장음표시 사용
CXLIVGattvngSnomenclatur reformirte, noue Genera unii violo neue Numen; illis is
planis accompanted by printed or autograph tichois bearing tho date of the salo or distribution vhich may bo substituted by a summary print lilio Wallioli's Numerical list os drised specimens of planis), then Hoch stet ter is to be talien up vitii the date of publication by tho distributed planis, and Richarii's Flora abyss. Mould not bo the first publication of sueti names; et r. g 42 of the internationat laWs of botanical nomenclaturo by Paris Congress 1862. It is quite the fame case as With Wallieli's list names, so very much in favour at ΚeW, frona Whicli 1000 or more Would drop down as Nomina nuda, is not legitima ted by tho distribution of the plantS. 2. Ii Hoeli stetier has distributod na med planis in another mannor than Sub 1 and is Richard l. c. had published ut fit si such namos, thon it is to be cited :
CXLIX very much, indeed, and their Superiority, of Whicli they are mostly so pr0ud, is
B. Castalia iudiea Salisb. Nymphaea odorata L. . That is an illegat
falsification, opposed in the quoted discussi in Asa Gray and De Candolle; it is strietly against g 48 of the international la s. 5. Castalia fudiere Salisb. is put in accordance to the rene ved KeWrule, and an abbreviati0n of Castalia iudica Salisb. Nymphaere odoruta L. , but not allowed by the intornationat botanteal la s. By this rule the srst
and can even more lead io Wanton changes of genera names and limits than
international congress of suoli bolanist8 as are authors of Systematical Wortis.
2. Putting tho species in an alliod gonu8 or in Such a genus,