Historia Et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae, Part 3

발행: 1863년

분량: 572페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



oestre, I. 56.

Fromelade, mill in, L 77, I23, 223, 226, 334, 350 1 II. 126; III. 227, 230.

--ar os I. Iba, 153 ; m. 267, 268, 272, 273. - Simon de, luror, III. 260. -William dri mn os Emmer, H. 293.

Gallianemon, Walter, III. 66. Gamage, William, I. 149.



l - Roberi, I. 118, 124, 224, 228, 352 ;Π. I 28, I 64, I 65, 166, 168, 178, 174 Gersintone, Master Walter ne, reetor of desorde, II. 102. Gersione, land in, 1. 360. Gemone, lane in. I. 359. Getinges. Me Gutting. Geve, Roger, ΠΙ. 88. Gibari, Roberi, Π. 230.

334, 350, 351, 353; Π. II 8. 126, I 27,


monasteries of Cirincester Worcester,





69, 70; IIL 24. 25, 26, 27, 296, 297.-nuns os I. 7, 58, 64. - ossi ra os panng tithes, HL 23I, 232; stela contributions os money, III. 232, 233.

parti ament held in, Ι. 50, 52, 53, 54 - precentoro I. 30, 33, 37,5l; III. 23, 26.



- - Philip, m. 22, 23. Philip de Caer ent, In 23, 24, 25, 26.

- ballias os I. 164 ; II. 234 ; III. 252, 256, 269.-b quo os, L 320: m. 252, 253,256, 257. ---e os, I. 321, 322; II. 262, 263; ΙΙΙ. 240, 254. the two bri ea os land bet em, I. 318. - burgages in, I. 184, I 86, I 88. 193, 358; II. I 29, 195. - messes os L 153, Ib4, 155, I79, I 89; Π. 239, 246, 258, 273; III. 71, 74, 75, 240, 252, 253. --sue os L lxxvi, lxxvii.

-- constabis of the, Ι. lxxx.

St. Peting. III. 228.


Gloucester est conti

24 I.

- collector of the lam os I. 48. - eonflagrations at, L 12, 14, II, 22, 24, 26.

- constabie oc Ixxviii. Ne Miles, stemnat te, and Walter, the constable r - court of the lang at, I. 374 ; II. I 60, 253, 263; III. 20, 224, 23s; fuit os

the brives es, I. 245. hospital os St. Sepulctra ita, the infirm

29, 3I, 38, 7 , 98, 304, 374 ; H. 8, 263, 289 ; III. 20, 224. - lanos in, L 14, 49, 81, 82, 187, 189Is4, 3ls; IL 235 38, 242 46; m. 277, 278.

Glo ester cit cant.

- inops in, I. I 86, lso, Is I; - 225, 277, 278.


Π. 35.

and Bercta his .ise, L 246.

m. 233.

- Walter the inera os I. 6s, I76, 203, 223, 224, 235, 3i8, 347 ; H. 18, 22, 126,I27, 162, l76, 220, 301. Me Walter the Sheris . - Maater William os, HL 7.

lacter Roberi, II. 234. - his son. Me Glo ester, casus M, eo table of the. Glaucester and Heruore, eari os, Gilberi

de Clare, Π. 26, I 68, 263 ; III. 23s, 270, 274, 275, 276 ; disputo .issi Stirite, , I. 3I; donations in Sti Petess, Π. 19, 165, 222; tinea tho monasteryinis his protection, H. 25, 70 ; his iustor R. M Clara, α 26 ; Mardian os inl-beri de Monaechat, II. 174. --- Gilberi de Clare, grandson ofeari Guberi, Π. 23 ; III. 270. Glo emerinire, I. 87, 232, 234, 26s, 297 ;H. 9s, Io2, I47, 200; m. I 80, 243, 248, 249, 292, 299.


-- ese ator in. m. 246, 260, 262, 263. - forestera o me hinc Ι. 268 ; II. 148. - foresta in, I. 74, 224, 227, 35 I. - justi eis in vis and of assiae in, I.

- tributaries in, I. Ixxi, 3. Glover cor Glovare , Walter te, III. 277,

- Roger, Π. 200. - the reli et os, III. I 08.



Orave, Sthilla de is, II. 295.

misere, Elias te, m. II 8. Haddele, Reginald, 1. 372. - Roger, I. 369. Hadrop. See Hatherop. mihme, R I 56, 158.




Hamesine, si xin abbot clamerly subprior of St. Pete 's, I. ΙΙ, 19, 20, 21, 22, 59,62, 64, 66, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 88, 8s, s2, 97, l02,I04, 106, Ilo, II 4, II 6,ilr, I 55, 263, 180, 184, 203, 207, 232, 238, 239, 244, 2b6, 262, 263, 264, 268, 269, 331, 35s; Π. 7, 12, 34, 6 I, 52, 53, 54, 55, 70, 84, 86, 10 l, 102. I 41 note , I 48, Ibo, J58, 159, 260, I 64, 170, 188, 220, 267, 274. melisne, William de, chanoellor, I.

332. -John de, escheator, m. 260, 262, 263.
