장음표시 사용
tio quod ad tempus attinet, quo felicius institui queat, et
Si tamen verba DOm. ΡΕARSON et BRYCE sic intelligenda sunt, ut virus ex alio fonte sit petendum vel ex eodem fonte per plures dies jam Spissescens, his utrisque aequeue Vesiculae maturius justo punctae objicerem, nam Si virus ex alio fonte petendum e St, plureS aegrOS in promptu habere necesse est, quod si omnino fieri potuit, plurimum incommodi Secum asserat, praesertim apud eos qui medicinam privatim exercent; ad alios necnon morbos
APPENDIX. progandos haud leviter Conduceret, vel saltem de hac re parentes perterreret. Viro jam Concreto ex eodem fonte Cum prima inoculatione petito aeque objici potest, hoc enim effectu debito saepe caruisset, et itaque nullum teόtimonium praeberet.
30.) Doctor JENNER duo protulit e Xempla notatu digna
in quibus scarlatina duas adolescentulaS Octavo pOSt vaC-cinam insertam die adorta est; quantum motus febriles diversi sibi mutuo obstent, clare demonstrant. In uno horum eruptio nono die apparuit, et morbus Solito more C Sum absolvit, se There Was no apparent deviation in the ordinary progress of the pustide to a state os ma- turi ty, from What We See in general; yet there Was am total suspension of the areola or florid discolorationaround it, untii the scarlatina had retirod from the con-- stitution. As Soon as the patient Was Deed froni this diseage, this appearance advan Ced in the usual way The casu of Miss II. R-, is not less tute resting than that of her sister ab ove related. She was e XpoSed - to the contagion Of the scarlatina at the fame time, and M sichene d almost at the Same liour. The SymptOmS COI1M tinued severe ab Out i elve hours, when the scarlatine
the dis ease, With iis common symptoms HaeC eX- empla attentione adhuc digniora extitissent, modo vaccina secundo adhibita fuerit. Si, pro febre definitum curriculum tenente, alia, incerto tempore manens, ex dentione vel irritatione quavis Concitata fuerit, in hoc rerum Statu, quem assectum Vaccina in corpus ederet, i terrogare velim p
34. 3 Haec ex literis a Domino CHRIsΤIAM apud Liaue ool ad Doctorem ΜοNRo missis excerpta, in quibus
ad quaestionem nonam, respondetur, mentionem faciunt de familia ad quam servandum contra variolam videtur nullam extitisse prophylax in. It has occurren to me to have kno Kn of t O fatal Cases of Small-pOX Suc-
ceeding vaccination ; but I did not see either casu in the progress of the lalter disease ; but, from the info mation I Was enabled to Colleci, the diseaso was of the confluent Lind. One case Was vaccinated by myself, and the other by a colleague in one of the public ch
63.) CHRISTOPHER PEGGE, Eques, nos docet morbum apud equos existere, qui ab illo grease dicto plurimum dissidet, cum quo tamen confundi solet; veterinarii illum soratchy heel appellant, et ille insuper addit, auctoritate
Domini LUPΤΟΝ, chirurgi, apud Thame fretus, materiam ex equo derivatam quibuSilam immiSSam, morbum ex omni parte vaccinam referentem in illis progenuisse, et hoc virus ad morbum in vacca gignendum valuisse et inde ad alios translatum.' De hac re Dominus RINGmulta documenta utilia protulit.: Doctor LOY, materia grease dicta recte eX calcibus equi parata, vel vaccae vel corpori humano vaccinam insitione immittere se iterum iterumque frustra conatum esse affirmat. At tength,
A quantity of the limpid matter, obtained hom tho
APPENDIX. formed on the ninth day, When the Child was inoculat- with the small-pox virus in three disserent places, and in such a manner that there could not bs the least do ubi of communicating the infection, Was the Consti- tution capabis os receiving it. The child, hoWever, continued free froni any topical or generat SymptomS
flammation noW decreased, and on the ninth day the
les, which Were now beginning to dry, but stili con- tained a considerable quantity of limpid matter. on the tentii day they were ali in oculated for the small- pox in the arms Dee from the s Ormer inoculation. Νο- thing appeared froni the insertion Of the variolous mat- ter excepi a very Smali degree of inflammation, which vanished on the fifth day.V Hunc morbum, ut semet in equo exhibet sic describit, Doctor LoY. The horses that communicated the insection to their dressers were assected with a generat as Weli as a topical digease. The animais, at the commencement of their disease, were evidently in a severisii state, front whicli they were relieved as soon as the Complaint appeared at their heeis, and an eruption upon the shin. The horse, too, Dom wliom the infectious matter Was procured for inoculation, had a considerable indisposition previous to the digease at his heels, which Was attended, as in the Others, With an eruption over the greatest part of
APPENDIX. oase at ad, had a locat affection Only. V Haec experimenta rem valde firmant; nec satis mirari possumus ingenium quo Doctor JENNER experimenta instituebat sua,