The domesday of inclosures, 1517-1518; being the extant returns to Chancery for Berks, Bucks, Cheshire, Essex, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northants, Oxon, and Warwickshire by the Commissioners of inclosures in 1517 and for Bedfordshire in 1518; to

발행: 1897년

분량: 343페이지


분류: 미분류






39o IH DOMI Slo OF INCLOS URES. IsareXPlanation. The agricultura revolution as, even uring the period illi in the limits of the Commission, ein carricilthrough more drasti catly than in BerkShire, Buckingliam sitire, Northam Ptonsilire, and X sordesilire, the area in closed tot aSture bearing the proportion os 86 to that iaciose asarabie, si actions bella omitte l. Among the Mur Hundreds that os nightlow, hi ch

COUnty generat ly. The Same may be said of the Hundred hichsollows in the e tentis area in closed that os ington in the

the mos par of the hiro os War vilio that lyeth as vota Rive descendeth on the right Han or Ripe oscit is in Arden. . . and the ground in Arden is much enclosed plenti illis Grasse, but no Os Corne. The ther artis War vilicshirotha lycthin the est an or Ripeis Avoniniver much to the ouili, is sor the mos part Champatia, someri hat barrenis Wood, butilenti sui os Corne. y his ast applies particularlyto the Hundred of ington, illi it 9 per cent. Os inclOSUrCto pasture between 483 an Isu7. What, then, mus have been the actua proportion os coria o pasture an in the vestis the count Here, it may be in serred the agricultura revolution ad been maint carrie through be re theaccession os Henry VH And this conclusion is strengthenodby the Returias os the Inquisition. In the Hundredis Barlich-

Ed by T. Hearne, Oxsord, 744, v. o. 66 a The Same State-men is made in lighil disterent angvage in viii. o. 74 b, here hesi si 'este is an eviden bl unde sor right.'


io in clostire in genera an to conversion rom rabie topasture in particular, as here Clearly at an Ond.

Mostis his as in the Hundredi in the est Han or Ripeos vota River, Knighilo v an Kington. The in crease Verthe Precedin Si year was 4283 per Cent O arabie and 8 I9 8 Per cent of pasture in closed But illi his decadet is apparent that the mox ement os in closure to pasture had Spent iis orce. The solio vin ten ears IHOI-IO ShON a decline of 6 per cent in conversion to paStur Only the in clostire os rabie an increased by IO7 94 per cent. The Septennate os 3II I shows a surther decline of 34 9 percent. Os inclose pasture. Considering the igh prices os Wheat and woo cluring thos sex en ears, it an Carcet bedoubted that the decline mus have been connected illi thelegislation against inclosures, illi his Inquisition, and withthe SubSequent proceed ings against in clofers. The declineos ter cent in 13OI IO is synchronous illi a much heaviersat in the price of Ool, an may be attribute to that CaUSO,sor inclosures os arabie in creased by IO7 94 per cent , and thiSWa accompanted by aris os ' percent. 35'. O d. to 35'. l . in the price of the quarter of heat. In the Septennate ISII I the ni increas in an sormis inclosure as O 42 2 inarabie or ecclesiastica land In in clostire to paSture there was a sal os 34 9 I per cent The par played by inclosin ecclesiastic o thei tenantSin arwici Shire a no a great ne The tota Percentageos ecclesiastica to lay an inclose is 3 2 t 84 27 CXCCed in by ome 3 per cent the proportio of inclOSure UPOn


belox the 23 28 and 33 per cent os Berks, Orthant1ς, and OX sordesilire respectively. The in closti res of ecclesiastica landhad a light tenden cyrio the in clostire os arabie ather hanos pasture bella I9O4 per cent os the whole rabie in closed. The sanae tenderic has ali eady been remari e in Bucks. The percontage os evictions and diSPlacement stom employ- mentin ecclesiastica lan is 8 I, a figure ut lighil in CXCessis the proportionate area os ecclesiastica tocia land , but indicating, sociar as it goes that, a in Beri sitire, orthanis, and Ysord shire, eccleSiastic o thei tenant di noter on the si de os indulgence. The able citatus o actuat In Clofers' proves, howeVer, that thi rigour a.duo ather tolli action of the tenant os ecclesiastica land than to the ecclesiastica landiord themsolves. Stili Veia these ho v asinalter area per person displace than do the lay proprietors, an eviden ce that heia they id embarii pon agriculturali inprOVement thenwere the Ore thorough O the two classes in thei method S. The able os Number os Inclosti res and Distribution os Areas accordindit Tenures an Ten ancie. shows iis that os the an in hand of owner 89 I per Cent. a in the and sos lay and 54 96 of ecclesiastica ori ners. Thicis a very large proportion and mal es it clea that the ecclesiastic os War vick- Shire ere amongst the sarmin clerg of the period. When ve come to Xamine the proportions in the and os Dccholder and anor il ord respectively, e com to the Conclusion that the c)lesiastic in question ere chiesy the

digni fie clerg an monasticinouses, since thes held 63 9 Per Cent of the tota ecclesiastica lan in and The large Proportionis O 43 per cent os the tota os lay and whicli asin hand of the lay lord os an ors hows a wealthy resident

Shire. While no mention os copyhold occurs the X ity ostentire indicated by caselioliis appears to have ad vanced sui theron ecclesiastica than pon lay land bcing ST per cent os ecclesiastica a contrasted with 62 3 per cent os lay and let. The Verage areas inclosed on lay and ccclesiastica land were


38 49 as against 39 O6, S early a POSSibi equat. The fame practical qualit appeariin the area attached O OSSuagia. Minor tenanis, the occupant Os CottageS, were Some ha belleros sipon lay and with an Verage area attache of 8 28 acres, than pon ecclesiastica land with an Verage area os 3 23 acres. The population was lightly thinne upon ecclesiasticalland bella at the rate of sive instea os si inhabitant to amessuage. In thi respect War vici sitire is a Berks and Bucks. Judged by the number os personidependentis Pon aploughland the standari os com for ora the two classe os CState a much the Same. A ploughland of 37 3 acres supportet 8 6 person On lay and One Os 44 2 acres 3

The renta valuc os lay an in arwici sitire re Considerablymigher than hos os ecclesiaStica land bella I S. 3 is, a Contrasted ith 9 d. an acre But it is to e observe liliat this differen ceris duo, notri a greater indulgenc on the partis ecclesiastica landiord to thei tenanis, but apparently

to the inferior qualit os the an hel in and by Iclesi

higher in the lay than in the cccleSiaStica schedule.



Membrane S INQUISICIO IN DENTATA capta apud allesleb in predicto Comi-

tatu arrewici vicesimo Secundo die Optembri. anno regni

Regis henrici Octaui nono coram Iohanne Cys decano Capelle dicti domini Regis et Rogero Wygston nuper deleicestria omissionariis predicti domini Regis preteXtuliterarum paten cium ipsius domini Regis eis consectarum et directarum ad inquirendum Per Sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum de Comitatu predicto tam infra libertates quam X tra que et quot ille quot domus et edificia a Festo Sancti Michaelis archangeli anno regni illustrissimi domini henrici nuper Regis anglie septimi patris domini Regis

nunc quarto ProSternuntur et quot et quante terre que tunc in cultura erant et iam in PaSturam conuertuntur necnon

quot et quanti parci pro Feris nutriendis citra idem Festum includuntur et que terre aliquibus parcis vel alicui parco qui tunc fuerint aut lacri pro largacione huiusmodi parcorum includuntur et per quo Vel per quem Vbi quando qualiter et quo modo ac de aliis articulis et circumstanciis Premi SSa qualitercumque concernentibus plenius veritatem aSSignati per Sacramentum henrici quic Gentii man Nicholai

Rugete Gentilinan Ricardi Mountsord Gentilinan Iohannis lysi Gentilinan Roberti edet de olfhil Ricardi Smythde Nonneton illelmi abel de heldon illelmi Morecole de lemyngton Roberti orsi e Gentii man laureiaci Eberalide noli Iohannis heyes de Wyinasse Thome te de Solyhuli Iohannis Glove te cryvale Simonis Myley de irayl3 s


WARV ICΚSHIRE 393 Thome eis de Kenetiuortii et Roberti Charioli de eadem proborum et legalium hominum predicti Comitatus Warricio ui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod ' Prior Prior de Malbom

Monasterii de albournes nuper sui seisitus in dominico Suo ς'

ut de eodo in iure monasterii predicti de Se Iesuagiis hi 'ςJ duobus Cotagiis et Centum et quateruiginti acris terre arrabilis cum pertinenciis in Shyttyngton ' in Comitatu predicto ut de parcella sui Manerii siue Prioratus de alcotes celle predicti

Monasterii de albourne que quidem terra a tempore de quo non XStat memoria annuatim arrari et debitis temporibus USU Seminacioni aranorum I oni solebat et fuit et cum quolibet ostiagio Iesuagiorum predictorum de terra illa per totum dictum tempus viginti et quatuor acre terre ad minus arrabilis et culture apte cupari tradi et dimitti ad Firmam solebant et fuerunt et predictus Prior sic inde seisitus ante seX tum diem marcii cinno regni domini Megis munc sexto tenementa illa uidem ' Willelmo Cari right ad firmam hkbbi, Pro terminoe certorum annorum dimisit me quod idem φης ος RVRJWillelmus in tenementa illa intrauit et inde suit possessionatus ipseque Sic inde OSSessionatus et predicto Priore sic inde ei sit eXistente predictus Willelmus Cartwright predicto seYto die Marcii dicto anno seXto assensu et consensu predicti PrioriS C per agreamentum et Conuencionem inter ipsum Priorem

et dictum Millelmum antea factam si edicta Me sua ia 'Cotagia ad terram proiicire et in decasum cadere Voluntarie permisit ac predictas terras arrabile ab Sumultus granorum

. . . tanquam Oictgin, P. 383, Supra.


hucusque usus est et custodit Et dicunt quod tenementa predicta valent per annum ultra repri Sas e libra duos solidos

et quatuor denario et tenentur de domino Rege ut de Comitatu suo arre vici Et dicunt quod predictus Prior adhuc in iure Monasterii sui predicti seisitus X i Stit in predictis terris et tenementis in sorma predicta et quod racione permissorum

se aratra deponuntur et triginta tore PerSone que circa culturam earundem terrarum Cupabantur ab inde lamentabiliter recesserunt et minuuntur et '

Et Iuratores predicti dicunt quod predictus Prior nuper sui scisitus in dominico suo ut de codo in iure Monasterii predicti de quadraginta et duabus acri terre arrabilis cum pertinenciis et Cultui sitato si apte a d a nuum ' valorem quadraginta solidorum in Shiltyngton predicta in Comitatu predicto et sic inde scisitus tercio die Octobris anno regni Regis henrici Regis angite peti mi ' octauo terras illas a priore

inde usu ultus et conomi in asturam ovium et aliorum animalium conuertit et illis sic hucusque usus est et terre ille tenentur de domino Rege et duo persone ut alias de On- similibus dicitur abinde recesserunt et minuuntur.

Et dicunt quod idem Prior nuper fuit seisitus in dominico suo ut de eodo in iure Monasterii predicti de triginta acris terre arrabilis et Cultui usitato M apte et Valent per annum ultra reprisa quadraginta solidos in Shyttyngton in Comitatu predicto et sic inde seisitus octauo die Octobris anno regni predicti nuper Regis decimo octauo terras illas a priore inde

vSu cultus et conomi in pasturam ovium et aliorum animalium conuertit et illis sic hucusque usus est et tenet ob quod seXPCrSOne minuuntur ' et ab eorum occupacione in ocium aduertuntur et terre ille tenentur de domino Rege.

It cloes no solio v that amous was destroyed ei ther in thisi in theprecedin Case Such destruction involve penalties unde the Actu Henry VII. C. I9 See Genera Introduction, p. 6 Sufra). I interpret minuuntur' here, Mel Se here, a indicat in a diminutionis the population and there- fore an eviction. Dugdale' notice of these inclosui es in his I armilis ire