장음표시 사용
60. ἐξηκοντάκις 70. βδομηκοντάκις
tenses the present, imperfeci, and a lat.
2. The future perieci, and Hupersect are forinedia means of the fosso vin auxiliai Vects and the infinitive or perieci participis Passise.
Subjuncti Ve. Present Subunctive.
Participi e . Present Participis.
1. Present Indicative Active. Classicia. S. γράψω γραφεις γραφει l. γράφομεν 'ρά-- γράφουσι Modem.
S. γράφω γράφεις γράφει P. γράφουμήνy πάμυ γράφουν
S. e. γράφει, χεις γραφει, χει γραφει P. εχομεν γράφει, χετ γραφει, ἔχουν γραφει
It 1 also forined by means of πω and the accusative of the persect articipi passive in v eschcas the partici pleris predicative asI ω παμμενον το γραμμα, Ι have the leuertori tem nota have crine the leneri T. Future Perfect Indicative Active. The futuro perfeci indicative activens forined by su nolining the accusative of the perfeci participi e passive to the future of ἔχω asΘὰ το εχω γραμμενον το γραμμα, Ιshal hane taede ter acrinem nota s,ati have omne the leuer.
8. Pluperstet Indicative Active. The lupersect indicative activo is forine bysistroining theruoris infinitive to AH as