Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 483페이지


분류: 미분류


near Aprominia GOZΜ., the removat os cu4 Dom iis usual position occupied in ali higher Symmocid laxa and the peculiar genital structure delimit it Domali related generia.


The structure os the design and the s hape Os the Sacculus bear Some remoto resemblance to the Aprominia designatella - Hecestoptera bra grOuΡ, butthe Venati Onal characters as weli as the Other genital features distinguis li


The venational structure closely resembles that os IIIahasis GOZΜ., asdoes to a certa in extent alSO the type-SPecieS, but thc genus is further distinguishod and characteriZed by the peculiar genital Structure and the exce edinglystrongly scieroti Zed plate of the firSt abdominat Sternite, - conspicuoug andas hard as though it were delachable like a Scar DOm the sine membra ne Os


Ι submit here the figures of the male and semale genital Organ8, and CharacteriZe them aes sollows: Male genital Organ: tegumen Shori, Valva widely rounde dat apeX, costat sold of membra ne Strong, no appendage Save Serra ted ei gearid One toOth-shaped Projection On costa, terminating in bit Obed, narrow,


IO ver annular Scleroti Zation, ductuS bro ad, membra ne OuS, irregularly scierotiZeda bove spherical bursat Sac, Signum an irregular plate, With a s maller centra I


Τhe PreSerice Of the pecten separates the new Species Dom ali Other Symmocid laxa os similar habiis; the disseretices in the genital structure and the coloratiori of the wings distinguisti it sufficiently froin the nearly relat ed