Paradeigmata rhomaikes poietikes

발행: 1826년

분량: 177페이지


분류: 미분류



feelin rithout unitiniit vitii ome correspondent thoughis, and vithout reflecting on ine essec it produces pomus. V hoeve listens to antea latifust piece of instrunmemta muste, Whicli excites our passion in the abstraci, vili observe, thathecis no capa bie of supportinisor an perio in feeling



os the a1ntit This uould be ab stud os ille greates conse- qtience, and might be cultivaled by a critica observation onthe inflectionis the liuinan voice anxiis various moitifications, Such a are prompted by nature at the moment verare agitaledbviii disserent passions:

Difficile est proprie commi inia dicere.' Horace.

The use Ofthe correct inflectionis voice in the common inter- course of lis is exceedingi difficult. An accurate stud os recitative, vilicia is certates one of the most lissices sorans of composition appears to In the est method os investigatingine subjeci. V have aliandonec the recitative inmur operas, rom theniistalcen dea that it is not natural to adapt singinguo comΠΟn- Place eXpressions Such ac Bringite a glassis uvater,' Shut the door, c. ut the solio ving observations ivili easd sho



και Κατα μελωδίας.

Gluch, Iloetari, and pontini in his opera callos da Vestalo )have sufficienti proved in effect os a vell-Πianaged recitative. Ere Ptesce leave of in present sulfeci , I be to int duce


PRE FACE. XVThus for instance, in bur lenis cli stiird Patristic Soniis

No. II. of the Amator Songs has been parunti inflated by Lord Byron, and is to beriound in his minor poenis, begiming

The pang the agony, the doubi. 'inc. The Greelis preten in danc name Thesaicorio hi thegenuine dance of Theseus. Vithout intering into a discussionon so delicate a polat, or o the nature of Greel dances in generat reservin them a a Subjectis future investigation),Ιbe to transcribe in solio vin passage rom Langhorne's Plutarch. Theseius in iis return troni Crete ut in a Delos, and havin sacrifice to Apollo an dealcated a statue o Ventis ivlsicli te received frona Ariadne joined vitii the oring men in dance vilicia in Delians are aid o praetis at this day. It consist in an imitatio of the mage and utlet os the labyrinth, and with various involutions an euollition is per-

sortite in regula time. his Lindi dance, a Dicaearchus insortiis iis, is called by the Delians the Crane H dance itround the altar eraton, vhicli vas biiiit entiret os in test-side horns os beasis me is also sal to have institute gantes


Callimaelius insortiis iis, the Crane vas a circular ance, and probabi called sori ecause cranes commoni fini in figi ire os a circle. Bessi e the time o Theseus, Eustathius Says, men and vomen alWay dance in separate parties andinis princerars ueste in separate parties in stat amusement,upo rescuin his Ohin companion si Oim the labyrinth. V

aliis dance aster a lapse of three stolisand years stili exist in Greece unde ille nante of the Candiot.' Se an account of it in . Guy's Hist. Lit deci Grece, let. xiii. An a plate in Leroy Ri fines de plus beauae Monuniens de a Grece. te. The auilior has been Obligesto omit Sonae specimensos music, vhicli he had intended toti inlisi in his collection, on account of the additionat expense Ofirintinxtilena.
