장음표시 사용
Containing the κεφάλαοι, or Cos'
Becaula God many gement the contemn'd. Istael 'flamented here, Missi'esto repent, Gia their dissemblina doth but ill resent. 6 Israel is Nanton ah me'saoch haia, Sad desolation must be herae ard. Tiso judvments are diverted, but the line Shewes Uraeis iste, Bethela Pilest dothrepine Gainst Amos, holis ruine doth divine. A Baiae os ripe Summe fruit fore Inowes, Israel end neer, and the oppressors Noes, Allwhicha tamine of the inor doth clostio Thei ruine is decreed, but i 'th'last daves God David Tabernacle again illicle.
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tents of the Prophecyofo BADIA H.
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Preservation of the Ninivites Map. 3.1 Resutation of the Propheis anger, chap. q.
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Threainings, chap. I. hap. 2. and . Consolations hap. . and I. The secondiari contains in like manner Threat nings, chap. 6. Consolations after the complaints of
rent of the severa Chapters in the Prophec ofMICA H.
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Ahum in his Prophecys Propound destruction to
tents of the severa Chapters in the Prophe is NAHUM.
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TH Prophet Zephania doth in his
Containing the κεφαλαια or Con