장음표시 사용
i Sosi tho authorities in Pinherion,ii. 274 et Seg.
y Pitscottio, ut supra, ii. 32έ seq.
the Comptroller's accounts, With the eXplanation, et dominus reae ponit hujusmodi eaepensas incompoto sui rotulatoris eae es quire τουλα que debuerat solvere expensas dicti castri et Drdini ac parce destituta est dicto castro et reae sumit idem in manibus suis proptereα facit dictas expensas quas mandavit allocare in dicto compoto. V ε Thuaccounts bear further eviden ces of the brohen pomer of the Douglases in the speciat record of the 110wmen who have their places in the Royal H0usoliolii. In place of George Douglas, the Carver, is entereii Robert, Lord Maxwell. David W00d has James Douglas's placo as Master of the Lariter; Waltor
Τhe anonymous and unda ted poem, Ad serenissimum Scotorum regem Iacobum Quintum de suscepto restrii regimine α diis feliciter ominato Strona ' has in ali probabili ty referendo to the occasion of the King's escape hom the Dougla Ses, though it has been supposed to refer to the earlierineidunt of tho Ereetion. V Thu lines descriptivo of the earlior state of tho hingdona appear to fit more olosely to the state of things during the
Ut regem α*ersata fuit fortuna potentem Dura sub infausto sidere fata tulit Nam desperatis languet pessundata rebus Seotita guste miser0s ducere vim dies. Fuctis, ruptre siles, et passi simulata, tumultus, Falsus amor, caedes, lata ταpina, d0lus, Regnandi cepere locum : 'nο0rdisi, fedus,
Iriae, amor sitque quies, et 8-6 cede manus, torres abiere simul, simul αurea Ceri
Glorire, justitie lycia rupta jacent. Nam et erat justos immensa licentis furum, Templorum passim diruta tecta cadunt
Si quis in hae dignus est tempestate intonis nomine perpetu0 consili0que valens, Ipsius Catilinα loco scelerretus honore