장음표시 사용
standi'Oint concerning lactio acid as a conserving medium. It is a note vorthy
mounted in the preparation. Ι waS unable to note any trace Os corrosion Orsignificant depilation, and the molant gaVe the generat impreSSion a S thoughit were made recently. Τhis giVes iis the liope that a part of the Oribatids willi Olerate Without any significant dam ages a conservation in lactic acid for a Dumber of decadeS. Since the problem Os conservation in lactic acid is not satisfactorily
alcohol conservation, Parallel With each Other. The entire materiai selected from Soli Samples Or extracted by the Salt water process is deposited in 80 pereent ulcohol. From this materiai, the specimens nee led for study Will be carried Over into lactic acid, leaving them permanently in il after the cold clearing process. Finalty, inasmuch as I nee d also permanent mounts for the salieos qui ch comparison 8, Ι al8O mahe Permanent PreparationS DOm One Or two individuat s. In this way, should the lactic acid conserving method prove tobe injurious, ali eventu alty dam aged specimens cari ho substituted from the duplicates of the materiat preserved in alcohol.
hatii A. The labeis are in belween the two viais, there re they do not come intocontact with the lactio acid. I have thus Set up a species collection, Preserving a seW SPecimen S Ofali species in the separete viais. I store in a similar way that part of my lacticacid materiat whicli is not segregat ed accOrding t O species. In this colloc-
tion thereiare, there are more, Someti ines 20 - 30, species in any given Vial One Ahould be caresul, hOweVer, neVer to Place two congenerie SPecieS Or twOeasily confusable genera in the fame viai. Thus the species needed sor studycun instantly be selected under a dissecting microscopo of a 20 - 40 magnification. In the catalogiae of the collection, threo numbers indicate the exacti cation Os every Vial, and there are listed under these numbers the nam esos those species or at Ieast genera which are to be sola id in the materiai. Λ wseconds suffice to finii any given species. For instance, 4 Tὶ18 indicates that the viai nee led is in place 18 of row T of hox 4. Is we take into considerationthe faci that thus an area of 120 44 cm in a place 10 cm high suffices forthe storage of ab Out 4. 000 Viais, the ad vant age of this method Os arrange mentis immediately evident. One Ahould take care only that the boXes be placed horiZOntally at ali times, Since the Vials are Dot stOPPered. From this Very cause, it is also important that the collectiori be guarded against diast alid
os the Trombi illidae, Labidostommidae, Erythraeidae, CalyPtOSOmidae, Sinari dii dae, an the se ather mites. of the mesostigmates, the Zerconidae, Parasitidae, and a part of the free-living Laelaptidae Ahow good regulis In many ca Ses, there Were found Strong Swellings, deformation8, indeed, corrosioris in the Iess chiliniged Mesostigmata families, for instance, in MacrO
Laelaptidae malesti, etc. Ι und severe corrosion Or Strong SwellingS and deformations in the Very weakly chiliniged Prostigmata families, containing mainly very smali Species. Ι have no data concerning Hydracarinae, gallmites, ParaSitic MeSOstigmates and parasitic Tryoglyphoid species, with the exception Of the se ather mites. 6. Descriptioris, figures. There ure descriptions Os different values in the literature of the Oribatii s. GRANDI EAN redescribed, in a recently publis hed
everi in the most recent literature. Froin the potnt of vlew of identification,
the former solution is evidently too much, the lalter wholly deficient. GRAND-sEAN's res earch and dra ving technique is exceptionalty Precise. But his worksare made primarily with a comparati, e morphological and Phylogenic purpose, he thereiare seis a necessarily higher standard besore himself. It were highlyunreal to make similar deman is concerning the identification and provisorysystematies of the Oribat idae. In m V opinion, it wOuid he more re asonable- in the present relatively backward state Os Oribatii OIOgy - to ouilino those minimal requirements Whicli are indispensabie froni the potnt of vie vos eithor the redescriptions Os Oid species Or the descriptions os new taxa.ΤO begin With, we are compelled, for the time heing, to dispense with the descriptions Of the larvae and nymphS, When describing new Species Or re- describing old Ones. Τhis demand is right in principie, yet practicatly un a si hie. We know Only the adult stages of the Vast majority Os the species describe t up to nOw, and almost ali recently discOVered species were also undas adulis. It follows from this lamentable faci that it is impossibie at presentio wOrk Out the natural System, On an Onto genic and phylogenic basis, of the Oribatids. The natural system, With iis excellent structure, Os GRANDI EAN
os tropical, genera, for the Very cause of their insufficient descriptions andunknown develo P meritat StageS. However, every classification has, aside iis theoretical purpOses, a modest yet Practical PurPOSe tOO : to arrange and to make Surveyahle thes actuat materiat at Our disposai at present. V e are there re temporarilyhound to rest content With the description Os the ad illis, and to construe, is Only transitionalty, an artificiat system based On these facis. But Me have toeonstruet this system by the maximal utiliZation Of GRANDI ΕΛΝ's edifice,
as his system is the hest suiled for the laying of the main categories On Phylogenie and Ont Ogenio foundations. Even is a provisory and artificiat system like
srom the stringent demand that the descriptions Of the species he satisfactOry. Iis minimal condition is that 1. the species he separabie On the basis of iis described characters, DOm the Other satisfactortly described species of the genus, and 2. the description be SO accurate as to OD able iis to distinguishthe new species Dom those eVentu alty to he discovered and described in tho
The main conditions os these objectives are caretally made drawings, Dee of mista kes and omissions. With the majority of the species, the minimal requirement is that they illustrate trulv the dorsal and ventral sides of the animal. In addition, there is a frequent need sor a laterat picture as weli ashighly magnified drawings os certa in delatis se. g. Sensillus, Pro dorsum, Single
Comme parmi les formes de la montagne dii Blikk et dia mont Sator j 'ai troiive des murques morphologiques, qui tes differenciaient de Palpestris amestris, j'ai decide d'etudier systematique ment to utes Ies formes de I especo