Genera insectorum.

발행: 1902년

분량: 25페이지


분류: 미분류




HE Al rodidae occupy a systematio position et veen the Aphididae an Coccidae and in the immature stagos are at times istahen or member of thos familios and of tho sulli et Upon a reful examination howeVer Characteristic structu res ill e mund by whicli ho member of tho DFrodidi ma3 te positivolycidentis ted. While the bibliographyof lais fami ly is lairly extensive tho artior,1 itings are os comparati vel 3 litile importanc frona a Systemati standi Oint. Prior o Latreille the insecti ere referro by writer to Such genera a Tinea. Helena, Chermes, etc. The genus Al rodes as stablished by Latro ille 1 and was placed illi ho Aphidi c. to hicli fami ly t was subsequently referre i an to tho Coccidae by variotis riter tantii S O. estwood a), in Ν o in revie vinith genus est blished tho fami ly At rodidi the then singlegenti Al rodes Constitui in the type genus Signoret 3 gave tho res comprehensivo revision of the famil in 1867 in hiis Essa monogr hique fur es Aleurodes in hic li 23 species e re realed si bo ingdescribe a new. his valvabio paper has constitu ted the principat basis for subsequent orkers. In 1892 the genus Aleiιrodicus was erected by Dougias foris species Dona Dorno rara describe la attonta by Morgan wh also transferre t to the ne genus the Al rodes coccois o Curtis also frona Demerara. Maskoil 5 in 1806. cataloguod the species of the worid. iv in descriptions of 22 ne vi ornas bringing the number up to 66 Mur elongin to leurodicus. The American Specie wereti eated by the writor 6 in 10oo, et ein lisiod, 18 of hicli ero described a ne v. In I9O2.



Cocheroli 1 catalogued the specie of the Porid ACCO id in to thei geographical distribution and

valvabio aper 3 Peal a Was publislied in 'o on the no via Oriental species of the fami ly in

whicli 16 formiare listed for tui restion, Seven e in desCribed a nox '. The Aleyrodid o Cali fornia vero troated in 10o by Floretice l . emis 3 . illi referen Ce to Other Ameri Can species. In the paperci ted a spocios a re recordet for the tate, se of hi Ch ore describe esas neu . In 10o7 a catalogue of the species of the world by . . . ir Aldb ast ubi isti ecl. Sith descrip tions o si no v species 3 Jacob otin Shy in Al S in 10 97 Alberi ullgi en Stablished a neu genus, Aserti ochiton; illi Al rodes aceris eos si ob a typo presentinia lSO etaile description o Al ro es , o l fella Linno A. brassicae, Wallier; A. fragariae, ather an Alei rochison ceris, eos roy 5). Tho pocisio character in Al rodes a re determinei main ly frona the so- alle pupa casse . thea dulis in his genus ei in re mari ab ly Similar in structure and Oloration excepi hos species utili spolio Mor bando ings in Alexio rei s. tu A lulis re lihelyrio Vary more ut in his genus also the pupa a se offers good di agnoSti characte S. D sta iacteri Zin Species of this fami ly description sciliould bo ad of a many stage a S OSSible a the gg. Pupa CASe and adultS. Certa in specie may be separa ted illi certa in ty only after a Comporison fili thes StageS. Maia 3 descriptio s. especiali vis the olderwriters a re oo in Complet to Permit O the positivo identification of their pocios. To any one ho has givon ven Casual attention to his famil3 . it illis onceio evident that hepresent lis o species for the wor id reprcsent bulis smali fraction Os hos Rhicli exist It is hoped thatento mologis is especialty thos in tropical and sub-tropical paris of the worid, ill interos them solves in this ver3 interest in fami ly. iroctioris for coli Ectiris. - 14 ColleCt in specimen of Alei rodidae speciat attentioncilio uidbe gi ven to securin adultis Hellis immature stagos. Is leave infested illi pupae te placet in sui tablejars ora se days adult may osten thusi SeCured FreqUently ad ultima be found in abundan ein

the more tendo growth o planis infested by the immature stages Aster ne Cessary livo notos a toc Olor etc. have been made abundant specimen scilio uid e reserve i in hin xylol balsam mount onslides It is osteni cessary to Oil in I ODI the dari e larvae Andiu Pa Cases bofore motanting. to rendertheir structure discerni ble, as in the a Se of COCCi s. I eave infeste illi immature si ages also Ahouldbe preservet in a way to ke ei intac the waXy secretion osten f hach importan C in mal in pro limi- nary determinations. Adulis may be preserve dry in sui table viais and held in place illi bits of cotton, o mouinto Mon ii potnis , as is dono in the Case o various minute in secis. E conomio species. ut fori species of this fami ly rank as serious posts but the injuries of

sonae are qui te important. At rodes citri, Eileb and Howard i perhaps the principat est of the orangea the present imo in Florida an has been latet y introduce into ali fornia This species has been volt realed by il03 an Howard 6 and by H. A. Gossard 7). At rodes beryli Signoret . . lacteae,

elintne and . long icornis, elintner are nil destructive to fuga Cane in ava and have been care fully


ve in a single basal branch in foro in in Al rodes a b sal and di sint branch in fore and in i Wings in Aleurodictis, and in te trochiloi there is a basal an a distat branch in foro ings tho vo in of tho hi nil ingbein uia branched eg long Sion de r. illi di mero has arsi ei ding in 2 laxus and a central pro COSS. Abdomencio me lint peduncula te e specialty in males round periti ir vo id in se males nil in in Coni CAt Vi Positor in malo abdomen moro flendor ei din in orci palo goni talia composedi tot valVeS and the Centiat curved penis. On dorsum os ast abdominat segment of ach ex is the o callo lsi a Sis Orna orifico is comprising the orifico the operculum. Dcl the lingula. onerat color fiod V Velio , Often illi ust y mari inges but ali moro or os obscured, illi the ori dory dust in os hi te A X. immature stages elliptical, ova or rounded in hapo quiescent xcepi in res larvat OCCurringm OStly on o ver, es usual ly on hippor sui face of eaves to hi Ch thev re attached by suci in motith -



parts. In earlier Stages, o stly flat, in pupat in hec omin more Convocor in Some Specie rai sed on abeautim palisa de ali round of hi te a X. Pupa cas usualty ith spinos 1 hairithough so me of thesea re osten obscure There is usually more or os o waXy secretion rom a marginal in os a tubes an d fiet also frona dorsum o case, in the Shape of rods o aSbesti forna powd ery, o oly O 'OCCulpnt,aX, usu atly of Characteristi patiern and so metimescio Copioris a to ove the insect. A distin Ctly leyrodi lcharacter in the larvat an diu pal stago is the presen e n the dorsum os ast abdominat segmentis aro unded, ovo id o semielliptical pening the si a Si forna orifice , Consist in g, ista ted for thes adult of the orifice operculum and lingula This is the excretory ope ning and rom the lingula a su oetisti fluidis Oided Thes structu res vary much ithis elent speCies and Consequently fui nisi valuatile di agnostio

Egg are ellipso idat osten curve d. oriationed onino fide attachedirna lycio eas illi a stior stalli: sui fac ei therismo oth Orcilio in minute Polygonat mari in S.



Characters. - Adulis illi ut a single branch to ein i fore ing. aris in at hi 3 , a se Orosten apparenti distin Ct. Hinci ings illi ut a sua globe in . . Pupa a se illio ut Ompo uni Pore S, and lingula usu atly no prominent ly protruding rona vasis orna Vein Orifico as in Aleis rodicus. Geos rannica citatri hiatio of snscios. - The genus Al rodes is cosmopolitan and a se Specie are ec Omin widely distributed transporte dis do tibi rom ne Countly O another on then food planis, a in the case of species of occidor Condition a re much les favo table for thei dissemination, however since Aleyrodid infest ex lusi veri the leaves of planis hicli in Ost a Se are larget 3 .i no enti rely, remove die fore hipnient Al rodes aporariorum P est Ood OCCur rather generat lyiver Europe an America, and is recorded rom au ait : A. cis abundant in the outhern nited States. OCCurs also in Cali fornia, Cuba Moxico Bragit China an possibi3 Chile Careful investigation Ouidprobably ho v that o me of tho specios infestin economio planis a re much more id et distribu ted than is a presentanown to e the aSe. The rea majori t3 o specios res 3 est nown D ly rom the count1 3' rom hen C deSCribed, though in sonae instances they have vidently been there introduc ed their nativi ty, Owever bella at

I Greek a tiron, fiui nam of tho genus originali spelle by Latreille I rodes, was later pellei Aleuro es follovincapparenti a note by urnaeisto illi ini Ol. 2. p. 82. 18 38. α Latroillo' orthographie ADFro es mus in Ieraroeses vervandet werde n. lio, hoveVer, PreSente no reason for talial Gliam et . nil ulichiseem to have been unu arranted Also uriter on his genus have o been agreo a to thegenderis I roris and there is consequently lac o uniformito in case enclinio specificisames In his list the origina orthographyris presemed.


Pennsylvania o Florida). - Pl. , Fig. 4 5, a, b, c; l. 2, Fig. G.


J . . decistiens Maskeli ibidem p. 28 1805 Australia).


Characto os . - illi a basa an distat branch to e in in both foro and hind wings Pupa-casewith compoundiores ora dorsum lingula large, pro tu ling. Geos rannical istributiori os apocios. - illi the exception o A. holmesii, hici occurs in Fiji, and probabi ther introduce Mon iis foci plant fiditim froni the wost In dies, species of Aleuro -


dλι at thias far nown ni frona the warme Parts of America Florida, est Indies . exico Hragil etc.). A. Saraimis, rom ortheria nite States, Illinois and referre. to this genus b3 Rile and Howard, ill whon redis overed dotabiles prove to e an Al rodes, as originali describe by himer. I. A. At rodes altissima, uaint an CO Hull. 8, TeCh. Ser. Di V. Ent . . . Dept. Agri Wash. P. O






