장음표시 사용
NOTE . alio accendios nominatives iste θα-- is Doric GRE- ω RIUS CORINTH. 123, P. 314.
1 Proper ames an nationes appellatives in ΟΣ malce the vocative in o M
μάρτιοι μορτίων μορτίοις μαρτίους S. N.A. V.
παιδίοις ποδίοις δικτυως Μodem.
s 12, 3 in the genitive singular, an in ali the
cases of in plurat. Classicat.
3. Masculines in ΟΥΣ, and Pleminιnes in OT Nolans of this clas are o moderni fore norion.
Modem. Periales Περικλης ΠερικληParis Παρις
4. Masculines in Σ, and Feminines in E. AH nouns of this description are os sors norion. S. N.
prope nam in haVe a regula plures sonti vhen it des1gnates more an ne individua pe
NOTE. The plura hero emtari core ponds to tho classica ia ψί τινα, oris περί τινα. nias, οἱ ἀμφὶ Πρίαμον των περὶ Κεκροπα, τους ἀμφὶ δν Κῖρον, in Moderit Gree mul De οἱ Πρινέοι, των Κεκροπέων, τους Κυρέους.