장음표시 사용
Ph. D. IAE. D. L.ate trafessor Enaeritus in Haruar IJniversi ty. In man respecis his is the imos thorough philosophical and Cornplet Ibat in Graia inaar ver publislied in his colant ry representing. citdoes, the cro Vning vork and pes conclusion os ne os the nosterminent eachersis the language. The vota has the distinction rare lyaccorde to a text-book os e in regardet both as a literar an a ascienti si event. It preparation engagedulae aut hor dum no the intervalsos leachino at arva id niversi ty sor early thiri years Aster his death the vorac vas alcen inani coimpleted by his colleague Dr Moreis H. Mor an os arvari Universi ty. Soriae os the distinguishingseatures an inerit os the book are coinprehensi venes an accurae in delati, precision os definition and talenient, otia Dined vitii a renaarkabi clear arrangement anil singular pineSs os illii stration. The supplenaeniar aid are an Lia portant ea ture These include a Chapter on Versification umite by ta Heranan V. Hayley a somne pupil ofPmsessor Lane and me exposition Os Such ina portant Suojecis asRules of tuantit an Figures os Prosody Occasional Peculiarities os Veres, Indirect Discourse. II se of ronouns and unaerat A. The book Contain also a coimplete Inde os Subjecis an an Inde of Latin Vord xvith reserenCOS.
Prepared by MORRI H. ORGAN Ph. D. Li. D. ProfeSSor os Classica Philolo in Haruar Universi ty. This book is intende so the se of student of Latin during theircourse in secondar schoois It is based on iane 's Latin Granimarsor School an Colleges V an furia istie abundant lateria formare fultraining in Latin pronunciation sor the stud os leadin principies under vhicli Latin vord are fornaed. so thorouoeli tali in inflections an soracquirin a good vorkin knowledge of the mos important principies os Latin syntax and cona position. The arean gementis the materia is clear an logica xvith cross-referen ces to the to the large graInnaar. Copies sent, resaiae, to an ad es on receis of trie prire
For is of the entire series an descriptive catalogue in text-boo si si Ancient Languages, dirite to the Publiuers,