장음표시 사용
rio muc musicos understoo an appreciate in the Saxon Royalsamid is evidenced by the habit, hic is noticeable even to the present v, oscit art-loving member os cultivatin the practica stud an execution thereo in the samit circle, perhaps even in actigher degre than is hoWn by the patronage and protectio accordedto in Boya Musica Orchestra an Cour opera, as recorde in the reno ed annalsos the lauer. It is ellonow of more than ne scio os in exalte hous that in the exercising of the art he has est the andmacts of diletlantiam sar ehin him, but thers have been amon them no a se Who have turne thei musica gist eveni the directionis composition. argrave HENRY BE ILLUSTRIOUS appears to have been the first among them to have done so Amuli os Pops Innocon IV of the ear 1254 record the fac that he nobi prince Wh also et an honorabis position in therank of the German inne-singers, publislied in honor of themoly Virgin a neW'm On the Drio eleison and the Gloria in excelsis Deo an directed that thsservant of the Church hould mahe se of the fame in tho Celobratio of the Hass'. Whilo his ancestor of the illustrious princet hous Was, presumedly the sesto tho ettiner Famil Who trie his an a musica composition IOII GEORGE II, th tis prince of the Albertine Line, as he os hom it was aid: it is universassyknown What a lover, connoisseu an compose of music he was'. The Laudate Dominum hic begin the present collection hoW ampi that theor, and pomp- lovin monarch, in ali probabilit a pupil f EINRICI SCII0Τ and BONTEMP1 hadenjoyed a thorought musica trianing The musica productions of the lectoralPrinces ΗΑRIA ANTONIA ALPURGIS, subsequently the Consor of the lectoralirinceFREDERI CHRIATIAN, tali us ac to the time os the musica reim o J. Α ΗΑ88E, heroeacher of composition. The me of this important ady a auoter of the Electora Prince os avaria an subsequent Roman Emperor, CHARLES VII, achnois inroughout tho hole of tho civilise Worid. At the ea of her contempora admirer stood F DERI THE OREAT, and the leame Societ of the Arcadians' at Rome electe her a member, in hic character he ore the ames Ermelinda alea, Pastorella Arcada Her talenta ere inherite byae sons FREDERIO AUGUAT ΤΗΟΝYand AxIMILIAN. It is know of the rs of these, ho ore, later on the ille of ΚIN FREDERI AUGUAT HE JUsae, that his inclinations ad ahen des roo in inscreations os Italia ars and that these passe on to the pupiis and epigones of a HASAE, A MUMΑΝ etc., and mors speciald, ver i IOSEPH SCHUSTER an FRINCEsco ΗΟRLACCHI. The nobie-minded stricti mora prince ave expression to his ait in musica formi hil his rothers, Wh in part alite themaelves to the reflectivelysociabis style of the German sinon plus, beauiifie a happyriamid life it thei art. Prince asterWarda in ANTHON Was speciali productive in the field of musical composition, hereas, o the ther hand Prince A devote himself to the productiono post . in addition to tumini his musical ins to account iove and unde
it mas the rinces ΑΜΑLIA Who also exercise her creative talenta in os brancheso art. his remarhable ady the auctores of Falsehood and Dust', ad studied thoroughi in the tonat ar unde JO8. S UATER and FRANE ANTON SCHUBERTand been subjecte to the influence an advice of ΗΟRLACCHI, REISSIOER and aboVeiat, o C. H. Ο BER. The specimen containe in the present collection ahensrom her operas, sor hic ah mostly roto the libretti herself, ea us o regardis recognition os a IULIU RIETE, Wherein e spolie of her decide dramati and musica talent' and of her inbo powersis imagination , asaeing thorouod justified Her augus brother, ing IOBN, ad moreover inherite hom his illustrious atherabove ali in poetic os and the incentive to ursu serious scientis studies, and it isto the combinationis these Wo qualities that me are indebled for his grand achieve-ment, themante-translation Although, accordin to the nobi prince' om humorouslyspice morda, the musica endowments of the monarch id notiund expression in ister executant o productive lam, he neveriheless, evince a Warm-hearte interest in and underatandiniso the tonat ari, an even place his poetic insta at in disposal of thesiste ari, ascis ho- by the existenc os an per libretto Saul composed by Κ. B. vo Miltiteti, in addition to numerous verses ritie lar famil sestivias, cantatas, etc. The opera in question a performe a the resden Court-Τheatre o the 16 h arch1833. An What igh importanos' attribute to music is inown in the notable iactinat he warmi recommende the stud thereo to his hildren. he Saxons noWotaing ALBER that he has nos ni lous an understandin for music in 'igh degres, ut that he is also capable of ahin an active par in the execution thereos o liks applied to his illustrious roster, Prince GEORGE, Who, on his pari, inolicare that the understandiu for music hic has edom traditiona in the eitinerhouae hould retain ita vitalit in his o- famil circle. ut such musical intelligencemeeta missi est nourishment in the person of the oun scio of themabsburg samid, Whom in future et to the throne, Princ FREDERI Aususae, rought home Withaim hom in Cit of ogari. In Princes Lo UISA music and poeis ars once more found in sal and promisin alliance.
Lauctat Dominum omnes gentes Psalm IIIJ S. I
1. CaVatina Domitio Liconeta per Ias Itos nascita cloi Principe Clemento p. 342. Marcti rom tti Cantata La nascita cle solo p. 363. Final Chorus Contraclaneta stomoti Cantata La nascita uel solo' p. 37