The Epistles of St. John : the Greek text, with notes and essays

발행: 1886년

분량: 442페이지


분류: 미분류


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replied that it could not but bo that persect holineas ahould become nuce. Visibie in perfeci beatity. To the spiritual ve, ure feel, inore Wouldbe no finia antagoniam in the two stadimenta. And Art is spiritualaympathy is able to guide tho spectator to a right vision of that which is not naturali, discerned. Or, to present the sanis thought Dotii tho opposite ride, M ali Art remala Art bringa tho ideat, in sotiis aenae, betore us in a Inisteriai lam, ond. and preserves sor earth a definite place in the present orderi soChristian Art is characterised by the endoavour to present in many parta and in many ωhiona ' that viow of Creation whorein it is ahe in in earnest Oxpectation ' matting sor the revelation of theaona os God' Rom. viii. I93. In other morda Christian Art troata ita subiret M that Which has partly lost and is partly striving


os Art spiritualty disciplinest

Tho developnient of Christian Art lina been gradual, and it hantison unequia in disso ut branchea. The sociat Aem, is I may nod cribe them, Μusic and Architecture, urere mon mel med by tho Church and puraued in characteristic forina. It is not too much to


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beau .' The fulfilinent of this ossico involves the exerciso not Onlyes insight biit os solscontrol. Μan and nature are eridenti, di oriter d. me representation os ali tho phenomena os life mouid noti e tho representation os their divine math. IA ue therelam, a looking for tho highest good of the wliole, Will guido and limit the aearchatior beauty to Which Art is directed. In tho imitativo aris, pianting and sculpturo, the estori in mali visibis the imith of God in man and in naturo is immediato and virect. In the creative aris, Inus1c and architectum, tho es ori is tofind - ΘXpremion, an em, Himent, harmoniolia mith the truth of thinga for elementa emotiona and wanta. Μen in society Melc acouunon Volce, a coinnon homo: the hymn and -belong in the fimi stage of tho stato. But in those arta there Ia ne Mardymore freedom and variety than in thoae Which are directly imitative. The application os the generat lama of Art to them is complicated by


of lite, and yst plataly indicates the peril Which lies in this λι-

in obscuri

Is it bo aiad that naturo is bosoro ua, and that the artiat cannelther surpam nor repria luce it, the ana or is complete:


could piant One picture, just ono more the Virgin's face, Not yo 's this timet