Sacramentarium Leonianum

발행: 1896년

분량: 282페이지


분류: 미분류


The CONTENTs of the MS. are in many Ways unique. In the fidit place, not to mention the absence of the Canon Actionis, which was perhaps contained in the missing pages, the ΜS. is remarhable sor the large number of alternative Missae frequently found under one heading: e.g.

there Were originalty xliii or more such Missae in April, apparently for the common' of martyrs, though the hea ling of this section viii in is no tost, viii sor SS. Iolin and Paul, xxviii for SS. Ρeter and Paul, xlv seis offreces et orationes diurnae, xiiii sor S. La rence, xxiii in nat episcoporum, and so on. Investigation hoWever shows that this feature is more orless accidental, heing somelimes only due to incompleteness in theuse of headings or to want of method in arrangement: sor Missae, Which, as the collector must have known quite well, belong to a different occasion, are osten included under the fame heading as the soregoingor the following Missae. This is in some cases remedied to a certain extent by marginal or other notes in red Or blaCk ink e g. On pp. D, Is, 25, 3I, &C. 3. In other Cases no Such indication is oven : e.g. the Missae stom viiii onWaros in nat. episcopomum feem to be almost entirely Without connexion with their heading and to belong rather to the post-Ρentecostat season. With regard to the heading orationes et preces diurnae, I take this to indicate roughly the non-festat Or post-Pentecostat period

Thus the Kalendar, as it Would be malle out by a mere reseren e tothe headings, is not quite as complete as an examination of the Μissae themselves Would Warrant . In the second place a large number of the prayers and other so s, very osten whole Μissae, do not seem to occur in any other extant service books, though the so meWhat laborious examination to whichΙ have subjected the various paris reveais that a good many more prayers and prefaces are found elsewhere than previous editors have discovered or at ali evenis recorded. By the aid os such books asMuratori's Liturgia Romana vetas, and Μr Wilson's most usesul Indexto it, Gerberi's Monumenta v. Lis. Alem. and Pumelii Liturgica Latinorum

vol. i. , Ι have Compared this Sacramentary as thoroughly as I could With the Gelasian, the Gregorian, the Ambrosian, the Missale Graicum,



the Missale Francorum, the Missale Gallicanum τε us, the Sacramentarium Gaiascanum, and the Leostic Missat Μr Warren's edition): and I have also noted the seW cases in whicli our Englisti Book of Common Ρrayer Contains Common matter, and very frequently those Where the Roman Μissat of toχay does the fame. The adducing of these last two authorities may seem to Some superfluous, but to othersit may increase the interest os my labours. One result of this investigation is some hat curious, and may possibiy prove significant: besides the many whole Μissae Which are apparent ly peculiar to our ΜS., thereis an even larger number of Missae which contain only one collect orother form Whicli can be traced to other books. Ρerhaps is we had allthe service books at hand which the collector had', the number of such Μissae might be considerably reduced, but in the present state of our insormation the impression is distinctly produced that the singularity is not unintentional; it seems as is the collector had intended to amplisy his collection of Missae in that particular Way, viz. by taking one formalready recogniged and fitting on to it forms of his oWn composition, orderived stom private fources , in orcler to mahe a Complete Μissa. A third seature in the contents of our ΜS. is the confused Order itfrequently displays: e.g. the Missae for S. Stephen the Protomartyr are placed in August instead of December; this is apparently through amistahen identification of him With S. Stephen the Ρope, though many of the forms introduced show clearly enough a Connexion Mith the Chrisimas season; the December fast is placed aster the Chrisimas Ferat instead of before; a preface for S. Eufymia seems to be inserted in the middie of a Μissa sor SS. Cornelius and Cyprian, and SO On. And fourthly, Closely connected with this feature is the faci that Very Osten the Same prayer, somelimes even a Whole Μissa, is repealed th slight, is any, verbal changes : instances of this need not be givenhere; they are in each case mentioned in the notes. A fifth potnt in respect of the contenis is connected With What mayloosely be calleo the rubrios. The headings to the various SectionS are in reo and seem to be in most, is not ali cases, by the fame Or a Con-


rubrical notes, &C. Me somelimes inserteo, as is by an afterthought,either at the end of a line e.g. p. is in or belween the lines: further onin the ΜS. perhaps because the scribe be me more accustomed to his Workὶ they are inserted With greater regularity: very osten, hoWeVer, hom first to last they are in the margin. These minor notes are Some- times in red like the headings os sections; more frequently, hoWever, theyare in blach, and seem likewise mostly of a contemporary CharaCter. Besides these, there are a seM scribblings in the margin and a good many annotations in more or less recent hanos. One hind of rubrical note has bamed my po Mers of interpretation, vig. those consistingchieny of single letters: thus We have FE SP 3 times running at theend of a Missa, P SP P Ε once at the end of a Μissa, P FE SP once

cating the fources stom Which the collector Has dra ing, though the clueto them is not in Our possession yet, and it is doubilat is it ever Will be. Three other potnis in Connexion With the contenis remain for

13 The number of Roman ' allusions os various hinds is considerable and goes far toWaros fixing the provenance of the document at

Ιt is perhaps worth while to notice that in the Library copy os Anastasius at Verona the fame hand whicli has so osten annotated the ΜS. itfeis, tries to interpretthese letters thus: Praece . SF m preces super fratres sive preces Niritui flenda sic , FESP moria eucharistia super populum: here Bianchini suggesis preces feriales; P SP P reces sus. so'. facta eucharistia, PFE SP preces facta eucharistia sus. f., P S F E α post sumptionem facta eucisar., PPE SP mpost factam eucharistiam sus. f.,



Rome: e.g. phrases like hostes Romani nominis p. 273, Romani nominisse risus p. 63) Where Amb. 37 a Pam.) reads Xriani sor Romani, anduarum Romani nominis p. 75ὶ osten occur; so too We have reserenCesto Romani principes p. 77ὶ &c.; the traditional connexion ofSS. Ρeter and Ρaul with Rome is assumed on pp. 4o and 47; thecatacombs of Rome seem to be referred to as the burying places of SS. John and Paul on p. 34 and of S. Xystus on p. 9o; Severat Roman stations ' are given in the rubrics Visti, Praefotati &c.); severat Roman bishops and other celebrities are Commemoraled e.g. S. Xystus, S. LaWrenCe, S. Clement, S. Silvester and S. Simplicius), and other Roman localities besides the stations are probably alluded to e.g. on p. I 5, the dedication os S. Peter's basilica, and on p. Io6 of S. Michaers). a in Distinct references to early conditions of church lila are butscanty: the incompleteness of the Kalendar as evidenced by the commemorations in the ΜS. is probably due to the generat character of the compilation ruther than to any other Cause: the blessing on the water, honey, and milh used after baptism on p. 25, Which has been adduced by Muratori, is found also in Greg. 5o5 Μur.) of 9th cent. and in Leost. aet4 Wὶ of Ioth cent. and therefore is again uncertain. It is possibie, hoWever, that on p. 9 there is an allusion to an early condition of churchliis in the distinction dinwn hetWeen veri confessores falsique: See noteSin loco.

tations Or referenCes in a service book cannot as a rule throw muchlight upon the fources or the antiquity of the liturgical forms in whichthey occur. Their Witness is Weahened by the essentiat Character ofa prayer Or a preface: Verbal accuracy of quotation is not at ali characteristic of primitive or mediaevat prayers : the thought is seiged uponand used, and the language iseely adapted to the rhythm. So that evenin cases, Where the wording differs materialty stom the Vulgate, too much stress must not be laid upon the variation. Still there are a Certain number of Cases, where an earlier or at least a disserent versionos the Bible has been or may have been the basis of the quotation orreference. I proceed to give a list os them', marking the more important instances With : P. I. post SALUTA RIAin tua curramus. Ρerhaps here salutariam σωππια Vuln paci ca) of Exod. xx. a 4 &c. though on the other hand We may compare 9p. 79 and I 33 ad. ..Salutaria mandam



currenses and viam suam ... currentis, both of Which seem to come stom

P. I 5. ut in omnem ferram sonus eius exeat et ΤΟΤΟ ORBE satataria verba decurrant ii Vulg. in omnem terram exivis sonus eorum et in Mesorbis terrae verba eorum, Ps. xviii. Xix. 3 4. p. 5. auxiatum nobis de sco ... FAC ADESSE II Vulg. mittas tibi auxilium de sancto, Ps. xix. XX.) a. p. 62. cuius viae misericordia ess semper et veritas it Vulg. universae viae misericordia es veritas, ΡS. xxiv. m xxv.) Io: On p. Ia8 both universae and semper are found. p. 6o. COMPRIME os iniqua loquentium it Vulg. obstructum est os

loquentium iniqua, Ps. lxii. lxiii. in II. p. Ioa. ne dicans GENTES ubi es Deus eorum it Vulg. ne forte dicans in gentibus ubi &C., Ps. lxxviii. m lxxix. Io; here genus sor ingentibus is an O. L. reading, inund in NS' RT, Psall. Rom. , Corb. Μog.

Sanger. p. I 54. FABRICAVIT sibi Sapientia domum septem columnis INSTRUCTAMis Vulg. sapientia aedi cavis sibi domum, excidit columnas serum, Prov. ix. I: Auct. de Promiss. has fabricavis late African). P. I 6o. ecce virgo IN UTERO ACCEPIT er PEPERIT Alium et voCAMUS nomen eius Emmanuel li Vulg. ecce virgo concipiet sin utero flabebit S. Μati.)J et parieti et vocabitur n. e. E. , IS. vii. I 4 S. Μati. i. 23). Herethe tenses are unuSual, though perhaps due to contexi, but accipere in utero is attested by Amb., Cypr. , Leo, Fulgent. &C. p. I 6o. ecce PUER natus eu nobis PARVULUS datus est nobis et factas est principatus CUIUS POTESTAS super humerOS eius et vocabitur admirabilis consiliarius o finis pater futuri saeculi princeps saris. multiplicabitur eius imperium er pacis non erit Mis super solium David et super regnum eius ut con me HIud et corroboret a modo et usque in se uernumis Vulg. famulus enim natus est nobis et Alius datus est nobis et factus est principatus super humerum eius Θρ , et super regnum eius sedebit ut &C., corroboret in iudicio et iustitia I s. ix. 6, 7. Here puer for parvulus, but ius in the second clause is the o. L. reading: in Leo, Serm. lix. 4 and Cypr. Test. ii. a I We have cuius imperium super humeros eius, and Dj0jtjgsd by IOO le



in Leo, Ep. xxviii. a cuius potestas suser humerum eius. On the other hand admirabilis. . cis is distinctively Vulgate. P. I 6o. ET nobiscum Deus est ii Vulg. quod est interpretatum nobiscum Deus, S. Μati. i. 23. p. 69. si lumen quod in se est tenebrae sunt IPSAE Ienebrae quaniae SUNT, S. Mati. vi. 23. Here the best texi os Vulg. omiis ipsae and readserunt sor the second sunt. p. 55. mi sens in mediUM nos lusorum manere vis simplices similitudine columbarum es ASTUTOS fleri more serpentum it Vulg. misso vos sicut oves in medio luporum. resole rem prudenses sicis serpentes et si lices sicu columbae, S. Mati. x. I 6 CL S. Luke x. 33. Here Aug. has astus sive times and Amb. osten: but ali biblicai MSS. and Cypr. Tes . iii. 87read prudenses.

P. 3O. INTER ΗΟΜINUM FILIOS nemo fraelatus it Vu . non surrexit infer natos mulierum maior, S. Μati. xi. II: but in the Presaces of Missae II. and v. infer nas. mia. is laurid. p. I 52. abnemans Semri ipsum . . ADSUMPSIT ut D. . . Sequere uris Vulg. abneges semer ipsum et Dizat crucem suam et sequatur me, S. Mati.

xvi. 24.

p. 68. D oris sunt and REFERTI sunt ii Vulg. aforis and plena, S. Mati. XXiii. 27. p. 57. Xrm in CUBILI requirenus it Vulg. ecce in pene ratibus, S. Μati. xxiv. 26. in cubiculis occurs in c.)P. I 6 I. ERIGENS nobis cornu salutas in domo David fueri tui ad dandam scientiam salutis POPULO TUO in remissionem peccasorum eorum fer viscera misericordiae TUAE in quibus vitisavit nos Oriens ex auolt Vulg. et erexit cornu salutis nobis Oc., soli eius Dei nosset O ,

S. Luke i. 69, 77, 78. p. 3I. Melium ΜENTES dirige in viam SALUTIS et facis it Vulg. ad dissondos sedes nostros illam pacis, S. Luhe i. 79.

P. 16 I. in LUCEM gentium reUHasu ii Vulg. Iumen ad revelationem gentium, S. Luke ii. 32. p. I 6. si vis POTENS ES mundare ii Vulg. soles, S. Luhe v. I a. P. 35. non TIMENTES O si ii Vulg. ne terreamini ab ct c., S. Luhexii. 4, 5 p. x66. in principio eras verbum et Deus erat verbu- Qui Z quia)hoe erat in frincipio apud Deum, S. John i. I, 2. N. B. es verbum erat

Deus erat verbum ΕΤ hoc θω.


P. I 4o. DE TUO SPU GENITIS li Vulg. ex Deo nati, S. John i. 13. P. I 6o. Quia verbum caro factum hari amis in nobis si Vulg. et verbum caro fac um est et ore., S. John i. I 4. P. 35. nisi granum TRITICI cadens in serram morsuum fuerit ipsum solum manet, si autem morsuum fuerit mustum fructum ADFERET is Vulg.

P. 2I. GLORIA quam TECUΜ semper habuis Is Vulg. clarisau and apud

se, S. Jolin xvii. 5. N. B. gloria is found in ad γ).

P. I 4o. ex omni natione quae est sub caelo a Vulg. Acts ii. 5, Where est Comes last. P. I 42. in quo vivimus movemur et sumus it Vulg. Acts xvii. 28, where es is added besore mov. p. 56. frovidenses bona non SOLUM coram Deo sed etiam coram hominibus it Vulg. s. h. n. tantum coram omnisbus hominibus, Rom. Xii. II: here dis and Lucis de sco. Athan. II. 6 read as Our ΜS. p. 56. fer dulces sermones SUOS seducenses corda FALLACIA it Vulg. per dulces sermones re benedictiones seducunt corda innocentum, Rom. Xvi. I 8. er benedictiones is omitted by D , G, and their Latin versions. P. 69. PRO QUIBUS Xrs era mortuus it Vulg. prosur quem Xrs morsuus est. I Cor. viii. II. fra quo cir c. is in AmbSt. Dc. p. 167. non inciantur fueri sensibus sed malitia INNOXII REPPERIANTUR ET famuli, I Cor. xiv. ao: here Vulg. Om. innoxii re . es. p. 69. haec eos in occul O GERERE quae ETIAM Iurre sit dicere is Vulg. quae enim in occucto sunt ab ipsis Iurre est re dicere, Eph. V. I 2. P. 25. contra spiri alm nequie li Vulg. contra spiritualia nequitiae,

Eph. vi. I 2. Cypr. Test. iii. II 7 reads ad sor adversus) spiritalis or ULri alia) nequitiae and s. lviii. 8 adversus Viritus nequitiae; addi spiri- ales nequitias is found in Hii. and Amb.

p. 69. SEPARATE vos ab omni fratre INORDINATE AMBULANTE li Vulg. M subtrahatis vos ab omni fratre ambulanu inordinale, a Thess. iii. 6: here Cypr. tWice has recedatis and once discedatis. vi has inquieu ambulanu with Lucis de non conv. ix. and Aug. de os. Mon. and m 587 exc. sen, WhiCh vg). p. 68. NESCIENTES quae loquAntur neque de quibus adsi Ent si Vulg. non intelle mus neque quae loquuntur n. d. f. a mant, I Tim. i. 7. p. I 3o. episcopatum qui desiderat bonum opus CONCUPISCIΤ li Vulg. si quis ep. des. bon. V. desiderat, I Tim. iii. I. Aug. s. I73 has me fame reading as our MS.; d, m have cupi ...desiderat.



p. 5 a. in FOVEAM et diaboli laqueos incidere si Vulg. incidunI in un

p. 69. a quo donum omne serfectum ossimumque descendit si Vulg. omne datum ostimum et omne donum perfectum desursum est descendens a Θ c., S. Iames i. I7. p. 58. superbis resistis ET gratiam PRAESTAS humilibus si Vulg.

P. I 44. genuS electum remis sacerdotium fossulus acquisitionis et gens sca, I S. Ρet. ii. 9: here Vulg. has gens sca bes sos. acquis. ς but acquisitionis is an essentialty Hieronymian rendering for εις περισοψον in this p Sage. The generat idea of the Contents of the MS. Which we have nowattempted to gain Will help us in some meas ure to Settie ΤΗΕ PURPOSE OF THE A HOR. But besore cloing so, We must be Clear as to the relation of the date os the ΜS. to the date of the author or, as Ι preserto cali him, the collector. The date of the ΜS. is, as We have Seen, notearlier than the sevenili century: theresore is the author be, as has been

' 496in or contemporary With any of these, Our ΜS. must be a CDP , notan original document'. But there is nothing in the ΜS. to warrant this. The incompleteness and the confused order to which we have alluded, would not lead one to thinh the work of sussicient importance to have required copying. And surther a great many of the expressions used e.g. in the section xviii orationes es fraces diurnae: see notes in loc. in Could neverhave sound a permanent place in a sacramentary compiled by or With thesanction os a Pope sor public use. There seems theresore litile doubi thatour ΜS. is an original document sui generis, and is so, the Collection asit stanes belongs to the sevenili century, though of Course a large quantityos the matter introduced is of an earlier date . It Will at once be seeny In any case the presence os a prayer sor S. Simplicius s=4833 on P. I 8, unless, ashas Men suggested, Simplici is the copyist's error sor Silvestri, brings the book down atteast into the fixth cent. A mari' Gregory occurs on p. 15 and Gregory Simply in conjunction with S. Chrysogonus on p. i56, but it is by no means clear which Gregoryis there alluded to: see notes in loc.

Probsi die Liturgis aera viarim IahMunderes, pp. 4 5 and soli. attributes theoldest Μissae in this collection to the time os the schism os Ursicinus for Ursinus against Damasus 3663.



that this means that the book qua book is later than the time os Gregory I. ' 6o ), the reputed author of the Gregorian ' sacramentaries: and I do not think there is anything in the ΜS. to militate against this vlew; in iaci there are certain indications inich potnt to-Wards it, e.g. the forms os hanc igitur and os communicantes imply that the missing Canon Actionis into which they were meant to fit Was in theshape of What is generalty known Gelasian or Gregorian : againone hanc sti ur p. ia 33 contains a peculiar form of the phrase diesque nostros &c., Whicli probably presumes the existence of the words said toliave been added by Gregory I. to the Canon': and again os the comparatively kw sainis commemoraled severat are distinctively Gregorian, as Duchesne Orig. Chre ., p. ia 6ὶ has potnted out, vi g. the Seven

hand though the Roman stations are somelimes very preCisely marhed

for the use os a Pope or in saCt having any officiat, semi-ossiciat Or evenprivate Connexion With a Pope is on ali haniis extrem ely smali and in noway justified by the contents of the ΜS. This lihelthood becomes evensmaller, is, as Ι maintain, he Nould have to be a post-Gregorian Pope. The final solution of the problem must remain sub iudice, untii the dis- covery of the fit si pages of the MS., Should it ever be made, seis ourdoubis at rest, as it probably Would, especialty is the Canon Actionis were included therein. But mean While the suggestion that has been made Seems an extremely probabie One, that we have here a sori os note-book or collection os liturgical forms partly no doubi original and partly dra n stom earlier sources, but, it must surther be added, of anentirely private nature. This Collection may have been intended by the collector either sor his oWn use or sor the edification of some other Personage at Rome, Otherinise unknown, but in any Case he is one, in Whom a certain amount of unskillainess is combined with a considerable

In one instance pp. et , 5ὶ the natural order os the hanc igiIur and the communicantes is invertes, but this is probably due to the transcriber's caretessness, and to nothingelse cf. p. et et . It may also be noted that a very large portion os the prefaces endsimply with ser, as weli as the collecis and other prayers: but no stress can be laidon this because other sacramentaries occasionalty exhibit the Same simple ending, andour ΜS. occasionalty exhibiis the more regular et ideo cum avelis aec. The collectionseems originalty to have bemn in Ianuary, while the Gelasian and Gregorian texisbegin with Chrisimas eve.

It seems not improbable that these rubrics are talien Dom a much earlier Source: See notes in loc.



amount of meritorious love os labour, research, and original compositionor Compilation

Since Bianchini printed the ΜS. With notes for the first time in I 735, it has been printed again by Μuratori in his Litur a Romana vetus 1 48 Venice) and by the Ballerint with notes in their edition of Leo Μagnus 1753-7ὶ, Which lalter edition Migne has reproduced With sewermisprinis than usual in Vol. o. of his Pareologia Latina. Assemani reprinted Μuratori's text with a preface in Tom. vi. of his Codex

sar the most accurate and valvable; in faci except for the comparative rari ty and positive buthiness of the book there would be litile need toreprint the texi now. I doubt whether Μuratori or the Balterini consulted the original ΜS. thoroughly is at all, and consequently their textis mostly Bianchini's with the introduction of his emendations or theirown throughoui: Muratori is a Worse offender than the Ballerint in the matter of arbitrary alterations. The present texi is the result osa Collation of my oWn carried out in the Course of two autumnal visitsto Verona in I 894 and I 895. Ι Cannot hope to have made no Stips, but I have tried to reduce them to a minimum : the probability is that is ever my Witness should disagree Willi Blanchinys Without express mentionos the fact by me, his texi may be taken to Correct mine. I am much indebled to the courtesy and Consideration shown me by my stiendD. Antonio Spagnolo, the Vice-Librarian of the Chapter, Who is alWays ready to display the rich treasures in his charge to the casual visitor andio give every assistance in his power to the serious student.


Μuratori's Limrma Romana vetus. Uenice, I 748. Two Vols. in One: Containing, hesides the Leonian Sacram., a Gelasian and Gregorian texi, Μissate Gothicum, Missale Francorum, MisS. Gallicanum vetus and Sacramentarium Gallicanum. Μuratori'S paging of the Leonian Sacramentary is given in the inner margin of my text. Index to Roman Sacramensaries by Wilson. Camb., I 892. λ Gerhert's conclusion is similar: privati alicuius hominis foetus qui praefationes

a Romanis sontiscibus ac a Leone aemerso te ore scriptae collexis et retulis, Mon. vet. Lit. Alem. Pars I. Presace, and so also is Assemani's Cod. Lit. VI. Praes. p. ix.