장음표시 사용
Allogalumna 31, 40 Alloritiales 30, 39
Epieremulus 20, 37 Epitoliniannoides 13, 35
Protoribotritia 12, 34 Provertex 25, 38
and internae Origina ting in a common linP, internae heing Slightly longer; both ciliate apicatly. Other 4 dorsal plates Heli discernitile. Setae lumbates internae and Setae dorsales ab aut equully long agreeing with tength of setae
humorales externae. Setae sacrates internae Shorter. All hairs referred to ab OV ciliato a pical ly. Setae lum hales and sacrates externae quite Shori, Sm Doth.