Μπροσούρες Αριστερής Πτέρυγας Κύπρου - Σοσιαλιστικής Έκφρασης 2

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 19페이지

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turn ei ther they would accepi everything the Institutions' uvere dernanding or face dire conseque laces. By then Greeli harilis rara dry of rnoney hecause of a litige deposit 'ightanti Greece Ivas face 1 vvithi forced clostire of thie Bantcs and total financiat suffocation hythe culting ore of EI A by the European Central Bank. TO EUeryhody's StirpriSe, ine Greel sdid not succunihi. They called a referenduna for the Syb of Iuly to let ine peopte decidewyrether to accepi ine ultiri tuna, the GoUerrirnent advising a NO Uote. The hiant f MVere prornptly siaut douvn and Europe an officials started openly to tiareaten Greelis il)at is ineyVoted NO GreXit would he the outconte uvith hintold suffering of the Greel. people. In the face of this operi blaclcmail, in the face of a scare carnpaign by the Greeli opposition parties and the subser ient Greel press and other 1 ne tia, uvith the hanks closed and capital controis star ned in place, the referendum rerum sed a 61.3M NO Vote. The Greel peo ple had the fighting spirit to resist the whole of the Europe an and Greeli ne o-liberalpolitical and economic establis lina ent and reassure the Greel. GOUernnnent that they uvere prepared to supporet it in iis clasti Muith superior forces despite the difficulties. The resultos the referendurn is pro os is one uvas nee ded, that bus iness uvas not as usual for Greel capitalisΠ1: that reUolutio nary processes uvere ferimenting underne ath the political postvring in the Greeli Partianaeni and the European institutions.


negotiation. Incredihly, 4 sipras decided that there uvas no life oulside the Euro and state ditis Willingnes s to stari negotiations On a Variant of thre EU ultimaturn, as junker laad rendered it heire thie referendunt. Varoufalcis' de parture uvas Just another gesture of


These state1ments by the eX-Finance Minister of Greece giUe a rare glinapse into the woricings of inner life in Syriga. The Coalition o Radicat Lot uvas just that: a coalition. Assuch it clid not have a fully worked out long terni pro graninae, it uvas mi ging iis poli CieSthrough intense discussion annong iis Various strancis. A consensus could he reached onfli Ort temn pro granan es, poli cies and tacti cs despite undet lying differen ces. The forcelloweVer that kept these differen ces at hay uvas the necessity to serUe What they allhelieVed in their pronais e to secure a hetter life for the less fortunate Vast 1majority of the Greeli population. They could not breali that pronaise, giUen the trusithis imajority placedin their Pacly catapulting it froni a parety of just OUer 4ri to GOUemqnient. EVen now, after the capitulation Os 4 sipras and the harsh criticisnt of the agre enient hy the Lest Platirna,


no One is eager to split the Party and destroy the dreanis of the whole country and the Europe an and international len.

Real life politios is too complex to he just assigne 1 a len- right label. Varoufalcis hinis eis is a good eXannple of such connplexities. He uvas a late addition to the Syriga personnei and was considered by the Len as prohahly one of the rnosi right-wing reforrnisis in the party. His passio nate opposition to eXit Doria the Eurm placed hina, confusingly, alongside the EuroloUers' of New Derno cracy, Pasok and Delmar. Yet, he tum ed o ut to he the r nostconsistent, passio nate and effectiUe figliter for the encling of the i neni oranda and quit his post as a Minister rather than sign what he considered an unacceptatile deal. In faci Varo ulaliis se enis to have provide d the hackhone to the Greeli negotiation strategyand carried Syriga along uvith hina. True to his helieis he dici not consider possitile at thattin e a Change into a hetter, socialist, systena. So he set out in a Course of changingEurope an poli cies, a Course that looked as is he was trying to convince or to threaten


Europe an te aders into such a change. Most analysis thought that his real threat uvas Grexit and the problems that would cause to the financiat stability of the EuroZone. Asnnentione d ab OUe, this is a Uery superficiat View. His 1 nost irnportant threat uvas therealigation by the Greeli and Europe an peoples of what the realities of the European project are and their mobiligation into changing these realities. In this last atterripi hewas triumphantly successit. The whrole discourse ab Out Europe an integration haschanged radicatly. Europe Nili neUer hie the sanie again. The SyriZa GOUer Trent experience is essentialty a neuu exercise in strategic plannuig forradicat politi cs. History neVer uvatis for reUolutionaries to MVoluc out the perfeci plan withrali the possibi e contingenta es heire it moves. Neither cloes it InoUe when the plan hasbeen uvorked otii and pranted in neat bookleis. Political actors have to forge policies aseUenis Unfold, as nee cis aris e. To paraphrase MarX, people write their own history, hutnot in conditions of their ouun rnalcing. It is futile to have a delailed plan of what imust hedone unless uve know the delatis of the specific siluation. This cannot hie done in adUance. EVery siluation is so compleX that we cannot predici the eXaci conditions eXcept in Very generat termis. Historical eXperience shows that reUolutions Mureali haVoc uvith the plans os reUolutionaries. Any plans ima de heire the revolution brealis out are Virtually uselessuntes s radicatly a justed to fit realities of the nnonnent. Strange as it may seern, probab lythe hest example of this is Lenin hinis eis. In Ianuary l9lT, harely nn ore than a monili hefore the Russian Febriiary Revolution, he spolie to a nae eling of young woricers in thegum cli P eo pie's f Ouse and said


Is there Se conci tam for Syriga 3

Political lea clers fornelinies malle decisions that decide the course of history. 4 sipras decision to capitulate niay proUe to he one such decision. The decision could have been different and the implications of this have been disciis sed briefly ab OUE. Varoufalcis to othiniis a different path uvas possitile. When confronted with his previoris belles that a collapse of Europe uvould 'unieasti clangerous ly regressive forces' hie ansuvered: