장음표시 사용
Universit of Maryland Theses Early Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Physic Dissertations with Corrected abies of Contenis These manuscripis described asiither an Inaugurat Dissertation or an Inauguralissa were presented to the Universit of Maryland for the Degree os Doctor of Medicine and o Doctoris Physic during the years l813 - 188T. The individual dissertations were bound together during thel 940's. The original abies of contentifor the bound volumes contained multiple errors in Ruthors names, tilles, and o years To adcies these errors, an additional Corrected able of Contenis' has been inserted at the be nning of eachiolume. The projectueam,ho investigated and corrected the tables of content were Richardes Belites, Historical Librarian Ρreservation Officer Maria Milagros Pinkas, Metadata anagement Librarim Angela Cochrane and Carol Harling-Henry Resources Division Saris Hovde Abra Schnu and Megan Wolss, Services Division. These dissertations were digitiged in 20ll-20l2 and are avest te at the wDigital Archive archive hslisl .umaryland eduhand the Internet ArchiVe w- archive org).
Cynanche Trachea sis HS HS L 2011 for th UM Digital Archive So urces consultesso corrections Origina Dissertation Universit os a lanx edicat Facultv Matriculatio List, 1821 - 18S1 Cordeli fuge ne F. Unive Sit o Ma lanu 180T-19OT New or The Lewis Publis hin Companu 190Jὶ Volum 2.