장음표시 사용
εις βαρ φρονημα ἐμπεσίν de Cleone 8 3 φρόνησις, intelliontia: 18 3
φυλάττειν custodire Eηττητον φύλαττε την δύναμιν 27 I. MED. cavere 168 φυλαττόμενον την δειν ιτητα 6
C. 32 πολιτικαῖς χρείαις ἄλλων λειπομενοῖ
τοδαπάς de luna 23 a ό vos, tempus χρόνου 8 I;
Hotaen' nante is in itfel a guarante of the scholarshipis this edition. In formitti more than a schoo book though a very elegant litti volume anda ornamento an libra ), it i in realit a. handibook of Atti Greeli and of histor a presente in the se and xvritings os his author. -Drescin venetra ait April6, 1887. G D Holden' rosae si I, II it is hardi necessan to Peah. It is, lihe ali Dr Holden's oks, very earned ver fuit, ver interestin and la-h,omousi indexed. - The Guardia a Junera I 887. D Holde has done his pari vitii characteristic thoroughness. His Introductio an notes are ver sui an helpsul, an socis his ninning analysis. Ac evr , July 2, 1887. The present volum is an in statiment os a very Complete an care sullyannotate editio of the Cyropaedeia The nante os the editor 1 a sufficient gilarante sor iis accuracy. -Educatio ea Ti /tes July, 887.
PLUTARCH 'S IF OF SULLA. Villa introduction
'It is lona since any more alii albi contribution to classical scholarshi has appeared than D Holden' edition os Plutarch' Liet os of the Gracchi xvhichie has vorthil solio e up xvith the present volunte. That par of the introduction vllicli deat with Plutarch' sotirces os insormation, and the editor' evident sanit liari in vitii such ostheni as are stili extant, prepares the reade so the vas store, os learn in Dona hichi Holden has illustrate his texi, an strahes acit vere akey- note to the whole vork any- si dednescis the characteristic o D Holdenas a conantentator aspectis his Sullaec is neglecte or turre over Noris there in ali his xvealth os illustratio an appearance os confusion or irrelevancy everythiniis to the oint, an everythin conaes jus where it is vanted Suchthorough vorknaan hip a thisieget adcitidis histori Penthusiasui in the reader, an put hini in ange os orgetting that the work besore in deal also vitii scholarship. Here os courin, D Holde is thorought y at honte We needoni ad that xv have ea his coninieritar xvith great interest, and that nystudent xvlio 1 rks caremit through th book vin not aeret have aliae asound knowledge os Plutarch' Greela, an os the Sullan period, ut vili algo have leam a valvat te lesso in the ari os stud yin history, ascit always hould se studi ed Dona the originat authorities. - urna of Education Dec. I, 886.
ψευδῶς, also' ἀληθῶς ψηφίζεσθαι, sust agium e
D Holden' editions of Plutarchys Lives of henaisDHes an frie Gracchiliave established his reputatio as a schola in the Greel o in later prose vesters. In his respect he is seen to fuit a luantage in the present volume. Though in immense earning 'uenbach and the labour os intenis andoiners have greatly lightene in tas of editing lutarchrior ordinar readers, Dr Holde deserves the thank of ali lovers of his author for the completenes of his vork, in hicli includes Coptous vecta an grainniatical indices, a brae appendixo the texi to in correctio of vlaici in editor has made a single happy Contribution in . 8, 1 and abundant notes, villi parasse passages quo ted in fuit, onali vor is an Constructions the eas likel to Caias difficuli or arres thereader' attention. V The Classica KEND , June 1887. The unxvearie industry o Drmolde has no v fosso vectis his lutarch's
Themistocles by attractive an Scholari edition os sonae ther Lives It wouldbe difficult to verrat the XCellen ce an in Completenes of his vork. Hepasses overi aspect of the reatiSe hesore hi m. Hi notes calliu attention to the principies involveo in in constri1Ction o a soland ex an in the criticismis historica evidence. His translations are Spirited an excellent He potnis ut the fine Ahades of naeanin and the nice accuracie Os expression, and ithergives sufficient informationi ordinar grammatica an antiquari an iatters ora least sen d his reader to the right authorities. The sun to os illustrative passages cite Doni lutarch himself, o Dona Xenophon or Polybius, is very rich. The notes are Sicil fuit adJuste to the ia Se os ei therioysi teachers an deven student of ancient hi Stor Cannot assor i neglectis editor 1vhos introductions are so sullis the ources of informatio sor the period of the Gracchi and of Sulla, and xvii potnt out even the minutes divergences xvhicli canae dis overe diei ve e Plutarch an Appian and ther authors It has been a great pleasure t iis to rea Plutarch unde Dr Holden' guidan Ce. - The cadentin,
IV are glad to se Drmoiden perseverin in his estoris to male Plutarch'scharmin Lives popular in Englisti schools. He rightly recommend the studyos Plutarch's Greel to theological student asin helinto vard the interpretation os the Greel: Testament. D Holden' volume is Charactemsed by that thoroughnesso execution whicli ve have notice in his Lives of the Gracchi, an his thereditions o classical vorks. The textris in the naain Belcher's, vitii improvemenismostly consisting of the occasional adoptionis the reaclingis intenis in preferen et that of the later editor Our editor'sine Contribution to the texi, viz. πείγετο sor ἔπετ or πτετο, Ch. XXVIII. DI, Matinc Sound andirilliant.''- Menaeremi Oct. 3O, 1886. This is ne of thos complete and thorough editions of classical books, of vhichno a se viave issue Doni the Pit Pressis late ears. Vith iis introductor ex-CursuSes, it notes explanator an Criti Cal, an iis three indexes, to the matter, grammar. and language of the texi, the Volume hesore iis Contain everythin ne- Cessar so the Complete understandin an appreciation o Plutarc 's Lime o Stilla The naan ne in Whicli the verba index is exectite can hardly be oohighly prat sed It is however, to the historica student, the candidat for the historica sectio of the Classica Tripos that this edition like the Companion volume, Containing the lives of the Gracchio vili eis speciali acceptable. - The imbri e eviero NOV. IO, I 886. This sine os the thorough and excellent edition whichi Holde knows so vellio 1 to execute. The introductio gives sonae account of Plutarchlas a biographer, vitii a specia reserence to thos particula Lives, amotice of vhat veleno v frona other solarces of the Gracchi, an a particulari valvabie history, illustrate by a long quotatio Don Appian, of the Agraria Laxus. The note are full-D Holden' notes are always examples of vhat notes hould e for thereader sor vlior these book are intended-and there is a Vomplete exical Index, vhi Ch M ithout indulging a learner' indolence, vili materiali tesse his labour. ver attentive eacher knows the exicon difficulay. In the large lexi consis o lose his way and the mal ones necessarii fail, ouieti me atteast, o give the sage required. A specia inde is particulari required, vhenthe author to e studie lies ovisi de the familia range of Classica iuri ting. miterar Supplement to ne fecta fori Dec. II, 886.
introductio notes an lexicon. Extra cap. vo. is.
Lme o The/uistocles are stare to vel conae this volume earii ly. In his lives os the Gracchi Plutarch is, astur Editor rem arks, See at his best . . . his stylei more luci and si imple an les involve than usual, an his narrative is en livene with no a sex os hos pictorial toliche whichiive so great a Charili tolii xum tings. . . . Student of Roman History, is the do no go through thewhole taboli, hould at an rate se the adimi rasile introducto Dessa V, p. xvii. st o the principes inures of information sor the Period of the Gracchi. Athenaeunt, Oct. 3, 885. M Holde has dones fore nox a great deal Osfret-classovo k as an Editor, both in Latin and Greelia butrive seel oursetve qui te Sase in saying that the presentvolunt ranks vitii the bestis it predecessors.' Dublin Even in Mail. D Holden' editionis Plutaria's Gracchi hiata ali the excellen ces that maricthe work of this unxvearie scholar. He has hosen theseo xv lives Iecatis os the niormentotis problem involved arid ecaus Plutarch, as e thinlis, is seen here at his best. An elaborate introduction enahiles the student to understandthe niovenientis the tina es, and the. Conarinentar anc lexical index Provide everything that candi re onal inde si re so the elucidationis the texi and theatri clanceos the oling Grecia throiigh the peculiarities os Plutarcii' grana naar anil voca-lbulam Good vincis the sina id dis resere iace, biit Hadley-Allen is also cited attinaes vitii ad vantage. The naechanica execution is beatiti sui ascis io'H expecte d
As a book for student illis edition an have se vivat s. It is en riched by an excellent introductio aries a Chronologica table of the principat event of thelis o Cicero: vhil in iis appendix an in the notes ori the texi vhi Ch areadded, there is iniich of the reates value. The volum i neatly got up anda in very way Conamendabie. - The Scotinian. D Holden' o vn edition is ali a Couta be expecte fron his elegant and practised scholarship. . . . D Holden has evidently naade piis min a to the CharaCter of the Cominentarymaos likelyrio be generat ly usesul and hedias came lout his uterus xvith admirabie loroia raraeSS.' - Academ . D Hotaen has give Us here an excellent edition. The Commentarycis eventinusuali sui an Complete an aster going through it Caresully, ive in litile ornothingo criti Cige. There is an excellent introduction, lucidi explaining the Circii nistanCe unde ivlii Ch the spe e Ch vas deli vered a lataei evenis in the liseos Cicero an a usesul index. - ectator, Ct. 29, 188 I. M Holden' thorough edition o Cicero's oratio pro Plancio deserves varme approva inan Ur paCe an accord With ut ne oro vo marice exception it is ne of the mos interestin os the spe Cimen preServe to us os Cicero' oratory, and it bearing on CanvaSSing, eleCtioneering politi Cal tacti sand the se of the ballo a Ronae hould have justi fled long ago iis edition in the it Pres Series, hina schola a greata vitii Cicero acheris vitia Aristophanes. Amri A. Holden vili be found to have fulfille his ast in such vise asto have turre no diffiChilty les no authorit iunconsul ted calle to id asound Choice of grani mars, and furnished his introduction ivit ali the informationon 'ambisus,' sodalicia,' 'coitio an simila technical ternis as have tot continuali recurre t in the Course of thi mos attraCti Ue oration. . . . Ueneed ut direct the student to the Commentar on the Chapter of the texi, to introduce in to an exhaustive an luci account of the whole actiori besoreth indices an malce in fuit acquainte xvith at the poliat an niceties of the Case. . . . An honoUrable notice hould e made of the chronolog of Cicero's se a valvabie appendi on the texi and two indeXes, ne geographica an historical, the ther remm e verbo na. -Satur HKeνDw, June
Euripides meracleidae. Villi Introductio mand Cratical Notes.
Euripides. Hercules urens Villa Introduction, Notes and
Herodotus, Boo VIII., Chaps 1-90. Edited villa Notes and
Luciani Somniurn Charon Piscator et De Luctu. in V. E.
Platonis polona Socratis Villi Introduction, Notes and
- Crito. Villi Introduction, Notes an Appendix ByPlutarch. Lives of the Gracchi. Villi Introduction, Notes
Xenophon Anabasis Vith Introduction, Ma an Englisti
Cicero. De Amicitia. Edited by I. S. EID, Liri. D. Fello v
Cicero. De Senectute. B in Same Editor IJS. 6d. Cicero. In Gaium Verrem Actio Prima Villi Notes, hy
Cicero a Q. Caecilium Divinatio et in c. Verrem Actio
cicero Philippica Secutida. Villa Introductio an Notes by
cicero. Oratio pro Archia Poeta B J. S. EID, Liri. D.
cicero. Pro L. Cornelio Balbo oratio. By the Same. Is 6 Cicero. Gratio pro Tito Annio Milone, vitii Englisti Notes,
Cicero. Gratio pro L. Murena, vitia inglisti Introduction
Cicero. Pro Cn. Plancio Oratio bym. A. HOLDEN, I L. D.
- Pro P. Cornelio Sulla ratio. ij I S. REID, Iesu. D.
Cicero. Somnium Scipionis Villi Introductio an Notes.
Horaco. Episties, Book Ι Villi Notes an Introductio by
Lucan Pharsaliae Liber Primus, vitii Englisti Introduction
Ovidii Nasonii Pastoriam Liber VI Vith Notes by R