장음표시 사용
ΡRESENT editions of the Viri Romae and Cornelius Nepos Contain so much matter of titile aclvantage to theaverage high school student that a book made up of thebest selections from each is in demand. Editions noW in use were intended largely for college Work; While, fromthe simplicity of the reacling matter itself, the properplace for it is in advance of Caesar in the high school
five from the Viri Romae and fix from Cornelius Nepos, and is intended for high schoois, academies, and Other institutions of secondary education. Beginners' Latin books of the present clo not giVesufficient preparation for Caesar. This book has been prepared with the encl in view of providing an intermediate texi belWeen the beginner's Latin book and Caesar. The notes are simple, have been written in accordance With the requirements of secondary schools. and theirusefulness has been tested by the actuat ClasS-rΟΟm experience of the editors. Lucid explanations of the ConStructions and the arrangements of the Latin in the English order are sufficiently numerous to mahe apparent
the mean ing of the text without cumbering the bookWith grammatical references. Special pains has beentaken to use in the notes only such terms as are found
in the ordinary first-year Latin book, thus enabling the pupil to move eastly into quantity reading, ' and to
It is recommended that the Viri Romae be read in the last four Weelis of the first year, and the Nepos in the first four of the second year. With the exception os the changes heret naster named, the texi of the Viri Romae conforms to that of Holger,
handi ung, Berlin. Harper's Latin Dictionary has beenused as the standard vocabulary, and as the authoritysor hidden quantitieS. The following changes have been made in the texi: the punctuation has been changed to conform to Englislirules ; the regular Latin forms have been substituted forexceptional Greeli forms, for example, Themistoclem for Themistoclen ; Κ V has been substituted for C V insuch Words as Karthago ; o V for u V in such words as volt vult); ens V in numerat adjectives for es, ' forexample, quotiens for quoties ; i V for ii V in the genitive singular of the second deciension; numbers have been given in Latin Words instead os in their equivalenis in Roman Characters ; and usualty no assimilation has
2. Gnaeus Pompeius Μagnus D3. Gaius Iulius Caesar 184. Μarcus Tullius Cicero 275. Octavianus Caesar Augustus 33SELECΤΙΟΝS FROM NEPOS :I. Μiltiades 432. Themistocles 5O3. Aristides 504. Epaminondas 6I5. Hamilcar 606. Hannibal 72ΝΟTES 85
L Romulus imaginem urbis magis quam urbem fecerat : incolae deerant. Erat in proximo luCus; hunC asylum fecit. Et statim eo mira Vis latronum paStorumque Confugit. Cum vero uXoreS ipse populusque non haberent, legatos CirCa ViCinas gentes misit, qui societatem 5 Conubiumque novo populo peterent. Nusquam benigne audita legatio est; ludibrium etiam additum : Cur non feminis quoque asylum aperuistis λ Id enim compar foret consshium. Romulus aegritdclinem
animi dissimulans ludos parat ; indici deinde finitimis io
spectaculum iubet. Μulti convenere studio etiam videndae novae urbis, maxime Sabini Cum liberis et coniugibus. Ubi spectaculi tempus venit eoque ConVerSaementeS Cum oculis erant, tum signo dato iuvenes Romani discurrunt, virgines rapiunt. Is
ΙΙ. Haec fuit statim causa belli. Sabini enim ob virgines rapita bellum adversus Romanos SumpSerunt et, cum Romae appropinquarent, Tarpeiam virginem naCti Sunt, quae aquam forte extra moenia petitum ierat. Djsitigod by COOgle
IO SELECTIONS FRΟΜ VIRI ROMAE VHuius pater Romanae praeerat arci. Titus Tatius, Sabinorum dux, Tarpeiae optionem muneris dedit, si exercitum suum in Capitolium perduxisset. Illa petiit quod Sabini in sinistris manibus gererent, videlicet et 5 anulos et armilllis. Quibus dolose promissis Tarpeia Sabinos in arcem perclaxit, ubi Tatius Scsstis eam obrui iussit; nam et ea in laevis habuerant. Sic impia proditio celeri poena vincliCata eSt. m. Deinde Romulus ad Certamen processit et in eo
Io loco ubi nunc ROmlinum Forum est, pugnam ConSeruit.
Primo impetd vir inter Romlinos insignis, nomine Hostilius, fortissime dimicans cecidit; cuius interiiss Consternati Romani fugere coeperunt. Iam Sabini clamitabant: Vicimus perfidos hospites, imbelles hostes. NunC SCiuntis longe aliud esse virgines rapere, aliud pugnue Cum Viris. VTunc Romulus arma ad caelum tollens Iovi aedem vovit, et exercitus seu forte seu divinitus restitit. Itaque proelium redintegratur; sed raptae mulieres Crinibus paSSiSausae Sunt se inter tela volantia inferre et hinc patreS,2o hinc viros orantes, plicem ConCilistrunt.
IV. Romulus foedere cum Tati6 icto et Sabinos in
urbem recepit et regnum Cum Tatio sociavit. Verum non ita multo post occiso Tatio ad Romulum potentlitus omnis recidit. Centum deinde ex senioribus elegit, as quorum Consilio omnia ageret, quos senstiores nominlivit