장음표시 사용
A medicine called Benedicta os Doctor
of bong as mutu as ruit suffice. his doth cure the laealienes of the iopnts of humo;s, labith is a vinde of the sicut in the laete os cold, it doeth also purge tu reignes and the bladder. 'A medicine called Balsamum, artificiali, because it is
tasten out, sire S. toali these things potire in a sustulent quantitie of in here, e put them into a vellet os glasse,iuhithhath a stratie mouth, and stoppe the molith the space of stua dares, afteriuarde, let them onte bollo againe, and thenaraine them,and dissolue into the stragning tDae J.os caranstula,and of the stulte of the dii lde date trae, called of the Pothecaries,thamariud, siue S ios manna da iuri delae liuos. Meahethemiuithrourbanda, and stratiae them, thentast on aeger one lib. fstammong one S. Φ. stelli them vntili ther be as threste as hora ny, then east on them the pomveros ab the liue vindes of mparo lance, rhcubarbe, the
ia Α consectio' tar ille stomache called, cerotum stomaticum,os Doctor Me sues.
his practist. DChere de lanie ibat doe lvasti the frie and the toaxe, and then resolue thim uith a gentie stre, and asteriuardemingle them iuith the other, and is it is iudged to bee thebetier. talpis doth mittigate mllamations and bote impollumes ivbicb be in the stomaclle and liuer.
T alle os iubile lead dia*ed ten 3 . ofanamyly, laure S. olgummi arabilie, ne gummi tragantum, au. tiuo S. os eam uri 3. .mave those in pouder iuhith be ae to be madein pouder,and dissolue them in rose vaater, and aster Uarde malle cereos litie balles.
T ahe ste leaves os buglositione lib. beate them in a mor, ter orgone, and then last vpon them imae lib. of suger, malle rour tonstrue live to optata, lahith is a thmne elee, tuarie. This torulaateth the stomacue, and helpeth dista. ses labio come of melancholly, and laounding e troublina et ibe bari, it purgeth tholler also.
ding, it purgeth also melancholie, and causeth a man to ba
TNve of the leaves ofrosesone lib. beate them in a mor. ter of stone, thon cast upon thim aeger truci lib. mallerour conserue aster the sa*ion os optata. is dath comisat the stoma ille, thebari, andali thepaincipali partes, it doth also molliae thola partes Ubio behar d, it purgeth melancholie, 19 A conserve of Violet s. Tabeos thendiuersos violeis one lib. beate them in amaater ossione, and tau vpen them inee lib. os suger, malle potir conserue accoading. Tliis doth cure instamations of choller, it quenlbeththirst,and moueth a man to the stetie.
T alle os the rotg os gladian one lib. tath it in diater via, tili it be uituladden,afteriuar de dipe it, and starch uthaough a saeve, and then set it on the stre againe, and putin thria lib.ota ger viato it, malle this conserue live the e, lectuarie opsita. is remedieth distases o tho baaine,and the sintroives and stedine.
22 A conserve of Enulacampana.
them in bores, i , A . α6 A conserue Ofthe substance of the appleof the quince.
D. 27. A consection os Galanga os Doctor Mesues, called Dia Galanga. orgalanga, lignum aloes,au. sire S.t cloues,mace, lovage, au. thrae S ginger,long pepperi emamondauhite pepper one 3.fos calamintd;s, of d:ymmi, au. one S. et cardamomum,the lesse, spillenam,the inde of smallage,semnet, annisaede, catadiates, au. orae S. calamus aromaticusone 3. of the best suger ten S. .of hongclarine d as natic, asiuit suffice. his doth ture distases iubito commeth dsiuinde, and belching Ulpith tameth to bee Rarpe in the motith as vine, ger, it is prouod to taula gaed digellion, it tomsoptetb the functions of the stomalle,red the liuer being cold. 28. A confection os Commin called
. Tave os comin laid in viniger, the space ora dar, and as
the strup os roses, and Uith the diater o es.
toatisteth thebraine,the heari, the stomalle, and ad the principali paris of the members,it causeth gcid dige.llion, and malleth a man merrq, and eligendaetii beate in the patiatipali paris,it is very conasoriable sor old men, and to those labith be coide os nature and of tomylexion, and toruomen it also tureth the distases otthe matrice.
3 o. A confection ofPeries of Doctor Nicholas, Dia- margaritum Calidum. Tabe of tiouesicinamoiadapthenardaigne aloes,galanga, lildaas, litie balles of roses, called trollisti, diaroton, li. ile ballis os bioleis au . one 3. f.niatmesis, mace,the consectation os inuine, setiuali, rhubarbe, storax calamitate au.ona 3 .peries, ginger, the bone in the heari os the red daere, thesiauing of iuerg,litie states,iuhith the Pothecaries cali via guisodopatus ali. S.,muiue, amber, Urdamomum, los uage, the laede of basel au. one Θ .tiua gra. os camphire, sixegra. os hony, rosatum, as much as Uil iussite. s his doth ture the latalines orati the bodie. unding,
3I. An other consection ofPerles,called Diamargari. tum Frigidum.
3 r. A consection called Diacomeron.
os linamond, of thebest cloues, au thrst 3.one Θ.sixtaene graines, as much os the substance of dates, galange, sp nard,set Uali, cost, the pellitoue of spatiae, lohite corali andred, of the gumbe tragantum, rra, spille, the fruit anacarcina, ille stones of dates,the tade of baline, annitari tum per aede au. one 3. tiua Θ.eight graines, Rauingos golde, the bone of the heart of the red terre, au. tiuo Θ . . Rauing
bong,roset, as muth as poti ibat thin e best, this confectionis not made of sonte apothecaries, nor it is not greatlr bsed, rei other lanae thtear dio occupie it verr much. iuit retouer a man stom danger os death vnto list,
s Λ confession os Calamintes, os Doctor Nicholas,
Talle calamitates, penitiali, hisope, blatste pepper,ssiar