Leabhar Breac, the Speckled Book ; otherwise styled Leabhar Mór Dúna Doighre, the Great Book of Dún Doighre : a collection of pieces in Irish and Latin, compiled from ancient sources about the close of the fourteenth century: now for the first tim

발행: 1872년

분량: 170페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


EU UOS P ClUE JLLlS Omia ergo quecumus Vultis ut laciant vobis homines, ita et vos lacite illis. On Charit'


every composition amely, Place, time, person, and cause. ' Commenoement



REblNE, the final ox appended preface of the Fellae. Ιt consisti os one hundredand sorty stangas. In these, Oengus expiatas the arrangement os his Work, directitho stat ut hoW to read and use it, and says that, though great the number offariis in it, he has oesy been able to enumerate the princes of them. He recommends it to tho pious studyof the stathmi, and potnis out the spiritual bonefustobo gained by reining or rectum it; ho says that he travellen sar and near to col- Iect the namos and tho histo of the subjecis os his presse and invocation; that for the fore n ininis he has consulted Ambrose, Jerome, and Eusebius; and that stom the countiem hosts of illuminatod books of Erin ' ho collected the festivessos the Irish sainis. He then says, that, haring Hready mentioned and invoked theminis at their respective sestival days, he Will noW invoks them in classes or bands, under certain heaci or leaders; and this ho does in tho solio Wing ordor: he Archangeis, under Μichael; the oldors or anciendi, indor Noah; the propheta, under Isaiah; the patriarchs, under Abraham; the apostlas and discipies, under Peter; the Wise learned men, under Paul; the martyrs, indor Stephen; the anchorites, under Ad Paul; the virgins of the Worid, under tho Blessed VirginΜary; the holy bis ps of Romo, under Ρster; the Minops of Jerusalem, under Jacob; the biinops of Antioch, also under old Ρeter; the bi inops of Alexandria,undor Μain; a division of them under Honorat; a division os learneu men, under the giftod Benedici; est the innocents Who inflared at Bethlehem, under Georgius ; tho priens, under Aaron ; the monis, under Anthony; a divisionos the saints of the Worid, under Martiu; the nobis suinis os Erin, under Patrich; tho inints of Alba ScottandJ, under Colum Cille ; and tho last great division of thosaintly virgins M Erin, under holy Brigit os Cilitara. Ηo theu beseechos thomer os the Saviour sor himself and ali mankind, throuo tho mortis and sufferings os the ininis Whom he has named and enumerared, throuo the meridios incla dismombered bodies piorced With lances, their Wound s, their Moans, their resilas, their blanched countenances, their bitter inara; throuo ali inosacrifices onered of the Sariour's body and Nood, as it is in Heaven Mon theholy altos; throuo the Nood that noWod stom the Savio 's sido; throuo


God, momover, made the uppermost kingly house sor an illustrious host os archangela, ten times as great us the Worid. ' On creation and splendour of heaven, majesty os God, angelis and archangella, di sobedience and sali os Lucisor, creation os Adam, account os Paradise, temptation and expulsion os Adam and Evo, their lila on euro, repentanee, and reconciliation avi in God. XLVII. Page DIIIJ, col. 2, line 35:-Nid NO Nulol ENlII The Ling said With pure Wistam. Seven quatrians on ine Lord's command to Adam and Eve to depari stom Ρaradissi; His promise and covenant With them and their seed, etc.
