Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis

발행: 1788년

분량: 257페이지


분류: 미분류


read at the Board, the hvmblememorial of Sir George Ba er, Baronet, Physician to their Majesties, and President of the College or Commonalty of the Fa


that the Did President and College have, With great care, pains, and industry, revised, corrected, and reformed a book by them formerly published, intituled Pharmacopoeta Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londi nensis, prescribing and directing the man-ner of preparing ali foris of medicinestherein contained, together With the true Weighis and me alares by whicli theyought to be made: which book is nowpersected and ready to be publis hed, and, at is conceived, will contribute to the pub

preventing ali decetis, differences, and Uncertainties in maing or compoUnding of medicines, is, sor the future, the mannerand serm prescribed therein sinould bepraetissed by Apothecaries and others in their compositions of medicines: The Me morialist theresore most humbly Prays,


to ensor e the observance thereos in suchmanner as to His Majesty shali stemmeet: is Majesty this day took theseid memorial into His Royal Consideration, and being desirous to provide in ali cases sor the common good of his People, and being persuaded that theestablishing the generat use of the seidbook may tend to the prevention os sicli decetis in the mahing and compound ingmedicines, wherein the lives and health of His Maje 's Subsedis are so highly con- cerned, hath theresere thought sit, by and with the ad vice of His Privy Councit, hereby to noti* to ali Apothecaries and

Others concerned, to the intent they maynot pretend ignorance thereos that theseid book, called Pharmacoparia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis, is persected and ready to be publis hed: and His Majesty doth theresere strictly require, a 4 Charge,



charge and command ali and sit gularApothecaries and Others, Whose businessit is to compotand medicines, or distil

within any part of His Μ esty's kingdomos Great Britala called Englanc dominionos Wales, or town of Ber in tapon T recthat they, and every of them, immediatelyaster tiae seid Pharmacoparia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis stiali be printed and

publis hed, do not compound or malae anymedicine or medicinal receipi or prescrip tion, or distit any oil or Walers, or malleother extracts that are or shali be in theseid Pharmacoparia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis mentioned or named, in any Other manner or form than is or shallbe directed, prescribed, and set down in the sat book, and according to the weighis and meai res that are or smali be therein

limited, except it shali be by the specialdi rection






Collegii Regalis Medicorum

Regis et Reginae Medicus,

Ambrosius Da son.

Russet Plumptre, Medicinae Regius Proses

Cantabrigiae. Gulielmus Heberden. Gulielmus Mussiet. Gulielmus Pitcairn, Electus. Joannes Monro, Electus. Thomas Wharton. Antonius Addingtonia RicardUs


Ricardus Brochlemy, Electus. Joannes Cierke. Noah Thomas, Eques Auratus, Medicus RegiAS. Gulielmus Cadogala, Electus. Thomas Gis orne, Electus: Medicus ad Regis et ad Reginae Familiam. Thomas Healde. Ricardus Warren, Electus: Regis et Prin-eipis I alliae Medicus. Robertus Glynia Clobery. Cliston Wintringliam, Baronellus, Mediacus Regius. Robertus Thomsinson, Electus, et Thesau-

Joannes Turion, Medicus Regis Extraordinarius, et Medicus Reginae. Donaldus Monro. Henricus Reveli Reynolds, Censor. Lucas Pepys, Baronetius, Medicus Regius

ExtraordinariuS. Joannes BUrgeS.

Joannes Rawlinsen. Ricardus Budd. Franciscus


Franciscus Milman, Medicus Extraordinarius ad Regis Familiam. Isaac Pennington. Carolus Eisden Bagge. Jacobus Hemen Censor, et Regra rarius.

DevereUX Mytton. Joannes Matthe S.

David Ρitcairn, Principis Walliae Mediosis


Franciscus Riollay. Robertus KnOX. Jacobus Roberison, Censor. Martinus Wall. Joannes Littieliales. Georgius Fordyce, Censor. Guliesmus Austin. Paul Jodreli, 'Ees Auratra. Joannes Asia.


Carolus Morton. Joannes Baptista Silvester, Eques Auratus. Georgius Lamcnt.


Jacobus Dargent. Edvardus Archer.

Christopherus Κelly. Thomas Milner. Michael Morris. Hugo Smitia. Jacobus Ford, Reginae Medicus Extraordi


Maxweli Garthmore. Ioannes Morgan. Samuel Chapman. David Orme. Thomas Manniniam. Joannes Hili. Hugo Alexander Κennedy, Principis Walliis Medicus Extraordinarius. Joannes Ford.

Josephus Allen.

Jacobus Walher. Franciscus de Valangin. Gulielmus VaUghan. Joannes Leake. Rowland Jackson.

Alexander HV. Gulielmus