 2. I it in 7 1 Pet. i. 4. Isa. xlvi. 10. II. Isa. xliii. l. xliv. 23. Supra ver. 5. 6. Infra ver. 14. Jam. i. 18. D 2 Cor. i. 22. v. 5. vi. . Infra iv. 30. D Luke xi. 28. Rom. viii. 23. Acts xx. 28. I Pol si . . Supra ver. 6. 12.

dom to ulliret in the vori os lora ine amiliis angel belong. V Πληρωμα is properibi impletio, an signifies plenitudo, abundantia, opia, also exacta observatio, as Rom. xiii I0. Here consummatio, exitus an dolao μίαν του πληρώματο των καιρῶν, institutionem, quam Deus ceri tempore elapso introducere volebat. 11. Ἐν φ καὶ κληρώθημεν . . . In Ohomulso we have obfaine an in heritance . . . Or, ve hecariae the inheritance, bein translatedo ut of the kingdoin os Satan uni thea ing- doni o Christ. In iliis God spealis ofliis peoplo the Israelites, of vhom he Says, Jueol is the lot of his inheritanee Se note a bove ver 3. Ἐν si refers to ἐν αὐτ of the precedin verse : and προορισθεντεS, being predestinated Stiould also be referrodio εἶναι μα ver. 2. See note a bove

God, and rectoieed in hope of the glori of

jectis pretiisin and glori yin God forciliis


ὐμῖν Πνευμα σοφίας καὶ ἀποκαλ.ύdμεως εὐεπιγνώσει αυτο '

Πεφωτισμενους τους φθαλμους της καρδίας μῶν εἰς το δε ἰδεναι μῶς τις εστ ιν η ἐλπὶς της κλησεως αυτου, καὶ

τις ο πλουτος της δόξης της κληρονομίας αυτο εν τοῖς

ἁγιοις, Eαὶ τί το περβάλ λον μεγεθος της δυνάμεως 9

αὐτο εἰς μῶς τους πιστευοντας, κατὰ την νεργειαν του

fuith. . . . It wasi account os his preachin that tho Cliristia converis vere Otunder subbection to the observarices of is Lia , and laut ille .ain vas abolistis 1 by the dealli os Chiist, ilia St. Paul vas no v a prisone at Rome Ahaid inere ore illat the pliestans and ine convert Gentiles,seein iam suffer persecution and in tangeros dea thrior preachin this great artici Ostho Cliristia fatili might no stam sirin init he was rejoiced viae in his confinementii heard that they persisted stedias in atlaith, and in their love to at the sainis, as vel the convert Gontiles iliat si not asthoseraeivs that dic stili coiison to tho

truthi vhicli could nocti aves been Dund out by liunia reason, but i ad their ars disco- very froni res velation. t is no at way used in tho sense of ina inodiate inspi1ation opiritus, quo supienti0res, intelligentiores, et instraeteriores fatis.18. Πεφωτισμένου . . . ἁγιοιs' he yes


2 εν τοῖς πουρανίοις, Υπεράνω πάσης ἄρχης καὶ ε ξουσίας

καὶ δυνάμεως καὶ κυριότητος, καὶ παντος νόματος νομα- ζομενου ου μόνον εν ω αιῶν τουτω, ἀλλα καὶ ε τω μελ- 22 λουτι ' Καὶ πάντα πεταξεν πο τους πόδας αυτου καὶ 23 αυτὸν ἔδωκε κεφαλέν περ πάντα τη εκκλησια, Πτις εστ το σῶμα αὐτοῖ, τι πληρωμα του τὰ πάντα εν πῶσι

1 Eα υμῶς, οντας νεκρους τοῖ παραπτωμασι καὶ ταῖς

raisinius sin ners, ars to a ne in and thento an terna lisse, Whicli vas a vork of the

places. ii terni the heaventi is Sus r. I illoch, sed here ani bolori, ii. 6. by the Apostle in the apocalyptic sense, sonali theattributes of the Overeignty Rev. v. II. v. 12. 13. and liere ro re luires no Such supplement to ad te lis ille vorta pluces, Oxhibitod in the conamon et Sion. Se notea Acts n. 33. 21. Vrπεράνω πάσης ἁρχῆs . . . Fur aboveat printipatus . . . These abstraci ames principatu ν, porcer, an hi, c. aro sed sor thes concreto, avid signis thos Iulio areinuosted vitii them. Se note a Mati. xxviii. IS. 23. Ητις . . . πληρουμένου-wHθ is his


αἰῶνα του κόσμου τουτου, κατα τον αρχοντα της ξουσίας του ἀερος του πνευματος του νυν νεργουντος εν τοῖς υἱοῖς

ἀπειθείας 'Eu ου καὶ μεῖς πάντες ἀνεστράφημεν

ποτε εν ταῖς πιθυμίαις τυ σαρκος ημῶν, ποιουντες τὰ

θεληματα της σαρκος κω των διανοιῶν, καὶ ημεν τεκνα

τον υπερβάλλοντα πλουτον της χάριτος αυτου εὐχρηστό-

συνεζωοποίησε ver. 5. together; μα ver. I.

together vitii Christ in his lifavent king dom. an ali his St. Paul lias more regardio the illinos ho declares to them, than to a

are saved: See note atruoni iii. 24.7 τοῖ αιῶm τοῖς ἐπερχομένοις in the es t eomes suturit in iis naos extensivo Sense, in ille present lila, and that vulsicli isto come αδ υπερβάλλοντα πλουτον τηs



σεσωσμενοι δια της πίστεως καὶ τουτο ου εξ υμῶν,9 σου, δῶρον ' υκ εξ ἔργων, ἴνα μη τις καυχησηται. 10 Aυτου γάρ σμεν ποίημα, κτισθεντες εν ριστῶ 'Iη σου επὶ ργοις ἀγαθοῖς, οις προητοίμασεν ο εος, να εν αυτοῖς


li ' ι μνημονεύετε, τι μεῖς ποτε τὰ εθνη εν σαρκὶ, οι λεγόμενοι ἀκροβυστία Ἀπο της λεγομενης περιτομης γ

operationis themoly Spirit in mali ing mon

rendered, Solo, iubeo, RSrendered by Schleus-ner, quibus ut semper Studeamus est reterna

Dei voluntus. In Rona. X. 23. it is des



χωρις ριστου, ποηλλοτριωμενοι της πολιτείας του Ισραηλ,

ὐμεῖς οἱ ποτε οντες μακραν εγγυς γεν θητε εν τοσαῖματι του μιστου Aυτος γάρ εστ ιν η εἰρηνη ημῶν, ο ποιησας 4τ αμφοτερα ν καὶ το μεσότοιχον του φραγμου λυσας, Την χθραν ' εν τη σαρκὶ αυτο τον νόμον των ε υτολῶν εν 15

δόγμασι καταργησας ' ινα του δυο κτιο νε εαυτω εις ἔνακαινον ἄνθρωπον, ποιῶν εἰρηνην, Eαὶ ἀποκαταλλάξ lGτους αμφοτερους ε εν σωματι τω Θεω διὰ του σταυρου,

L. 11. παλλοτριόω, abalieno longissi xne

eternat, nori uinated immutabie creator anc ruter of the wo1 ld. ii sacrifices an ldevotions of the Heatliens vel presen ledio beings, o vhom ille themselves Scribe Lailiaracter infinitely inserior o Miat welinos to laeton to the trus God os xv nonathev vere ignorant. χντε μακρὰν, cho Somerii nescicere far tis se notes at Acts

andi latin That no alien might go into it. TDαμφότερα ν both one γένη or εθνη urid. Seo Bos Christ broice do vn the os partition, and opene illae Ling lona of heavento ali equalis , ho bellevec in hin xuithout any the leas distinction os nation, lood, professionis religio that thes vere os be-sores ali that bein nox done Way, and superseded by the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ the righteous, o malce via sor amore en large an glorious cingdoni sol elyby faith in him, Whicli nou imade the onlydistinctio among naen. lius Col. ii 14. the hund-wriring of ordinanees tuus againstanti contrary to thie Gentiles, inhes vere kept

thos ordinances, whicli constituted theenniit betri eo the exus and Gentiles,

liis incarnation, or assumption os tum aunature Se note at Rona. vii 4. ι ενα καινδν ἄνθρωπον, one new man, unitin thenatogether a nexu creatures in ne Churcia,

by the ne v Iax os Christiani , and by


αὐτο εχομεν την προσαγωγην ο αμψότεροι εν εν Πν ευματι I9 προς του Πατερα ' Ἀρα οὐ οὐκετι εστ ξενοι κω πάροικοι, ἀλλὰ συμπολῖται των γίων καὶ οἰκεῖοι του Θεου, 20 ' ποικοδομηθέντες επὶ τω θεμελίω των ἀποστόλων και2 προφητcον οντος ακρογωνιαίου αυτου ' σου ρι του ' Ἐνῶ πασα η οικοδομη συναρμολογουμεν αυξε ει ναον ἁγιον 22 υ Κυρίm si κω μεῖς συνοικοδομεῖσθε, εις κατοικη

τηριον του Θεο εν Πνευματι.


22. ι κατοικητηριον . . . Πνεύματι for