장음표시 사용
vac & Matile: New species of I Ulam Dom Malaysia Beaver, l979: Matile, l9T9). While the predatory habit of some representatives of this tribe has been known in other ZOogeographical regions, the speciali Zation on pitcher planis ashabitat had not previ ously been reported for the Kemplatidae. We record here another new habitat for a predaceous larva of the o eliini, the water lied internode cavities of bainboos, and a more agressive heliavi Our, since the larva OfTrupi a ferox, new species, is able to drag into iis web such clangerous insects as anis Curiousty enough. two other species of infeliini associaled with anis have been discoveredin the recent years, one in Sri Lanka Chandier x Matile, in prep ), the other in Panania Matile, in prep. 3. We also present the first morphological description os a larva of the genus
Taxonomy. - Seven sumples, ali collected by the senior author in Peninsular Malaysia. University of Malaya, Utu GO A Field Studies Centre, altitude 250 m. were studi ed by the junior author for the description of the new species 1 male, l lamate, o larvae, l pupa). Probably due to in propriate conditions of storage, the larvae were in Very poOr condition One had severely deteriorated in alcohol, and only the elements of the cephalic capsule could be saved. The others brota in severat pieces when trealed with ΚΟΗ Microscopicstides of these fragments were prepared after staining with chloraZol black Camyon. 1969).on the Other hand. the imagines were in very good condition and were eastly dry-mOunted by the method of Sabros ky 19663, modi ed by the replacenient of cello solve hymonoethylene glycol Matile, I994) They were then glued to a classicat entomologicalcamboard piece. Τhe apex of the male abdomen was cui and cleared in ΚΟΗ. the genitalia were then furti nextracted and stored in glycerine in a microvial, and the pregenital tergites and stemites clrita and glued to the camboard hearing the insect. All the drawings were executed under the microscope with the help of a camera lucida
Larva sapparent0 mature . - Long 22 inm), cylindric, vermi foran, apneustic. Headdistinctly longer than wide ll I), rectangular with rounded angies. antennae in antero laterat position. Occipital foramen dihedral at 90'. Clypeofrontal apotome pentagonal. clypeolabral sutum entire. Clypeat area narrowly interrupted on median line, without fetaeor sensillae. frontal area bearing mur patrs of sensillae: one pair close to the clypeat area and the median line, one externat and one internat at levet os antennal angle, and one somewhat posterior to the middie, along the margin Fig. 23. Postoccipital bridge not scieri ed. Genae conVex, not cloSely approximated ventralty at levet os maxillary cardo. Posterior incisions sinali and not very deep. Postoccipital carinae strongly marked. hut narro . Genae with flve sensillae and one long fine seta Fig. 3). Antennae medium-si Zed, oval, twO Very Slight emarginations for minute sensillae, dorsal and ventral phragma weli developed. me formera littie more than the lalter. Stemmata very smali, partly recovered by strengthening of orat margin. Tentorial 'posterior bridge present, narrow Fig. 43. anterior tentorial a s not observed absentq).
Labrum: Labrat scierite Very weli devel Oped, not weakened Or narrow on dorsat medianline, without laterat fetae. A pair Os dorsal Sensillae close to the median line, LP smali, subapical. Tormae stiori and weli scierotini Sed, one dorsal and One Ventral round sensillae. Three premandibular weakly scierotini Sed dorsal teeth, simple. followed by ni ne stronglysclerotini sed ieeth each but the first One with strong secondary orat denticulations thus forming a kind of second premandibular fan Fig. 5). No laterat labral iobes observed. Mandi bies Figs. 6 and P) forming a three si ded pyramid. Ventral face roundly indented bearing a deep hasal pore. Outer face with a single round sensilia. Dorsal face with a strongprea pical tooth. Prostheca large, bearing 12-13 transparent. finely barbed setae. Incisor lobe with three strong apical ieeth and three si alter inner ieeth. Maxillae Figs. 8 and 9): Cardo vertical, longer than wide. bearing one outer sensilla and two setae, one close to the anterior margin, One close to the middie of inner margin. Maxillarsii ture dividing the stipes weli marked. Sensorial area of the palpifer bearing 8 sensillae. one large and cluh- like one large and ring-like the other sinali and circular: apex with two longand three shori potnted digitations. Galeolacinia with ten ieeth. A big median circular pit two dorsal and two ventral smali sensillae. Maxillain apophySi S Shori.
Thoracic and abdomines segments simple, cylindric, longer man wide. No trace of thoracic spiractes. A law very minute and sparse spinules have been observed in optical microscopyin the ventral face of thorax, hut their topography could not he established precisely Abdomines segments finely wrinkled ventrally. masking the segmentation. Τwo unal lohes. Pupa. - We have Ae pupa, yOung integument yellow), feniale. The thoracic Spiracles stand on a sinali tubercle and have three ope nings. The abdominal spiracles are simple.
Figs. 5-12. Larva of TmPl a ferox, new species. I. premandibulis steth, laterat: 6. mandi bie, dorsal; T. mandi hie, ventres: 8, maxilla, dorsal: 9. maxilla, ventres: 10. labium-hypopharynx complex, frontal: li, hypopharyngeat frame, distat: 12. hypopharyngeal and prelabi at scierites, frontal.
Etymology.- me name is derived Dom the Latin wom ferox meaning feroci ous, alludingto the aggressive attacking beholour Os T. ferox Discussion. - Τhree species of Truplam are almacly known froni me oriental Region
these three or is closely allied species froni other geographical regions. The three Oriental species helong to Truplam s. str. as cloes ferox. Τhe new species differs hom ali these
Malloch Cloeophoro ia Matile. He gave a more complete di agnosis of Truplaya and noted that severat Afrotropical species were differently coloured: T. ferox has a very different ornamentation Dom the other species studi ed, ei ther oriental, Afrotropical or Neotropical and differs also Dom ali of them hy its greater si Ze Pending a revision of Truplaya, Whichcontains many yet undescribed species, it is not possibi e to access What species, or grOup Ofspecies, represenis the sister-gmup Os T. ferox.
As regarus the larvat morphology. there are almost 50 genera of Orsellini, and the larvae of at least one species of the folio ing si x genera are known and more Or less adequalelydescribed: Neodito ia Lane & Stum, Omelia Costa, Planarivom Hickman, Plat Fura Meigen, Urytalpa Edwards and Xenopliat ura Mali Och: the larva os Pliatmeridion Tollet is currently being described by Chandier & Matile in prep.). None of the specimens investigated
by the junior author or Other authors seem to possess the peculiar spinOSe premandibularteem os T. ferox, which might be aulapOmOrphic for the genu S Or the Species, but on thewhole we have too law data On the Other genera of Orfellini to recogniZe the characters of generic significance. On the Other hand, the presence of Only two anal lobes corroborates thedi agnostic Vesue of this feature at the tribe levet, as the known Keroplatini posses S mur mal
Distribution and Habitat. - Trum a ferox has so far been found Only in me cavities of bamboo intemocles in Peninsular Malaysia. In tau Gombis, the larvae inhabited internodes of the hamboO Gigantochma Mortechinii Gamble. In Geri k Peris stasti. nev the Thai border, larvae os probahly the fame species were found in the intemodes of Gigantochtoa latifolia uidi. The culms Os G. scortechinii reach a height of more man 20 m. The culm segments internodes) are 20-60 cm long . In the lower part of the culm. the diameter is c. 8-10 cm, thethickness of the wali c. 1 cm Through the activities of bamboo-horing animais insectS, woodpeckers), holes of various siZes appear in the intemode walis, opening access to the hollow interior. During rain such intemocles fili with water. In this way phytotelmata water hodies in planis) are created whicli hecome inhabited by aquatic and terrestriat animais
Kovac & Matile: New species of Truplam Dona Malaysia In ali cases there was only one TmPl a larva per internode. The occurrunce of P. ferox was limited to living older bamhoo culms. The species has not been mund in the internodes of shoots or in dec ing hamboo culms. despite extensive and thorough searches in these habitats. In one investigation. for example, l00 internode cavities of felled bamboo culmswere monitored dat ly over a 6- monilis period. but not a single larva os T. ferox was
at the end of the first study period the number of inhabited internodes was only two. At theheginning of the second study period. i. e. c. 10 months after the horing of the holes. 22 internodes had been occupied and at the end of that period 10 weeks later) 30 intemodes. In the 'May-groupΡ, 30 internodes were inhabited by the beginning of the initiat observationperiod i. e. c. 4 morassis after me holes had been boredi. 23 in the end c. 4 montiis later) During the second observation period. id internodes were inhabited in the beginning and l6 in the end. A striking difference belween the 'May-groupV and the 'August-groupV was observed in the rate os coloniZation of Suit te internodes c. 4 monilis after horing of the artificiat holes 30 intemocles of the 'May-groupV hut only 4 internodes of the 'August-
wasp flew tOwards a bamboo culm Iis body was held in a hori pontal position and thecoloration and the type of night were also very stenogastrine-like The hamboo culm had artificiat holes diameter 3 mm) in of iis lower internodes. The in Sect started to hover in front of a hole. which was l. 5 in above the ground . It repeatedly made bries nighis toward the hole with iis abdomen bent forward in the direction of the hole. Theti it flew up to the hole in the internode above and repented iis previ ous heliavi our. When it Lew up to the third hole the insect was captured with a sweeping net. Οnly then it was recogniZed. that the insect belonged to the Diptera. Very likely the captured animal had been Ovipositing. The study periods were too fhon to determine the duration of the larvat stage. Only one larva pupated in the second study period in the 'August-groupV3. In this case, the larvaldeVelopment must have required tess than 6 monilis. For pupation, the larva constructS a cocoon whicli is suspended in the web. There are large dropleis of a clear liquid on the
and may eventualty fili much of the space of the internode cavlty above the water Surface. Individual thread3 hanging froni the weh reach the water Surface. In two cases it was observed that larvae completely closed up the entrances of their internodes with a transparent membraneous layer Fig. l4). The membraneous layer was ofa britile consistency. The larvae started is apply the secretion along the edges of the artificiallioles, which were 10 mm in diameter. Aster each round a new layer was applied to theprevi Ous One leacling to a gradual narrowing of the central Opening and eventuat complete closiare of the hole within a few hours. Two weeks later both holes were stili closed. Further observations were made with an endoscope mat was inserted through another artificiat hole. In both cases the larvae were stili young and the webs wem smali consisting of law thre ads. The head was usualty oriented towares the closed hole. No bellavi Oural or other differences could be detected as compared to the larVae with open internode entrances. Potentiat prey sticks at least temporarily to the threads. In the lab, it was observed that me larva, proh ly alened by the mechanical oues transmitted by the threads, hurries towatas the prey, grabs it and coVers it with more stime. Besides, the lama also preys ouisi de of the internode. It frequently lies in wait at the entrance hole and the anterior pari Os iis hodysticks out of the hole and hangs clown along the bamboo sursace Fig. 15). The larva mayrest motiontes sty in this position for hours. In one case, the larva was observed sticking out of the internode for three hours. Aster that. the si te was checked in two-hour intervals 4x3 and the larva was stili hanging out. In response to a mechanical disturbance, the larva quicklywithdraws back into the internode, but after a while sticks iis head out again. Is a potentialprey approaches, me larva flowly tumes iis head Or the whole hody pari hanging hom theliote in the direction of the animal Ιf the animal is in the immediate vicini ty of the larva, thel arva abruptly seiZes it and pulles it into the intemode interior nα33. one larva was observed datly both during the day and at night for a week l-2 hours perclay). During this observation period predation on animais walking up and down the hamhoo
ant. In sive more instances. the larva unsuccesssully tried to grab passing ants. In the stimeweh of this larva me remaliis of up to 15 anis at the fame time were detected. I hese preyitems are not included in Table l. hecause this hamhoo culm did not belong to the experimental