장음표시 사용
a longis the antennalis Cape thes mandi log one proje Ct in do nivariis, heir apices me et in in thom id di of the labrum enclo sing the labium they en in t vo broad leoth. Trophi longa ted tho maxillo a long a the DC and Clypeus uni ted. OCCiput tranS verse margine l. Temple obliquetynarrowed Parapsidat furrow absent Meta notum ei ther areola ted nor eo lod the spiracles linear. Firs abdomina segmen a longis tho follo in truo uni ted it eoo me gradual idone d owar is thes apesx tho soconi is longe than iis idth at the apex the thir is square Areolet Ahorti 3 appondi culatod the disco-cubitat nerviare distinctly broken by a tum p o a nervui e the transverse modi an is interstitiai. Transverse median nervii re in hind wings bro en ear the top. Third antennal oin as longas thes foliori in tu o uni ted Front, illi a Leelie tween the antennae., The abdomen is mooth and shining it is hic ened toward the apex the heath of thoovipositor are broad and as lonias the apicat two segment uni ted. Hi nil log long the coxae hici enod long ; apices of tarsal oint spinose: the clari s simple. The wings a re uniformiy fu Scous violaceous.1 Tho affinities of this species aro illi Eietast/s from hi h it may bo known by the elongate dirophi fus Cous violaceous ings, and liv the disco Cubitat nervii re bo in distinctly broken The elon gato trophi allies it to the American genera Ahathith H est vo od And Agathobauchus Ashme ad , ut theseliave the trophi much more tengthen ed. , Asci avo aid the affinities of this genus are illi telasses ather han with anchus Probablyiis ea rest nown alty is Semnophr)s Orster it ma 3 be no 1 froni the present genus by iis very bro ad head and by thoro et ni horia et ween the antennae. Geos ranni sone Erhra ituri cio Aricia. REGIONI K. violaceipennis, Cameron, Aran. S. Afri C. IUS. Ol. . . Io 3 2 10o6) Cape Colony
und cylii adriscli odor diten aum langor ais rei und dic clientio in dei Mitto euilicii dichor und
Austri A. Germania, Hun Rri R. Germania, ungari A.
- . clavator Fabricius cinctiles HetZius Galli R. Germania. Germania Dalmatia. Germania AUStri A. Austria, Helvetia. ermania Britannia. Germania Italia, Gallia stati a. Helveti R. Austria. Eritannia, Italia, StUB
Britannia Hungaria. Eritannia SueCia, HUN H Germania fria, Germania. Europa fere tota Sibi ria. Lapponia SueCia, Germania Austria, Ungaria. ermania H Ungaria. uocia, Germania AUS tria
Suecia Germ Ani R. Germani A. Austria. Europa fere tota. Hungaria. Rossia, Si tria. Austrin. Ormania. Aia Stria, Un- kari A. Europa OtR. Volh3 min. Eritanni R.
Hungaria. Sibi ria. Hungarin. Suecia, Sermania, AUStria, SueCia, Germania, ibi ria
2. REGION a. E. peior talus Cameron, Ian. . Afri C. Mu S. Ol. . . Ioi i 'O6 Cape Color v. 3. E. Segmen farietis, si reZ, An n. O C. Mat. r. p. 2OI IS95). Tenerit ita.
Prosili A. Erasilia. Brasili A.
Colorado. Unito State S. Illin Oi S. Cati ad A.
Hancinoicias Dalla Torre, ien Ent Zeit Vol. 7. p. 22O I 888 . Harici non Sis. rie Cliba umor, Ent Nachr. ol. 12 p. I 886 non Rudo ). Alis Emeiri Chara kt Erct. - Aroola alarum subtriangulari, apicem cellule disco idalis haud Superante illius nervo e X terno, in hujus nervum transversum externum incidente Antennis pedibu Sque breviusCulis et Crassius culis. Ceterum generi Daucho habitu et colore genus simillimum et maxime affine. GEos ranni son UE rura ituri cior Arici I. REGIONI. B. graeca, Krie Chi numer Ent. a Chr. Uol. a. p. I 886).
variegator Fabricius, ibidem, P. 73 1703 . Europa Centrali S. Europa fere tota.
venator Fabricius ibidem. i. 337 1, 75 .
Europa fere tota. Suecia mungari H. Grosenlandia. Suecia, Germania, Belgia, Austria muri aria. Istandia. Europa fere tota.
Helveti R. Germa i A. Eul OPH. Eul OPA. Europa fero tota. Germani A.
reparandus Schul et Spolia Hymen p. 95 I9o6 .
above the o ver si de angi sed thes alii cal abscissa of the radiu is Curve d p variis. yes large than usual distin Ctly Convergin bene ath, rea Chin clos io the a se of th mandi bies Clypeus mali. twiceas road a long iis apex semi-circularly depresse l. Mandi te broad n the asse narro uod a thoapex. hicli has ne ooth. Fac round ly ConveX reachi D near to the O ver si de of he yes. Occiput immarginate Meso notum tritobate the id die obe triangular at the apex. Scia tellum largo fiat. Median segmen elonga te, early a longis the me Sothorax it hac gradu at si ope to tho apex, has hosmali, somowhat ovat spiracles in the id lo has no Leeis, and is Closoly, ut no strongly reticulate d. Legs long stender the indor coxae large a long a tho potio te; hicli e comos gradu atly widerto ardith apex the spiracles in the petiole are circular an Mare sit uated hortly boforo tho id die; tho apse of tho petiolo is no curve l. Clari s lia d. vi positor longe than the abdomen, and issu ingsrom a ventra olei t. The abscissa of the radius is curve up ard a the base the transverse a salnervia re is interstitial tho ocurrent nervia re is oceived a the bas of the apical hird th ocondtransverse Cubita nervia re is aint the recurrent nervur is largoly butiat ei in tho mi id te the sub disco id a nervii re is sues frona the id die., Comes ear o Lanchris and telasses the formo mav bo nown rom it by the pectinate lolaws; tho latior by the differsent forna of the face and lypseus by the meta thoraci spiracles e ingpla odioli indoli mi id te and by the shorter o s. Geographisonas rhyctituris a Art
E iaceri hanc nu S. A. COSta, Atti CC ad. C. sis. Napoli 2 . Ol. 1, p. . . I, I 887 . Alis Emetri Gnara Rictre. - Antenna valida cylindra ea, Corporis dimidio Parum longiore S. Alarum anticarum cellula cubitalis secundo areola triangularis Venulam recurrentem secundam in angulo X terno excipiens Cellula disco id alis media trapegina, angulo in foro ab ala margine OStico valde remoti Venulo primo recurrens nervus recurrens discoidalis. Holmgren in medio distinctogeni Culato Abdomen basi depresSiusCulum posterius Compressum Q. Habitu genu Bauch MS. Geos ranni son UErhres ituri cia Art
Clari pennis Thoms. ζ. Angitia 31 Clausus irisClike r. nil astus 33