Musik am sächsischen Hofe

발행: 1898년

분량: 195페이지


분류: 미분류


1he mission o protectin and 1 stering the aris, ne of the obtestis theduties to hic inose hos mandering lea them inrouo in heights of human litiare calleo has been lalfissed by n re ning hous more rillianti than by stat ofSΑxONY. The histor thereo comprises a sectionis ari histor so complete in iiself, stat ne an hardi imagine an improvement thereon. An it a more particularlytoward Puin y an Musis stat in member thereo have ver tume themselves and tho fuit orient of this Macaenaldom an assuredi not e belle gauge inanishen mandering throuo the halis of the celebratedires mallem, o When one looks throughtho annals of the ora Saxon Musica ChapeI-Bano, hic has a renowned pas, history, running bach ove 350 years Then ne forin in recomissis in fac that itWas in very rs of tho Alberi famibo assume the electora dignity, MORIΤ ΤΗΕ MIKE, Who oode the fame on the πιυRNY-DLY September 22R 1148, henho signe the document in hic one recomise the BIM CERTIF1cΑΤΕ' of the imstitute hic t da constitutes the contra potat o musica life in the Saxon capitia. The document in question is the rima Cantoris*-Regulations , he effect ofvhic Was o placeo les a personage stan JOΗANN ALTHER, in musica inviseran friend of LUTHER, at the oad os in VocALassocἈΤIo consistin os eleveng -- person for the bas , alto an teno , and nine οys for the trebi paris'. But far rom leavin in pat entere Mon by the Great Elector of Saxony his successors have fiathsuli fossoWod in his focisteps. hus it a GH GEORGE IWh Won ve ste grand-master of the protestant music of tho Tin centu , Emram ScΗΘκ, to his Couri Oh eLBand , an it Was he who, even in the dires times, Whic ever elati Saxony the period of tho 30-years War preserve suta bandrim totalextinction And the protectio extended by the using famil to tho institute, hichinadbecome traditiona in the o se of time, a no ovi in no is allared by thechange of roligion hic too place in the year 1697, ut raster the reverse, in rulers, inpossinte, extendis a stilla her grade os favo 'heroto, hen, in consequence of the prominence hic the opera as eginiuncto assume, in importance of instrumentia music incremed the hapelinand was in 17li converte into an orchestra body. The μmusica renaissance', ii ita specificat. Italia ideat, hicli suove tori e the directiono sentient emty, ο absolute euphony, ad effected iis victorious enu into Dresden


in art-connoisse , FRIEDRIC AUGUST II, in centra potes of his productivensas, stens movement reached iis genis and the splendour of tho opera penetralad irresistiNyinto in churta It was unde J. G. NAUMANU, sociar a ste lauer are conceraed, stat in influences of the a ahening German intollectual life - more speciali in heconception os a rationalisti pietistic formos religion too e ct, ut this notini standing, unde SCHU8ΤER, MORDACCHI and ostres Italia insto continue to stand Mahoh n. It was notonii tho oundation os in German Opera and the appotriment fC. M. ON WEBER, in ine ear 18 6 too place that hange egan However, honeat romanticis di no live to se in superfossionis in Italia opera School in 1832J. his occurred in the timo When C. G. REusIGER stood at in head os in orchestra an his hie merit a that he pavod the wayrior a homerior in classic ari in Dresden. His antagonis to the outhlal aspiris genius of BI ARD WAGNE is readit recomis te a duo to his musical co se of tralain andri in nature 1 his persona semtimonis. Whereas e remalae at in head of the orchestra unti his deain, o sto Tin November 1859, amor, vis his sad fille missi indistinc politica idoas, rem domnopon himself the odium attachin to the revolutionist, and ad ora cur at thedevelopment of his rita, artistic ideat, The Ar Mork of the usure' in adore cland.


Thia maga a compose so tho celebratio of the 50-years dubites of the eim os Mng roderio Augus I. an mas performe so therars time o 20x Septembor 1818 in in Catholio Church.


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