Opera quaedam inedita

발행: 1859년

분량: 703페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


O the 26th of Januar 1857, themaster of the Bolis submittexto the reasur a proposui for the publicationo materiat so the Histor of this Country fro the Invasio of the Roman to the Reigni Henry VIII. Themaster of the Rolis suggested that these materials

shouldae selected for publication unde competent editors Without resereno to periodicat o Chronologica arrangement Without mutilation o abridgment, presereno belliggiven in the rs instance, to Such materiai as ere most Scarce and valvabie.

He proposed that each chroniciem historica documentio be edited shouldae realed in the fame Way asci theeditor ere erigaged on an ditio Princeps an for his purpos the mos correct textishould e forme from an accurate collationi the best ΜSS. To rende the or more generali uses ut themaster of the olis suggeste that the editor hould give an account of the SS. employed by him, of thei age and thei peculiarities that he hould adyto the wor a briefaccount of the lis and times of the author, and any


The works to e publislied in octavo, Separasely, Sthe were finished the whole responsibilit of the faskrestingipon the editors, ho ere to e chose by the Master of themolis illi the sanctioni the reasury. The Lord o Her Majesty' Treasuta, after a Caresulconsideration of the subjeci, expressest thei opinion in ad reasuryminute, date Februar 9, 1857 that the planrecommended by the aster of the olis Ma wellcalculate for the accomptishment of this important national object in an effectual and satisfactor manner, Within a reasonable time, and provided prope attention bepaid to economy, in mal in the etailed arrangemenis,

The expresse thei approbatio of the proposa thateach chronicie and historica document houldie edited

in Such a manne a to represent illi ali possibi correct-nes the texti each Writer derived rom a collationi thebes ΜSS., and that no notes hould e added, exceptsuch as ere illustrative of the various readings. TheySuggeSted hoWever, that the preface to ach Work should contain, in addition to the particular proposed by the Master of the Rolis, a biographical account of the author,s farras authenti materials Xisted for that purpose, anda e8timate of his historical credibilit and value.