장음표시 사용
rea a the Board the umbiememoria o Sir George Baher, aronet, Physician to their Majesties, and President of the College or Commonalty of the Facuit os Physic in London, settin sortii, ara that
that the Did resident an College have, with great care, ains, an industry, revised corrected, and reformed a book by them sormeri publilhed intitiale Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londi-nebis, prescribin and directing the man-ner o preparin ali oris of medicinestherein contained togethe with the rueweight and meas ares by hicli theyought to e made: hich book is no persected and ready publimed anit, it is conceived, ill contribute to the pub
preventiniali decetis, differences, and Uncertainties in malitiaior compoundinios medicines, is, o the future, the mannerand form rescribe therein Jould epracstised by Apothecaries and ther in thei compositions os medicines : The Me moriali theressere mos humbi prays,
to enserce the observance thereos in uehmanne a to His Majesty hali stemmeel:-His Majest this da took thesaid memoria into Hismoya Consideration, and ein destrous o provide in ali cases se the common good of his People, an bein persuade that theestablis hing the generat se of the aidbook ma tend to the preventioni sicli decetis in the minin and compounding medicines, herein the lives and health of His Majesty' Subjecit aresso highi con- cerned hath heresere thought fit by and with the advice of His riv Councit, hereb to noti totali Apothecaries andother concerned, to the intent the mayno preteiad ignorance thereos that thesai book calle Pharmacoparia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinebis, is persected an ready to e publis hed and His Majest dotii heresere stricti require, charge,
charge an command ali an singularApothecaries and thers, Whos businessit is to compotan medicines, o distil
os reat Britala called England dominionos Wales, o town of Beristia tapon meta, that they, and ever of them, immediatelyaster the said Pharmacoparia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis hallie printed and publimed do not compoundi malae anymedicine or medicinal receipti prescription, o distillan Oil or aters, o malleother extracis that are o mali e in theseid Pharmacopria Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinens mentione or named in an other manne or sor than is oris hallhe directed, rescribed, and se down in the seid book, and accordinito the weighis and meaires that are o shalli therein
limited except it mali e by the specialdi rection
Russe Plumptre, Medicinae Regius roses
Cantatrigiae. Gulielmus Heber len. Gulielmus Mushet. Gulielmus Pitcairn Electuta Joannes Monro, EDNAS. Thomas harion. Antonius Addington. Ricardus
Ricardus Brochles by Electus. Joannes Cierke. Noah Thomas, Eques Auratus, Medicus
Gulielmus Cadogan Electus. Thomas Gisborne, lectus Medicus ad Regis et ad Reginae Familiam. Thomas Healde. Ricardus Warren Electus: Regis et Principis Walliae Medicus. Robertus Glyn Clobery. Cliston intringliam, Baronelius, Medicus RegiuS. Robertus Thomlinson Electus, et Thesau-
Joannes Turion, Medicus Regis Extraordinarius, et Medicus Reginae. Donaldus Monro. Henricus Revel Reynolds, Censor. Lucas Pepys, Baronetius, Medicus Regius
Joannes Rawlinson. Ricardus Budd. Franciscus
xiii Franciscus Milman Medicus Extraordinarius ad Regis Familiam. Isaac Pennington. Carolus Eisden Bame. Jacobus ervey, Censor, et Regi rarius. Devereu Mytton. Joannes MattheWs. David Pitcairn, Principis Walliae Medicus Extraordinarista Franciscus Riollay. Robertus ΚnOX. Jacobus Roberison, Censor. Martinus Wall. Joannes Littieliales. Georgius Fordyce, Censor. Gulielmus Austin. Paul Jodreli, ques AuratES. Joannes Asta.
Carolus Orion. Joannes Baptista Silvester, Eques Auratus. Georgius Lamoni. Jacobus
Jacobus argent. Edvardus Archer.
Hugo Smith. Jacobus Ford Reginae Medicus Extraord
Maxwel Garthmore. Joannes organ. Samuel Chapnaan. David Orme. Thomas anningliam.
Joannes Hili. Hugo Alexander ennedy, Principis D Lliis Medicus Extraordinarius. Joannes Ford. Josephus Allen. Iacobus Wallier. Franciscus de Valangita. Gulielmus aiaghan. Joannes Leake. Rowland Jackson. Alexander HV. GulielmUS