장음표시 사용
his Wise defore, for three paris of One messuage, Oue barn, One garden, Oneorchard and twelve acres of arabie land with the appurtenatices, into Mur
of tho company of mercliant taliors London as shali accompany my body toburiat twenty shil lings for a recreation to bo mado uiato them, and to the VeS- trymen Oi the fame parish tweuty shil lings more sor a recreation to be made
ty of Surrey, now or late in the severat tenures Or Occupation Os Georgo Fletcher, fisherman, and La retice Lunde, or their assigus; and tho said
thought most meet and convenient, Whereunto I rofer myseis
den plois, and tWo tenements With the appurtenanees thereupon erected,
Administration Was granted i Marcii 163o to Anno Partihursi natural