Selections from Lucian

발행: 1882년

분량: 359페이지


분류: 미분류


oz περ φυλλων γενεη, τοίη δε και ανδρῶν. φύλλα τα μεν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χόει, ἄλλα δέ θ' s τηλεθόωσα φυει εαρος δ' ἐπιγίνεται ρη ως ανδρων γενε η με φύει η δ απολήγει

regumque turreS beate Sesti, vitae Summa brevi Spem nos vetat inchoare longam.'





πλέον ποδός in ανάγκη γαπῶντα κατακεῖσθαι πρὸ τ μετρον συνεσταλμένον.



vo passages in Aristophanes Lystr. o T, Blad 1547ὶ a fragmen irona lae Monotropos o Phrynichus; two epigram by Calliniachus Plutarcia, Anthony, 6 f.; and this dialogue of ILUCian.


lia been turne to gal by benefit forgo i, but it be comes also the vehicle or placing the esset hierarch of Olympus beiorem in


shal be is anthropos . e vili tota no inter ourse vitia his fello v no cindi office vili e do to Dan, accepi non at hi Shand s. Hardi has his plan been forme when the parasites an dilatterer of the forme da have ear of his ex sortune and hasten to a v at his te et Poet, parasite, orator, an philoSopher areare e ted vitii mocking gibes, and dri ven o vling si vitii cudgel-blows frona his mattoch; and the dialoσue teriminates vitii Timontakin refu e froni the throngin flatterer upo altile Icnoli, and peltin theni a the approach vitii sione S. This dialogue is usuali considere Lucian' masterpiece. It is vide in iis interest anxiis coperi it toti Ches life at more Oinis. Every sentenc indicate the mos Caresul observatio of se. Inspirate J Character-sketching, in Leennes of Satire, in vivid portrabalo clas fossi es an vices, Lucia i throughout at his est. The character o Timon is boldi conceived an distinctly delinealed no agines obscures iis gran simplici ty. There is sonaething Titani about the early earnesines of his atred for men, his Contemptrior God A. Ont i a moment oes e relax, - vhen e accepi the ne vovealth e Caus it is die to resis the god butthe ex moment he justi fies himselfi resolving that increas eminae an Ahal bree increas of hate. Shalc spere, in his inhon


The clialogue is ulli instructio an triath sor at tinae. The